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Skipping 201 KB.. Full Log
[  7%] Built target benchmark_main
[  7%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/HIP/Kokkos_HIP_SharedAllocationRecord.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/HIP/Kokkos_HIP_Space.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/__/__/tpls/desul/src/Lock_Array_HIP.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M
[100%] Built target Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M
+ ctest --verbose
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 1
      Start  1: Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial1

1: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/core/unit_test/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial1
1: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
1: Kokkos::OpenMP::initialize WARNING: You are likely oversubscribing your CPU cores.
1:                                     Detected: 4 cores per node.
1:                                     Detected: 1 MPI_ranks per node.
1:                                     Requested: 8 threads per process.
1: [==========] Running 224 tests from 2 test suites.
1: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
1: [----------] 7 tests from serial_DeathTest
1: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.abort_from_host
1: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.abort_from_host (181 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.abort_from_device
1: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.abort_from_device (175 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.checked_integer_operations_multiply_overflow_abort
1: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.checked_integer_operations_multiply_overflow_abort (181 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.policy_bounds_unsafe_narrowing_conversions
1: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.policy_bounds_unsafe_narrowing_conversions (180 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.policy_invalid_bounds
1: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.policy_invalid_bounds (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.range_policy_invalid_bounds
1: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.range_policy_invalid_bounds (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.range_policy_implicitly_converted_bounds
1: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.range_policy_implicitly_converted_bounds (0 ms)
1: [----------] 7 tests from serial_DeathTest (719 ms total)
1: [----------] 217 tests from serial
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_capacity
1: [       OK ] serial.array_capacity (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_element_access
1: [       OK ] serial.array_element_access (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_zero_capacity
1: [       OK ] serial.array_zero_capacity (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_zero_data_nullptr
1: [       OK ] serial.array_zero_data_nullptr (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_contiguous_capacity
1: [       OK ] serial.array_contiguous_capacity (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_contiguous_element_access
1: [       OK ] serial.array_contiguous_element_access (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_contiguous_assignment
1: [       OK ] serial.array_contiguous_assignment (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_strided_capacity
1: [       OK ] serial.array_strided_capacity (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_strided_element_access
1: [       OK ] serial.array_strided_element_access (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.array_strided_assignment
1: [       OK ] serial.array_strided_assignment (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_complexdouble
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_complexdouble (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_complexfloat
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_complexfloat (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_double
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_double (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_float
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_float (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_int
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_int (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_long
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_long (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_longlong
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_longlong (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_shared
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_shared (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_unsigned
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_unsigned (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_operations_unsignedlong
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_operations_unsignedlong (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomics
1: [       OK ] serial.atomics (8 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomics_tpetra_max_abs
1: [       OK ] serial.atomics_tpetra_max_abs (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_views_integral
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_views_integral (85 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_views_nonintegral
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_views_nonintegral (46 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.atomic_view_api
1: [       OK ] serial.atomic_view_api (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_countl_zero
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_countl_zero (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_countl_one
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_countl_one (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_countr_zero
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_countr_zero (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_countr_one
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_countr_one (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_popcount
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_popcount (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_has_single_bit
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_has_single_bit (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_bit_floor
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_bit_floor (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_bit_ceil
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_bit_ceil (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_bit_width
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_bit_width (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_rotl
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_rotl (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_rotr
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_rotr (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_byeswap
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_byeswap (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.bit_manip_bit_cast
1: [       OK ] serial.bit_manip_bit_cast (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.test_block_deduction_bug_pr_3103
1: [       OK ] serial.test_block_deduction_bug_pr_3103 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.checked_integer_operations_multiply_overflow
1: [       OK ] serial.checked_integer_operations_multiply_overflow (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.execution_policy_occupancy_and_hint
1: [       OK ] serial.execution_policy_occupancy_and_hint (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.complex_construction
1: [       OK ] serial.complex_construction (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.complex_basic_math
1: [       OK ] serial.complex_basic_math (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.complex_special_funtions
1: [       OK ] serial.complex_special_funtions (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.complex_io
1: [       OK ] serial.complex_io (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.complex_trivially_copyable
1: [       OK ] serial.complex_trivially_copyable (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.complex_issue_3865
1: [       OK ] serial.complex_issue_3865 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.complex_operations_arithmetic_types_overloads
1: [       OK ] serial.complex_operations_arithmetic_types_overloads (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.crs_count_fill
1: [       OK ] serial.crs_count_fill (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.crs_copy_constructor
1: [       OK ] serial.crs_copy_constructor (1 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.deep_copy_alignment
1: [       OK ] serial.deep_copy_alignment (6 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.deep_copy_conversion
1: [       OK ] serial.deep_copy_conversion (25 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.partitioning_by_args
1: [       OK ] serial.partitioning_by_args (12 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.partitioning_by_vector
1: [       OK ] serial.partitioning_by_vector (19 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.execution_space_as_class_data_member
1: [       OK ] serial.execution_space_as_class_data_member (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.functor_analysis
1: [       OK ] serial.functor_analysis (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.host_shared_ptr_use_count
1: [       OK ] serial.host_shared_ptr_use_count (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.host_shared_ptr_get
1: [       OK ] serial.host_shared_ptr_get (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.host_shared_ptr_dereference_on_device
1: [       OK ] serial.host_shared_ptr_dereference_on_device (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.host_shared_ptr_special_members_on_device
1: [       OK ] serial.host_shared_ptr_special_members_on_device (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.host_shared_ptr_tracking
1: [       OK ] serial.host_shared_ptr_tracking (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.init
1: [       OK ] serial.init (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.dispatch
1: [       OK ] serial.dispatch (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.join_backward_compatibility
1: [       OK ] serial.join_backward_compatibility (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.local_deepcopy_teampolicy_layoutleft
[  7%] Linking CXX static library libkokkoscore.a
[  7%] Built target kokkoscore
Scanning dependencies of target kokkoscontainers
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_DeviceAndThreads
[  7%] Building CXX object containers/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscontainers.dir/impl/Kokkos_UnorderedMap_impl.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_DeviceAndThreads.dir/UnitTest_DeviceAndThreads.cpp.o
-- SIMD: AVX2 detected
-- Setting Kokkos_ARCH_VEGA908=ON
-- Built-in Execution Spaces:
--     Device Parallel: Kokkos::HIP
--     Host Parallel: NoTypeDefined
--       Host Serial: SERIAL
-- Architectures:
--  VEGA908
-- Found TPLLIBDL: /usr/include  
-- Using internal desul_atomics copy
1: [       OK ] serial.local_deepcopy_teampolicy_layoutleft (2920 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.local_deepcopy_rangepolicy_layoutleft
1: [       OK ] serial.local_deepcopy_rangepolicy_layoutleft (2237 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.local_deepcopy_teampolicy_layoutright
[  7%] Linking CXX static library libkokkoscontainers.a
[  7%] Linking CXX static library libkokkos_gtest.a
[  7%] Built target kokkoscontainers
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Random_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ScatterView_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DynamicView_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Bitset_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DynRankView_hpp
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Random_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ScatterView_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DynamicView_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Bitset_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DynRankView_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[  7%] Built target kokkos_gtest
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ErrorReporter_hpp
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ErrorReporter_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestCompileMain.cpp.o
[  9%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_DeviceAndThreads
1: [       OK ] serial.local_deepcopy_teampolicy_layoutright (1361 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.local_deepcopy_rangepolicy_layoutright
[  9%] Built target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_DeviceAndThreads
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_WorkGraphPolicy_hpp
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_WorkGraphPolicy_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestArray.cpp.o
-- Check if compiler accepts -pthread
1: [       OK ] serial.local_deepcopy_rangepolicy_layoutright (1358 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.deep_copy_scratch
1: [       OK ] serial.deep_copy_scratch (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_e
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_e (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_log2e
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_log2e (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_log10e
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_log10e (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_pi
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_pi (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_inv_pi
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_inv_pi (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_inv_sqrtpi
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_inv_sqrtpi (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_ln2
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_ln2 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_ln10
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_ln10 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_sqrt2
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_sqrt2 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_sqrt3
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_sqrt3 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_inv_sqrt3
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_inv_sqrt3 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_egamma
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_egamma (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_constants_phi
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_constants_phi (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_trigonometric_functions
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_trigonometric_functions (4 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_hyperbolic_functions
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_hyperbolic_functions (3 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_non_standard
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_non_standard (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_power_functions
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_power_functions (1 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_fma
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_fma (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_error_and_gamma_functions
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_error_and_gamma_functions (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_nearest_interger_floating_point_operations
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_nearest_interger_floating_point_operations (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_floating_point_manipulation_functions
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_floating_point_manipulation_functions (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_absolute_value
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_absolute_value (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_floating_point_absolute_value
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_floating_point_absolute_value (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_remainder_function
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_remainder_function (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_isfinite
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_isfinite (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_isinf
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_isinf (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_isnan
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_isnan (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathematical_functions_exponential_functions
1: [       OK ] serial.mathematical_functions_exponential_functions (3 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathspecialfunc_expint1
1: [       OK ] serial.mathspecialfunc_expint1 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathspecialfunc_errorfunc
1: [       OK ] serial.mathspecialfunc_errorfunc (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesselj0y0
1: [       OK ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesselj0y0 (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesselj1y1
1: [       OK ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesselj1y1 (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesseli0k0
1: [       OK ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesseli0k0 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesseli1k1
1: [       OK ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesseli1k1 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesselh1stkind
1: [       OK ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesselh1stkind (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesselh2ndkind
1: [       OK ] serial.mathspecialfunc_cbesselh2ndkind (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_5d
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_5d (65 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_6d
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_6d (210 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_2d
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_2d (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_array_reduce
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_array_reduce (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_3d
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_3d (12 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_neg_idx
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_neg_idx (104 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_4d
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_4d (15 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_scalar
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_scalar (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_large_deep_copy
-- Check if compiler accepts -pthread - yes
-- Found Python3: /usr/bin/python3.8 (found version "3.8.10") found components: Interpreter 
-- No installed google benchmark found, fetching from GitHub
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_large_deep_copy (1069 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.md_range_policy_construction_from_arrays
1: [       OK ] serial.md_range_policy_construction_from_arrays (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_parallel_reduce_primitive_types
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestCreateMirror.cpp.o
[  9%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_WorkGraphPolicy_hpp
[  9%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_WorkGraphPolicy_hpp
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestDetectionIdiom.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Failed to find LLVM FileCheck
-- [benchmark] Could NOT find Git (missing: GIT_EXECUTABLE) 
-- [benchmark] Version: 1.6.2
-- [benchmark] Looking for shm_open in rt
[  9%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DynamicView_hpp
[  9%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ScatterView_hpp
[  9%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Random_hpp
[  9%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DynRankView_hpp
[  9%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Bitset_hpp
[  9%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ErrorReporter_hpp
[  9%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DynamicView_hpp
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestBitManipulation.cpp.o
[  9%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ScatterView_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_UniqueToken_hpp
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_UniqueToken_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[  9%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Random_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Timer_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Timer_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DynRankView_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_TaskScheduler_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_TaskScheduler_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Bitset_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Swap_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Swap_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ErrorReporter_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ScratchSpace_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ScratchSpace_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Looking for shm_open in rt - found
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_STD_CXX11
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_UnorderedMap_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_UnorderedMap_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_UniqueToken_hpp
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Timer_hpp
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_TaskScheduler_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestInterOp.cpp.o
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Swap_hpp
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ScratchSpace_hpp
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_parallel_reduce_primitive_types (3333 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdspan_minimal_functional
1: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/core/unit_test/TestMDSpan.hpp:57: Skipped
1: mdspan not enabled
1: [  SKIPPED ] serial.mdspan_minimal_functional (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.max
1: [       OK ] serial.max (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.max_within_parfor
1: [       OK ] serial.max_within_parfor (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.min
1: [       OK ] serial.min (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.min_within_parfor
1: [       OK ] serial.min_within_parfor (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.minmax
1: [       OK ] serial.minmax (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.minmax_within_parfor
1: [       OK ] serial.minmax_within_parfor (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.clamp
1: [       OK ] serial.clamp (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.clamp_within_parfor
1: [       OK ] serial.clamp_within_parfor (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_infinity
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_infinity (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_epsilon
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_epsilon (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_round_error
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_round_error (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_norm_min
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_norm_min (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_denorm_min
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_denorm_min (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_finite_min_max
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_finite_min_max (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_digits
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_digits (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_digits10
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_digits10 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_max_digits10
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_max_digits10 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_radix
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_radix (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_min_max_exponent
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_min_max_exponent (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_min_max_exponent10
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_min_max_exponent10 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_quiet_and_signaling_nan
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_quiet_and_signaling_nan (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.numeric_traits_sfinae_friendly
1: [       OK ] serial.numeric_traits_sfinae_friendly (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.occupancy_control
1: [       OK ] serial.occupancy_control (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.view_aggregate
1: [       OK ] serial.view_aggregate (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.memory_pool
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_UniqueToken_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DetectionIdiom_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DetectionIdiom_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Timer_hpp
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_TaskScheduler_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Crs_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestStringManipulation.cpp.o
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Crs_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Swap_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalSpecialFunctions_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalSpecialFunctions_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
1: [       OK ] serial.memory_pool (34 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.cxx11
1: [       OK ] serial.cxx11 (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.viewctorprop_embedded_dim
1: [       OK ] serial.viewctorprop_embedded_dim (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.viewctorpop_view_allocate_without_initializing_backward_compatility
1: [       OK ] serial.viewctorpop_view_allocate_without_initializing_backward_compatility (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.view_layouttiled
1: [       OK ] serial.view_layouttiled (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.view_layouttiled_subtile
1: [       OK ] serial.view_layouttiled_subtile (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.parallel_scan_range_policy
1: [       OK ] serial.parallel_scan_range_policy (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.kokkos_printf
1: [       OK ] serial.kokkos_printf (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.quad_precision_reductions
1: [       OK ] serial.quad_precision_reductions (1 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.quad_precision_common_math_functions
1: [       OK ] serial.quad_precision_common_math_functions (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.range_for
1: [       OK ] serial.range_for (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.range_reduce
1: [       OK ] serial.range_reduce (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.range_dynamic_policy
1: [       OK ] serial.range_dynamic_policy (23 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.range_policy_runtime_parameters
1: [       OK ] serial.range_policy_runtime_parameters (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.range_for_require
1: [       OK ] serial.range_for_require (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.range_reduce_require
1: [       OK ] serial.range_reduce_require (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.range_dynamic_policy_require
1: [       OK ] serial.range_dynamic_policy_require (23 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_int
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_int (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_double
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_double (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_complex_double
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_complex_double (2 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_struct
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_struct (5 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_half_t
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_half_t (1 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_bhalf_t
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_bhalf_t (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_int8_t
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_int8_t (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_int16_t
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_int16_t (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_point_t
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_point_t (4 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reducers_bool
1: [       OK ] serial.reducers_bool (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.int64_t_reduce
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ScratchSpace_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ExecPolicy_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ExecPolicy_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_STD_CXX11 - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WALL
1: [       OK ] serial.int64_t_reduce (263 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.double_reduce
1: [       OK ] serial.double_reduce (297 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.int64_t_reduce_dynamic
1: [       OK ] serial.int64_t_reduce_dynamic (892 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.double_reduce_dynamic
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DetectionIdiom_hpp
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestVersionMacros.cpp.o
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ExecPolicy_hpp
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalSpecialFunctions_hpp
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DetectionIdiom_hpp
[ 11%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestViewRank.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WALL - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WEXTRA
[ 11%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ExecPolicy_hpp
[ 11%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestViewTypeTraits.cpp.o
[ 11%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalSpecialFunctions_hpp
[ 11%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/TestTypeList.cpp.o
[ 12%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Crs_hpp
1: [       OK ] serial.double_reduce_dynamic (1127 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.int64_t_reduce_dynamic_view
1: [       OK ] serial.int64_t_reduce_dynamic_view (221 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.int_combined_reduce
1: [       OK ] serial.int_combined_reduce (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.mdrange_combined_reduce
1: [       OK ] serial.mdrange_combined_reduce (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.int_combined_reduce_mixed
1: [       OK ] serial.int_combined_reduce_mixed (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reduction_deduction
1: [       OK ] serial.reduction_deduction (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reduce_device_view_range_policy
1: [       OK ] serial.reduce_device_view_range_policy (6 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reduce_device_view_mdrange_policy
[ 12%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Crs_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Profiling_ScopedRegion_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Profiling_ScopedRegion_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 12%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_UnorderedMap_hpp
[ 12%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_UnorderedMap_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly.dir/view/TestExtentsDatatypeConversion.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WEXTRA - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSHADOW
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Core_fwd_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Core_fwd_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Core_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Core_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 12%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Profiling_ScopedRegion_hpp
[ 12%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Profiling_ScopedRegion_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Concepts_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Concepts_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
1: [       OK ] serial.reduce_device_view_mdrange_policy (2216 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.reduce_device_view_team_policy
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSHADOW - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WFLOAT_EQUAL
[ 12%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Core_fwd_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_NestedSort_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_NestedSort_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 12%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Core_fwd_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Functional_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Functional_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_NumericTraits_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_NumericTraits_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Clamp_hpp
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Clamp_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
1: [       OK ] serial.reduce_device_view_team_policy (1635 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.impl_shared_alloc
1: [       OK ] serial.impl_shared_alloc (3 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.kokkos_swap
1: [       OK ] serial.kokkos_swap (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_fib_deprecated
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WFLOAT_EQUAL - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WERROR
[ 13%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Concepts_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_View_hpp
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_View_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 13%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Concepts_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_AcquireUniqueTokenImpl_hpp
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_AcquireUniqueTokenImpl_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
1: [       OK ] serial.task_fib_deprecated (925 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_depend_deprecated
1: [       OK ] serial.task_depend_deprecated (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_team_deprecated
1: [       OK ] serial.task_team_deprecated (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_with_mempool_deprecated
1: [       OK ] serial.task_with_mempool_deprecated (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_multiple_depend_deprecated
1: [       OK ] serial.task_multiple_depend_deprecated (17 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_deprecated
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_deprecated (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_deprecated
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_deprecated (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_fib_deprecated_multiple
[ 13%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Functional_hpp
[ 13%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Functional_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Printf_hpp
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Printf_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 13%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Core_hpp
[ 13%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_NumericTraits_hpp
[ 13%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Clamp_hpp
1: [       OK ] serial.task_fib_deprecated_multiple (922 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_depend_deprecated_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_depend_deprecated_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_team_deprecated_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_team_deprecated_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_with_mempool_deprecated_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_with_mempool_deprecated_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_multiple_depend_deprecated_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_multiple_depend_deprecated_multiple (18 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_deprecated_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_deprecated_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_deprecated_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_deprecated_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_fib_single
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WERROR - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSUGGEST_OVERRIDE
[ 13%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Core_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_BitManipulation_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_BitManipulation_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_NumericTraits_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_CopyViews_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_CopyViews_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Clamp_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_PointerOwnership_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_PointerOwnership_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly
1: [       OK ] serial.task_fib_single (740 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_depend_single
1: [       OK ] serial.task_depend_single (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_team_single
1: [       OK ] serial.task_team_single (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_with_mempool_single
1: [       OK ] serial.task_with_mempool_single (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_multiple_depend_single
1: [       OK ] serial.task_multiple_depend_single (17 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_single
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_single (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_single
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_single (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_fib_multiple
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_CoreTestCompileOnly
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_TaskScheduler_fwd_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_TaskScheduler_fwd_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_View_hpp
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_NestedSort_hpp
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSUGGEST_OVERRIDE - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_PEDANTIC
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Printf_hpp
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_View_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_KokkosExp_MDRangePolicy_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_KokkosExp_MDRangePolicy_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_NestedSort_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_KokkosExp_InterOp_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_KokkosExp_InterOp_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Printf_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Extents_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Extents_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
1: [       OK ] serial.task_fib_multiple (904 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_depend_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_depend_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_team_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_team_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_with_mempool_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_with_mempool_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_multiple_depend_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_multiple_depend_multiple (21 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_multiple
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_multiple (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_fib_chase_lev
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_BitManipulation_hpp
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_PointerOwnership_hpp
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_BitManipulation_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Sort_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Sort_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_PointerOwnership_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_hwloc_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_hwloc_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_TaskScheduler_fwd_hpp
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_CopyViews_hpp
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_AcquireUniqueTokenImpl_hpp
1: [       OK ] serial.task_fib_chase_lev (965 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_depend_chase_lev
1: [       OK ] serial.task_depend_chase_lev (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_team_chase_lev
1: [       OK ] serial.task_team_chase_lev (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_with_mempool_chase_lev
1: [       OK ] serial.task_with_mempool_chase_lev (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_multiple_depend_chase_lev
1: [       OK ] serial.task_multiple_depend_chase_lev (21 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_chase_lev
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduler_ctors_chase_lev (0 ms)
1: [ RUN      ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_chase_lev
1: [       OK ] serial.task_scheduer_ctors_device_chase_lev (0 ms)
1: [----------] 217 tests from serial (24260 ms total)
1: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
1: [==========] 224 tests from 2 test suites ran. (24980 ms total)
1: [  PASSED  ] 223 tests.
1: [  SKIPPED ] 1 test, listed below:
1: [  SKIPPED ] serial.mdspan_minimal_functional
 1/45 Test  #1: Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial1 .................   Passed   24.99 sec
test 2
      Start  2: Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial2

2: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/core/unit_test/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial2
2: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
2: Kokkos::OpenMP::initialize WARNING: You are likely oversubscribing your CPU cores.
2:                                     Detected: 4 cores per node.
2:                                     Detected: 1 MPI_ranks per node.
2:                                     Requested: 8 threads per process.
2: [==========] Running 125 tests from 2 test suites.
2: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
2: [----------] 8 tests from serial_DeathTest
2: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_dyn
2: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_dyn (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_stat
2: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_stat (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_mix
2: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_mix (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_static_extents
2: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_static_extents (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.view_layoutstride_right_to_layoutleft_assignment
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_TaskScheduler_fwd_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_AnonymousSpace_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_AnonymousSpace_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_CopyViews_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Config_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Config_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_AcquireUniqueTokenImpl_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Complex_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Complex_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_PEDANTIC - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_PEDANTIC_ERRORS
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_KokkosExp_MDRangePolicy_hpp
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Extents_hpp
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_KokkosExp_MDRangePolicy_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Array_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Array_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_KokkosExp_InterOp_hpp
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Extents_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Rank_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Rank_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
2: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.view_layoutstride_right_to_layoutleft_assignment (1487 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.view_layoutstride_left_to_layoutright_assignment
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_KokkosExp_InterOp_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Vectorization_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Vectorization_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_hwloc_hpp
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_hwloc_hpp
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_PEDANTIC_ERRORS - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSHORTEN_64_TO_32
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Future_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Future_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_AnonymousSpace_hpp
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Config_hpp
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Complex_hpp
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_AnonymousSpace_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_GraphNode_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_GraphNode_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Config_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_OffsetView_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_OffsetView_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 14%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Complex_hpp
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Array_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Half_hpp
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Half_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
2: [       OK ] serial_DeathTest.view_layoutstride_left_to_layoutright_assignment (1436 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_host
2: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/core/unit_test/TestViewMemoryAccessViolation.hpp:154: Skipped
2: skipping since no memory access violation would occur
2: [  SKIPPED ] serial_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_host (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_device
2: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/core/unit_test/TestViewMemoryAccessViolation.hpp:169: Skipped
2: skipping since no memory access violation would occur
2: [  SKIPPED ] serial_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_device (0 ms)
2: [----------] 8 tests from serial_DeathTest (2924 ms total)
2: [----------] 117 tests from serial
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_for
2: [       OK ] serial.team_for (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_reduce
2: [       OK ] serial.team_reduce (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_reduce_large
2: [       OK ] serial.team_reduce_large (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_parallel_single
2: [       OK ] serial.team_parallel_single (6 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.large_team_scratch_size
2: [       OK ] serial.large_team_scratch_size (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_broadcast_long
2: [       OK ] serial.team_broadcast_long (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_broadcast_long_wrapper
2: [       OK ] serial.team_broadcast_long_wrapper (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_broadcast_char
2: [       OK ] serial.team_broadcast_char (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_broadcast_float
2: [       OK ] serial.team_broadcast_float (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_broadcast_double
2: [       OK ] serial.team_broadcast_double (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_handle_by_value
2: [       OK ] serial.team_handle_by_value (1 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_vector
2: [       OK ] serial.team_vector (6 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.triple_nested_parallelism
[ 14%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Rank_hpp
[ 15%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Vectorization_hpp
[ 15%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Array_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Graph_hpp
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Graph_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 15%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Rank_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Graph_fwd_hpp
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Graph_fwd_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 15%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Sort_hpp
[ 15%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Vectorization_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Tuners_hpp
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Tuners_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
2: [       OK ] serial.triple_nested_parallelism (824 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.parallel_scan_with_reducers
2: [       OK ] serial.parallel_scan_with_reducers (84 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_thread_range_combined_reducers
2: [       OK ] serial.team_thread_range_combined_reducers (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.thread_vector_range_combined_reducers
2: [       OK ] serial.thread_vector_range_combined_reducers (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_vector_range_combined_reducers
2: [       OK ] serial.team_vector_range_combined_reducers (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.TeamThreadMDRangeParallelFor
2: [       OK ] serial.TeamThreadMDRangeParallelFor (8 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.ThreadVectorMDRangeParallelFor
2: [       OK ] serial.ThreadVectorMDRangeParallelFor (7 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.TeamVectorMDRangeParallelFor
2: [       OK ] serial.TeamVectorMDRangeParallelFor (7 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.TeamThreadMDRangeParallelReduce
2: [       OK ] serial.TeamThreadMDRangeParallelReduce (7 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.ThreadVectorMDRangeParallelReduce
2: [       OK ] serial.ThreadVectorMDRangeParallelReduce (7 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.TeamVectorMDRangeParallelReduce
2: [       OK ] serial.TeamVectorMDRangeParallelReduce (7 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_policy_runtime_parameters
2: [       OK ] serial.team_policy_runtime_parameters (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_reduction_scan
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSHORTEN_64_TO_32 - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_FSTRICT_ALIASING
[ 16%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Future_hpp
[ 16%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Sort_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_HostSpace_hpp
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_HostSpace_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
2: [       OK ] serial.team_reduction_scan (47 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_long_reduce
2: [       OK ] serial.team_long_reduce (71 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_double_reduce
2: [       OK ] serial.team_double_reduce (104 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_parallel_dummy_with_reducer_and_scratch_space
2: [       OK ] serial.team_parallel_dummy_with_reducer_and_scratch_space (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.repeated_team_reduce
[ 16%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Future_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MemoryTraits_hpp
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MemoryTraits_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Half_hpp
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_GraphNode_hpp
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Half_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Layout_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Layout_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Graph_fwd_hpp
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_GraphNode_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Parallel_Reduce_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Parallel_Reduce_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Graph_fwd_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Macros_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Macros_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_FSTRICT_ALIASING - Success
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Tuners_hpp
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_HostSpace_hpp
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MemoryTraits_hpp
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Graph_hpp
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Tuners_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_StdAlgorithms_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_StdAlgorithms_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_HostSpace_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_StaticCrsGraph_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_StaticCrsGraph_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MemoryTraits_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Assert_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Assert_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Graph_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalConstants_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalConstants_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_OffsetView_hpp
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WNO_DEPRECATED_DECLARATIONS - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WNO_DEPRECATED
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_OffsetView_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DualView_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DualView_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Layout_hpp
[ 17%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Macros_hpp
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Layout_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomic_hpp
[ 17%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomic_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 17%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Macros_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Profiling_ProfileSection_hpp
[ 18%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Profiling_ProfileSection_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 18%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Parallel_Reduce_hpp
[ 19%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Assert_hpp
[ 19%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalConstants_hpp
[ 19%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Parallel_Reduce_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Volatile_Wrapper_hpp
[ 19%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Volatile_Wrapper_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 19%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Assert_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalFunctions_hpp
[ 20%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalFunctions_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 20%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalConstants_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MemoryPool_hpp
[ 20%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MemoryPool_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WNO_DEPRECATED - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSTRICT_ALIASING
[ 20%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomic_hpp
[ 20%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Profiling_ProfileSection_hpp
[ 20%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomic_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MinMax_hpp
[ 20%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MinMax_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 20%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Profiling_ProfileSection_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Pair_hpp
[ 20%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Pair_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WSTRICT_ALIASING - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WD654
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WD654 - Failed
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WTHREAD_SAFETY
[ 21%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_StaticCrsGraph_hpp
[ 21%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_StdAlgorithms_hpp
[ 21%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalFunctions_hpp
[ 21%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Volatile_Wrapper_hpp
[ 21%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_StaticCrsGraph_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Wrapper_hpp
[ 21%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Wrapper_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 21%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_StdAlgorithms_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Parallel_hpp
[ 21%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Parallel_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
2: [       OK ] serial.repeated_team_reduce (5425 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_scan
2: [       OK ] serial.team_scan (183 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_scan_ret_val
2: [       OK ] serial.team_scan_ret_val (154 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_shared_request
2: [       OK ] serial.team_shared_request (81 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_scratch_request
2: [       OK ] serial.team_scratch_request (5 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_lambda_shared_request
2: [       OK ] serial.team_lambda_shared_request (80 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.scratch_align
2: [       OK ] serial.scratch_align (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.shmem_size
2: [       OK ] serial.shmem_size (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.multi_level_scratch
2: [       OK ] serial.multi_level_scratch (5 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_scratch_memory_index_parallel_for
2: [       OK ] serial.team_scratch_memory_index_parallel_for (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_policy_max_recommended
2: [       OK ] serial.team_policy_max_recommended (1 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_policy_minmax_scalar_without_plus_equal_k
2: [       OK ] serial.team_policy_minmax_scalar_without_plus_equal_k (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.team_teamvector_range
2: [       OK ] serial.team_teamvector_range (1 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.unique_token_global
2: [       OK ] serial.unique_token_global (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.unique_token_instance
2: [       OK ] serial.unique_token_instance (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.unique_token_team_acquire
2: [       OK ] serial.unique_token_team_acquire (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_api_a
2: [       OK ] serial.view_api_a (19 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_api_b
2: [       OK ] serial.view_api_b (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_api_c
2: [       OK ] serial.view_api_c (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_api_d
2: [       OK ] serial.view_api_d (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_allocation_error
2: [       OK ] serial.view_allocation_error (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_remap
2: [       OK ] serial.view_remap (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_mirror_nonconst
2: [       OK ] serial.view_mirror_nonconst (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_stride_method
2: [       OK ] serial.view_stride_method (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.anonymous_space
2: [       OK ] serial.anonymous_space (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_overload_resolution
2: [       OK ] serial.view_overload_resolution (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_allocation_large_rank
[ 21%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MathematicalFunctions_hpp
[ 21%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Volatile_Wrapper_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Abort_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ReductionIdentity_hpp
[ 21%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Abort_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 21%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/headers_self_contained/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ReductionIdentity_hpp.dir/tstHeader.cpp.o
[ 21%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MemoryPool_hpp
[ 21%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DualView_hpp
[ 21%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MemoryPool_hpp
[ 21%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_DualView_hpp
[ 22%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MinMax_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax
[ 22%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax.dir/test_atomic_minmax_simple.cpp.o
2: [       OK ] serial.view_allocation_large_rank (1645 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_shmem_size_on_device
2: [       OK ] serial.view_shmem_size_on_device (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_is_assignable
2: [       OK ] serial.view_is_assignable (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_copy_tests
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark
[ 22%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTestGramSchmidt.cpp.o
[ 23%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Pair_hpp
2: [       OK ] serial.view_copy_tests (147 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_copy_tests_rank_0
2: [       OK ] serial.view_copy_tests_rank_0 (79 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_copy_degenerated
2: [       OK ] serial.view_copy_degenerated (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_empty_runtime_unmanaged
2: [       OK ] serial.view_empty_runtime_unmanaged (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_hooks
2: [       OK ] serial.view_hooks (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_layoutstride_left_to_layoutleft_assignment
[ 23%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_MinMax_hpp
[ 23%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_CustomReduction.cpp.o
[ 23%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Pair_hpp
[ 23%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ExecSpacePartitioning.cpp.o
2: [       OK ] serial.view_layoutstride_left_to_layoutleft_assignment (58 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_layoutstride_right_to_layoutright_assignment
2: [       OK ] serial.view_layoutstride_right_to_layoutright_assignment (53 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_irregular_layout
2: [       OK ] serial.view_irregular_layout (2 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_mapping
2: [       OK ] serial.view_mapping (71 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_mapping_operator
2: [       OK ] serial.view_mapping_operator (2 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.static_extent
2: [       OK ] serial.static_extent (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_mapping_atomic
2: [       OK ] serial.view_mapping_atomic (2 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_mapping_class_value
2: [       OK ] serial.view_mapping_class_value (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_mapping_assignable
2: [       OK ] serial.view_mapping_assignable (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_mapping_trivially_copyable
2: [       OK ] serial.view_mapping_trivially_copyable (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_mapping_subview
2: [       OK ] serial.view_mapping_subview (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_nested_view
2: [       OK ] serial.view_nested_view (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_resize
2: [       OK ] serial.view_resize (11 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_realloc
2: [       OK ] serial.view_realloc (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.workgraph_fib
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_WTHREAD_SAFETY - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES
2: [       OK ] serial.workgraph_fib (239 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_realloc_no_init
2: [       OK ] serial.resize_realloc_no_init (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_realloc_no_alloc
2: [       OK ] serial.resize_realloc_no_alloc (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.realloc_exec_space
2: [       OK ] serial.realloc_exec_space (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_alloc
2: [       OK ] serial.view_alloc (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_alloc_exec_space
2: [       OK ] serial.view_alloc_exec_space (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_alloc_int
2: [       OK ] serial.view_alloc_int (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_alloc_exec_space_int
2: [       OK ] serial.view_alloc_exec_space_int (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.deep_copy_zero_memset
2: [       OK ] serial.deep_copy_zero_memset (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_exec_space
2: [       OK ] serial.resize_exec_space (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_allocation_int
2: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/core/unit_test/TestWithoutInitializing.hpp:289: Skipped
2: skipping since the fence checked for isn't necessary
2: [  SKIPPED ] serial.view_allocation_int (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_allocation_exec_space_int
2: [       OK ] serial.view_allocation_exec_space_int (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_not_default_constructible
2: [       OK ] serial.view_not_default_constructible (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_auto_1d_left
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_auto_1d_left (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_auto_1d_right
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_auto_1d_right (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_auto_1d_stride
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_auto_1d_stride (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_assign_strided
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_assign_strided (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_left_0
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_left_0 (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_left_1
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_left_1 (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_left_2
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_left_2 (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_left_3
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_left_3 (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_right_0
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_right_0 (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_right_1
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_right_1 (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_right_3
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_right_3 (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_static_tests
2: [       OK ] serial.view_static_tests (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_layoutleft_to_layoutleft
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_layoutleft_to_layoutleft (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_layoutright_to_layoutright
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_layoutright_to_layoutright (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_1d_assign
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_1d_assign (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_1d_assign_atomic
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_1d_assign_atomic (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_1d_assign_randomaccess
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_1d_assign_randomaccess (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_2d_from_3d
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_2d_from_3d (15 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_2d_from_3d_atomic
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_2d_from_3d_atomic (15 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_2d_from_3d_randomaccess
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_2d_from_3d_randomaccess (15 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_left
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_THREAD_SAFETY_ATTRIBUTES -- failed to compile: Change Dir: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
[benchmark] Run Build Command(s):/usr/bin/make cmTC_44d42/fast && /usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/cmTC_44d42.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cmTC_44d42.dir/build
[benchmark] make[1]: Entering directory '/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
[benchmark] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cmTC_44d42.dir/thread_safety_attributes.cpp.o
[benchmark] /opt/rocm/bin/hipcc    -Werror -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wall -Wextra -Wunused-parameter -Wshadow -pedantic -Wsign-compare -Wtype-limits -Wuninitialized  -std=c++11  -Wall  -Wextra  -Wshadow  -Wfloat-equal  -Wsuggest-override  -pedantic  -pedantic-errors  -Wshorten-64-to-32  -fstrict-aliasing  -Wno-deprecated-declarations  -Wstrict-aliasing  -Wthread-safety    -o CMakeFiles/cmTC_44d42.dir/thread_safety_attributes.cpp.o -c /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/_deps/googlebenchmark-src/cmake/thread_safety_attributes.cpp
[benchmark] In file included from /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/_deps/googlebenchmark-src/cmake/thread_safety_attributes.cpp:2:
[benchmark] In file included from /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/_deps/googlebenchmark-src/cmake/../src/mutex.h:7:
[benchmark] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/_deps/googlebenchmark-src/cmake/../src/check.h:8:10: fatal error: 'benchmark/export.h' file not found
[benchmark] #include "benchmark/export.h"
[benchmark]          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[benchmark] 1 error generated when compiling for gfx908.
[benchmark] make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmTC_44d42.dir/build.make:69: CMakeFiles/cmTC_44d42.dir/thread_safety_attributes.cpp.o] Error 1
[benchmark] make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
[benchmark] make: *** [Makefile:124: cmTC_44d42/fast] Error 2
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_COVERAGE
[ 23%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Wrapper_hpp
[ 24%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Abort_hpp
[ 25%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ReductionIdentity_hpp
[ 25%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Atomics_Desul_Wrapper_hpp
[ 25%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Abort_hpp
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_TaskDag
[ 25%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_TaskDag.dir/test_taskdag.cpp.o
[ 25%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_ReductionIdentity_hpp
[ 26%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax.dir/BenchmarkMain.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_SharedSpace
[ 26%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_SharedSpace.dir/test_sharedSpace.cpp.o
[ 26%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Parallel_hpp
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_left (666 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_left_atomic
[ 26%] Built target Kokkos_HeaderSelfContained_Kokkos_Parallel_hpp
[ 26%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax.dir/Benchmark_Context.cpp.o
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_left_atomic (665 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_left_randomaccess
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_CXX_FLAG_COVERAGE - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_STD_REGEX
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_STD_REGEX
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_left_randomaccess (666 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_right
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_right (722 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_right_atomic
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_right_atomic (720 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_right_randomaccess
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_3d_from_5d_right_randomaccess (719 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_test_unmanaged_subview_reset
2: [       OK ] serial.view_test_unmanaged_subview_reset (0 ms)
2: [ RUN      ] serial.view_subview_memory_traits_construction
2: [       OK ] serial.view_subview_memory_traits_construction (0 ms)
2: [----------] 117 tests from serial (13682 ms total)
2: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
2: [==========] 125 tests from 2 test suites ran. (16607 ms total)
2: [  PASSED  ] 122 tests.
2: [  SKIPPED ] 3 tests, listed below:
2: [  SKIPPED ] serial_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_host
2: [  SKIPPED ] serial_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_device
2: [  SKIPPED ] serial.view_allocation_int
 2/45 Test  #2: Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial2 .................   Passed   16.63 sec
test 3
      Start  3: Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_SerialGraph

3: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/core/unit_test/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_SerialGraph
3: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
3: Kokkos::OpenMP::initialize WARNING: You are likely oversubscribing your CPU cores.
3:                                     Detected: 4 cores per node.
3:                                     Detected: 1 MPI_ranks per node.
3:                                     Requested: 8 threads per process.
3: [==========] Running 5 tests from 1 test suite.
3: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
3: [----------] 5 tests from serial_count_bugs
3: [ RUN      ] serial_count_bugs.launch_one
3: [       OK ] serial_count_bugs.launch_one (0 ms)
3: [ RUN      ] serial_count_bugs.launch_one_rvalue
3: [       OK ] serial_count_bugs.launch_one_rvalue (0 ms)
3: [ RUN      ] serial_count_bugs.launch_six
3: [       OK ] serial_count_bugs.launch_six (0 ms)
3: [ RUN      ] serial_count_bugs.when_all_cycle
3: [       OK ] serial_count_bugs.when_all_cycle (0 ms)
3: [ RUN      ] serial_count_bugs.zero_work_reduce
3: [       OK ] serial_count_bugs.zero_work_reduce (0 ms)
3: [----------] 5 tests from serial_count_bugs (0 ms total)
3: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
3: [==========] 5 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
3: [  PASSED  ] 5 tests.
 3/45 Test  #3: Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_SerialGraph .............   Passed    0.03 sec
test 4
      Start  4: Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_OpenMP

4: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/core/unit_test/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_OpenMP
4: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
4: Kokkos::OpenMP::initialize WARNING: You are likely oversubscribing your CPU cores.
4:                                     Detected: 4 cores per node.
4:                                     Detected: 1 MPI_ranks per node.
4:                                     Requested: 8 threads per process.
4: [==========] Running 349 tests from 2 test suites.
4: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
4: [----------] 15 tests from openmp_DeathTest
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.abort_from_host
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.abort_from_host (268 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.abort_from_device
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.abort_from_device (204 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.checked_integer_operations_multiply_overflow_abort
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.checked_integer_operations_multiply_overflow_abort (202 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.policy_bounds_unsafe_narrowing_conversions
[ 27%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_PerformanceTest_TaskDag
[ 27%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTestHexGrad.cpp.o
[ 27%] Built target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_TaskDag
[ 27%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_MallocFree.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.policy_bounds_unsafe_narrowing_conversions (203 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.policy_invalid_bounds
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.policy_invalid_bounds (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.range_policy_invalid_bounds
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.range_policy_invalid_bounds (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.range_policy_implicitly_converted_bounds
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.range_policy_implicitly_converted_bounds (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_dyn
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_dyn (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_stat
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_stat (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_mix
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_params_mix (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_static_extents
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.view_construction_with_wrong_static_extents (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.view_layoutstride_right_to_layoutleft_assignment
[ 27%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewAllocate.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_STD_REGEX -- success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_GNU_POSIX_REGEX
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_GNU_POSIX_REGEX
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_GNU_POSIX_REGEX -- failed to compile: Change Dir: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
[benchmark] Run Build Command(s):/usr/bin/make cmTC_b628a/fast && /usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/cmTC_b628a.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/cmTC_b628a.dir/build
[benchmark] make[1]: Entering directory '/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
[benchmark] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/cmTC_b628a.dir/gnu_posix_regex.cpp.o
[benchmark] /opt/rocm/bin/hipcc    -Werror -Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wall -Wextra -Wunused-parameter -Wshadow -pedantic -Wsign-compare -Wtype-limits -Wuninitialized  -std=c++11  -Wall  -Wextra  -Wshadow  -Wfloat-equal  -Wsuggest-override  -pedantic  -pedantic-errors  -Wshorten-64-to-32  -fstrict-aliasing  -Wno-deprecated-declarations  -Wstrict-aliasing  -Wthread-safety    -o CMakeFiles/cmTC_b628a.dir/gnu_posix_regex.cpp.o -c /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/_deps/googlebenchmark-src/cmake/gnu_posix_regex.cpp
[benchmark] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/_deps/googlebenchmark-src/cmake/gnu_posix_regex.cpp:1:10: fatal error: 'gnuregex.h' file not found
[benchmark] #include <gnuregex.h>
[benchmark]          ^~~~~~~~~~~~
[benchmark] 1 error generated when compiling for gfx908.
[benchmark] make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/cmTC_b628a.dir/build.make:69: CMakeFiles/cmTC_b628a.dir/gnu_posix_regex.cpp.o] Error 1
[benchmark] make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp'
[benchmark] make: *** [Makefile:124: cmTC_b628a/fast] Error 2
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_REGEX
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_REGEX
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.view_layoutstride_right_to_layoutleft_assignment (1480 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.view_layoutstride_left_to_layoutright_assignment
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_POSIX_REGEX -- success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_STEADY_CLOCK
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_STEADY_CLOCK
4: [       OK ] openmp_DeathTest.view_layoutstride_left_to_layoutright_assignment (1474 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_host
4: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/core/unit_test/TestViewMemoryAccessViolation.hpp:154: Skipped
4: skipping since no memory access violation would occur
4: [  SKIPPED ] openmp_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_host (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_device
4: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/core/unit_test/TestViewMemoryAccessViolation.hpp:169: Skipped
4: skipping since no memory access violation would occur
4: [  SKIPPED ] openmp_DeathTest.view_memory_access_violations_from_device (0 ms)
4: [----------] 15 tests from openmp_DeathTest (3835 ms total)
4: [----------] 334 tests from openmp
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_capacity
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_capacity (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_element_access
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_element_access (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_zero_capacity
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_zero_capacity (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_zero_data_nullptr
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_zero_data_nullptr (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_contiguous_capacity
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_contiguous_capacity (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_contiguous_element_access
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_contiguous_element_access (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_contiguous_assignment
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_contiguous_assignment (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_strided_capacity
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_strided_capacity (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_strided_element_access
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_strided_element_access (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.array_strided_assignment
4: [       OK ] openmp.array_strided_assignment (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_complexdouble
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_complexdouble (76 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_complexfloat
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_complexfloat (77 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_double
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_double (52 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_float
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_float (68 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_int
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_int (114 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_long
[ 27%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_PerformanceTest_SharedSpace
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_long (332 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_longlong
-- [benchmark] Performing Test HAVE_STEADY_CLOCK -- success
-- [benchmark] Found Threads: TRUE  
-- [benchmark] Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY
[ 27%] Built target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_SharedSpace
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool
[ 27%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool.dir/test_mempool.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_longlong (912 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_shared
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_shared (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_unsigned
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_a123.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_unsigned (758 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_operations_unsignedlong
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool.dir/BenchmarkMain.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY - Success
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_operations_unsignedlong (742 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomics
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomics (105 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomics_tpetra_max_abs
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomics_tpetra_max_abs (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_views_integral
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic.dir/test_atomic.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_views_integral (260 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_views_nonintegral
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_views_nonintegral (95 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.atomic_view_api
4: [       OK ] openmp.atomic_view_api (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_countl_zero
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_countl_zero (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_countl_one
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_countl_one (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_countr_zero
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_countr_zero (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_countr_one
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_countr_one (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_popcount
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_popcount (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_has_single_bit
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_has_single_bit (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_bit_floor
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_bit_floor (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_bit_ceil
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_bit_ceil (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_bit_width
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_bit_width (21 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_rotl
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_rotl (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_rotr
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_rotr (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_byeswap
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_byeswap (19 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.bit_manip_bit_cast
4: [       OK ] openmp.bit_manip_bit_cast (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.test_block_deduction_bug_pr_3103
4: [       OK ] openmp.test_block_deduction_bug_pr_3103 (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.checked_integer_operations_multiply_overflow
4: [       OK ] openmp.checked_integer_operations_multiply_overflow (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.execution_policy_occupancy_and_hint
4: [       OK ] openmp.execution_policy_occupancy_and_hint (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.complex_construction
4: [       OK ] openmp.complex_construction (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.complex_basic_math
4: [       OK ] openmp.complex_basic_math (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.complex_special_funtions
4: [       OK ] openmp.complex_special_funtions (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.complex_io
4: [       OK ] openmp.complex_io (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.complex_trivially_copyable
4: [       OK ] openmp.complex_trivially_copyable (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.complex_issue_3865
4: [       OK ] openmp.complex_issue_3865 (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.complex_operations_arithmetic_types_overloads
4: [       OK ] openmp.complex_operations_arithmetic_types_overloads (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.crs_count_fill
4: [       OK ] openmp.crs_count_fill (52 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.crs_copy_constructor
-- [benchmark] Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_HIDDEN_INLINE_VISIBILITY - Success
-- [benchmark] Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED_ATTR
4: [       OK ] openmp.crs_copy_constructor (271 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.deep_copy_alignment
4: [       OK ] openmp.deep_copy_alignment (149 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.deep_copy_conversion
4: [       OK ] openmp.deep_copy_conversion (175 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.partitioning_by_args
4: [       OK ] openmp.partitioning_by_args (92 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.partitioning_by_vector
4: [       OK ] openmp.partitioning_by_vector (47 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.execution_space_as_class_data_member
4: [       OK ] openmp.execution_space_as_class_data_member (8 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.functor_analysis
4: [       OK ] openmp.functor_analysis (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_use_count
4: [       OK ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_use_count (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_get
4: [       OK ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_get (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_dereference_on_device
4: [       OK ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_dereference_on_device (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_special_members_on_device
4: [       OK ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_special_members_on_device (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_tracking
4: [       OK ] openmp.host_shared_ptr_tracking (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.init
4: [       OK ] openmp.init (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.dispatch
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_b123.cpp.o
-- [benchmark] Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED_ATTR - Success
-- Sources TestHIP.cpp
-- Kokkos Devices: SERIAL;HIP, Kokkos Backends: SERIAL;HIP
-- Configuring done
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP.dir/UnitTestMain.cpp.o
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/build
+ make -j8
Scanning dependencies of target AlwaysCheckGit
Scanning dependencies of target kokkossimd
Scanning dependencies of target kokkosprinter-tool
[  0%] Building CXX object simd/src/CMakeFiles/kokkossimd.dir/Kokkos_SIMD_dummy.cpp.o
[  0%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/kokkosprinter-tool.dir/tools/printing-tool.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target kokkos_gtest
[  0%] Built target AlwaysCheckGit
[  0%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/kokkos_gtest.dir/__/__/tpls/gtest/gtest/
Scanning dependencies of target impl_git_version
Scanning dependencies of target benchmark
[  0%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/impl_git_version.dir/generated/Kokkos_Version_Info.cpp.o
[  0%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  0%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  0%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
Scanning dependencies of target kokkoscore
[  0%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Abort.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP.dir/openmp/TestOpenMP_Bitset.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP.dir/openmp/TestOpenMP_DualView.cpp.o
[  1%] Linking CXX static library libkokkossimd.a
[  1%] Built target kokkossimd
[  2%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_CPUDiscovery.cpp.o
[  2%] Linking CXX static library libimpl_git_version.a
[  2%] Built target impl_git_version
[  2%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Command_Line_Parsing.cpp.o
[  2%] Linking CXX shared library
[  2%] Built target kokkosprinter-tool
[  2%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Core.cpp.o
[  2%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  2%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Error.cpp.o
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  3%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_ExecPolicy.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool.dir/Benchmark_Context.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_c123.cpp.o
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP.dir/UnitTestMain.cpp.o
[  3%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_HostBarrier.cpp.o
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[ 28%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool
[ 28%] Built target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP.dir/openmp/TestOpenMP_DynamicView.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.dispatch (9647 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.join_backward_compatibility
4: [       OK ] openmp.join_backward_compatibility (3 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.local_deepcopy_teampolicy_layoutleft
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  3%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  4%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  4%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP.dir/openmp/TestOpenMP_DynViewAPI_generic.cpp.o
[  4%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  4%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
4: [       OK ] openmp.local_deepcopy_teampolicy_layoutleft (2118 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.local_deepcopy_rangepolicy_layoutleft
[  4%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_Bitset.cpp.o
[  4%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_HostSpace.cpp.o
[  4%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_HostSpace_deepcopy.cpp.o
[  4%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
[  4%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark.dir/
4: [       OK ] openmp.local_deepcopy_rangepolicy_layoutleft (1827 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.local_deepcopy_teampolicy_layoutright
[  4%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_HostThreadTeam.cpp.o
[  4%] Linking CXX static library libkokkos_gtest.a
[  4%] Built target kokkos_gtest
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_MemoryPool.cpp.o
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Profiling.cpp.o
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_SharedAlloc.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.local_deepcopy_teampolicy_layoutright (1400 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.local_deepcopy_rangepolicy_layoutright
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_Stacktrace.cpp.o
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/impl/Kokkos_hwloc.cpp.o
[  5%] Linking CXX static library libbenchmark.a
[  5%] Built target benchmark
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/HIP/Kokkos_HIP.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target benchmark_main
[  5%] Building CXX object _deps/googlebenchmark-build/src/CMakeFiles/benchmark_main.dir/
4: [       OK ] openmp.local_deepcopy_rangepolicy_layoutright (1386 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.deep_copy_scratch
4: [       OK ] openmp.deep_copy_scratch (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_e
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_e (4 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_log2e
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_log2e (4 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_log10e
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_log10e (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_pi
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_pi (4 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_inv_pi
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_inv_pi (4 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_inv_sqrtpi
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_inv_sqrtpi (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_ln2
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_ln2 (4 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_ln10
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_ln10 (6 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_sqrt2
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_sqrt2 (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_sqrt3
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_sqrt3 (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_inv_sqrt3
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_inv_sqrt3 (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_egamma
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_egamma (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_constants_phi
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_constants_phi (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_trigonometric_functions
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_trigonometric_functions (132 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_hyperbolic_functions
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/HIP/Kokkos_HIP_DeepCopy.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_hyperbolic_functions (143 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_non_standard
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_non_standard (17 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_power_functions
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_power_functions (71 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_fma
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_fma (7 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_error_and_gamma_functions
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_error_and_gamma_functions (86 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_nearest_interger_floating_point_operations
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_nearest_interger_floating_point_operations (53 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_floating_point_manipulation_functions
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_floating_point_manipulation_functions (6 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_absolute_value
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_absolute_value (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_floating_point_absolute_value
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_floating_point_absolute_value (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_remainder_function
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_remainder_function (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_isfinite
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_isfinite (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_isinf
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_isinf (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_isnan
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_isnan (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathematical_functions_exponential_functions
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathematical_functions_exponential_functions (13 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_expint1
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_expint1 (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_errorfunc
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_errorfunc (2 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesselj0y0
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesselj0y0 (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesselj1y1
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesselj1y1 (5 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesseli0k0
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesseli0k0 (3 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesseli1k1
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesseli1k1 (3 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesselh1stkind
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesselh1stkind (2 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesselh2ndkind
4: [       OK ] openmp.mathspecialfunc_cbesselh2ndkind (2 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_5d
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_5d (88 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_6d
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/HIP/Kokkos_HIP_Instance.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_6d (218 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_2d
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_2d (32 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_array_reduce
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_array_reduce (3 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_3d
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_3d (91 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_neg_idx
[  5%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/HIP/Kokkos_HIP_SharedAllocationRecord.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_neg_idx (108 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_4d
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_4d (63 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_scalar
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_scalar (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_large_deep_copy
[  6%] Linking CXX static library libbenchmark_main.a
[  6%] Built target benchmark_main
[  7%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/HIP/Kokkos_HIP_Space.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_d123.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/Serial/Kokkos_Serial.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/Serial/Kokkos_Serial_Task.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_large_deep_copy (1252 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.md_range_policy_construction_from_arrays
4: [       OK ] openmp.md_range_policy_construction_from_arrays (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_parallel_reduce_primitive_types
[  7%] Building CXX object core/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscore.dir/__/__/tpls/desul/src/Lock_Array_HIP.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_DualView.cpp.o
[  7%] Linking CXX static library libkokkoscore.a
[  7%] Built target kokkoscore
Scanning dependencies of target kokkoscontainers
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_DeviceAndThreads
[  7%] Building CXX object containers/src/CMakeFiles/kokkoscontainers.dir/impl/Kokkos_UnorderedMap_impl.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_DeviceAndThreads.dir/UnitTest_DeviceAndThreads.cpp.o
[  7%] Linking CXX static library libkokkoscontainers.a
[  7%] Built target kokkoscontainers
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CMakePassCmdLineArgs
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CMakePassCmdLineArgs.dir/UnitTest_CMakePassCmdLineArgs.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CTestDevice
[  7%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CTestDevice.dir/UnitTestMain.cpp.o
[  7%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_DeviceAndThreads
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_PushFinalizeHook
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpStreams
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_PushFinalizeHook.dir/UnitTest_PushFinalizeHook.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_UnitTest_HIPGraph
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_SerialGraph
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpStreams.dir/UnitTestMain.cpp.o
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_UnitTest_HIPGraph.dir/UnitTestMainInit.cpp.o
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_SerialGraph.dir/UnitTestMainInit.cpp.o
[  8%] Built target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_DeviceAndThreads
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_SerialGraph.dir/serial/TestSerial_Graph.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/UnitTestMainInit.cpp.o
[  8%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CMakePassCmdLineArgs
[  8%] Built target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CMakePassCmdLineArgs
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_UnitTest_HIPGraph.dir/hip/TestHIP_Graph.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_a45.cpp.o
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CTestDevice.dir/TestCTestDevice.cpp.o
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpStreams.dir/hip/TestHIP_InterOp_Streams.cpp.o
[  8%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_PushFinalizeHook
[  8%] Built target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_PushFinalizeHook
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpInit
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpInit.dir/UnitTestMain.cpp.o
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpInit.dir/hip/TestHIP_InterOp_Init.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL
[  8%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/UnitTestMainInit.cpp.o
[ 28%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_b45.cpp.o
[  8%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CTestDevice
[  8%] Built target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_CTestDevice
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_Abort.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP
[  9%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/UnitTestMainInit.cpp.o
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test01_execspace_HIP.cpp.o
[ 28%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax
[ 28%] Built target Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax
[ 28%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_DynamicView.cpp.o
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test01_execspace_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 10%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpStreams
[ 10%] Built target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpStreams
[ 10%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test02_atomic_host_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 11%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_SerialGraph
[ 11%] Built target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_SerialGraph
[ 11%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test03a_MemorySpace_malloc_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 11%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpInit
[ 11%] Built target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIPInterOpInit
[ 11%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test02_atomic_host_HIP.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/UnitTestMainInit.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_ArrayOps.cpp.o
[ 29%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_DynViewAPI_generic.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_complexdouble.cpp.o
[ 12%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_UnitTest_HIPGraph
[ 12%] Built target Kokkos_UnitTest_HIPGraph
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_complexfloat.cpp.o
[ 29%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_c45.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_ContainersTestCompileOnly
[ 30%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersTestCompileOnly.dir/TestCompileMain.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_double.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_float.cpp.o
[ 31%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic.dir/BenchmarkMain.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test03b_MemorySpace_free_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/TestInitializationSettings.cpp.o
[ 31%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic.dir/Benchmark_Context.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test03a_MemorySpace_malloc_HIP.cpp.o
[ 31%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersTestCompileOnly.dir/TestCreateMirror.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/TestParseCmdLineArgsAndEnvVars.cpp.o
[ 12%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_int.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test04_ParallelFor_RangePolicy_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 31%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersTestCompileOnly.dir/TestDualViewParameterPack.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test05_ParallelReduce_RangePolicy_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 31%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_longint.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test03b_MemorySpace_free_HIP.cpp.o
[ 31%] Built target Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic
[ 31%] Building CXX object containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersTestCompileOnly.dir/TestIsViewTrait.cpp.o
[ 31%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_d45.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test06_ParallelFor_MDRangePolicy_SERIAL.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_parallel_reduce_primitive_types (26965 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdspan_minimal_functional
4: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_PR-6807/core/unit_test/TestMDSpan.hpp:57: Skipped
4: mdspan not enabled
4: [  SKIPPED ] openmp.mdspan_minimal_functional (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.max
4: [       OK ] openmp.max (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.max_within_parfor
4: [       OK ] openmp.max_within_parfor (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.min
4: [       OK ] openmp.min (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.min_within_parfor
4: [       OK ] openmp.min_within_parfor (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.minmax
4: [       OK ] openmp.minmax (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.minmax_within_parfor
4: [       OK ] openmp.minmax_within_parfor (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.clamp
4: [       OK ] openmp.clamp (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.clamp_within_parfor
4: [       OK ] openmp.clamp_within_parfor (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_infinity
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_infinity (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_epsilon
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_epsilon (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_round_error
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_round_error (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_norm_min
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_norm_min (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_denorm_min
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_denorm_min (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_finite_min_max
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_finite_min_max (4 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_digits
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_digits (2 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_digits10
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_digits10 (2 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_max_digits10
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_max_digits10 (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_radix
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_radix (2 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_min_max_exponent
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_min_max_exponent (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_min_max_exponent10
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_min_max_exponent10 (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_quiet_and_signaling_nan
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_quiet_and_signaling_nan (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.numeric_traits_sfinae_friendly
4: [       OK ] openmp.numeric_traits_sfinae_friendly (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.occupancy_control
4: [       OK ] openmp.occupancy_control (2 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.view_aggregate
4: [       OK ] openmp.view_aggregate (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.memory_pool
4: [       OK ] openmp.memory_pool (79 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.cxx11
4: [       OK ] openmp.cxx11 (15 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.viewctorprop_embedded_dim
4: [       OK ] openmp.viewctorprop_embedded_dim (3 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.viewctorpop_view_allocate_without_initializing_backward_compatility
4: [       OK ] openmp.viewctorpop_view_allocate_without_initializing_backward_compatility (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.view_layouttiled
4: [       OK ] openmp.view_layouttiled (24 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.view_layouttiled_subtile
4: [       OK ] openmp.view_layouttiled_subtile (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.parallel_scan_range_policy
4: [       OK ] openmp.parallel_scan_range_policy (722 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.kokkos_printf
4: [       OK ] openmp.kokkos_printf (2 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.quad_precision_reductions
4: [       OK ] openmp.quad_precision_reductions (9 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.quad_precision_common_math_functions
4: [       OK ] openmp.quad_precision_common_math_functions (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.range_for
4: [       OK ] openmp.range_for (57 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.range_reduce
4: [       OK ] openmp.range_reduce (39 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.range_dynamic_policy
4: [       OK ] openmp.range_dynamic_policy (49 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.range_policy_runtime_parameters
4: [       OK ] openmp.range_policy_runtime_parameters (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.range_for_require
4: [       OK ] openmp.range_for_require (36 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.range_reduce_require
4: [       OK ] openmp.range_reduce_require (16 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.range_dynamic_policy_require
4: [       OK ] openmp.range_dynamic_policy_require (42 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_int
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_int (21 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_double
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_double (18 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_complex_double
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_complex_double (14 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_struct
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_struct (66 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_half_t
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_half_t (41 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_bhalf_t
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_bhalf_t (46 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_int8_t
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_int8_t (37 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_int16_t
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_int16_t (91 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_point_t
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_point_t (165 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reducers_bool
4: [       OK ] openmp.reducers_bool (11 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.int64_t_reduce
4: [       OK ] openmp.int64_t_reduce (597 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.double_reduce
4: [       OK ] openmp.double_reduce (590 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.int64_t_reduce_dynamic
4: [       OK ] openmp.int64_t_reduce_dynamic (894 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.double_reduce_dynamic
4: [       OK ] openmp.double_reduce_dynamic (1176 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.int64_t_reduce_dynamic_view
4: [       OK ] openmp.int64_t_reduce_dynamic_view (142 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.int_combined_reduce
4: [       OK ] openmp.int_combined_reduce (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.mdrange_combined_reduce
4: [       OK ] openmp.mdrange_combined_reduce (1 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.int_combined_reduce_mixed
4: [       OK ] openmp.int_combined_reduce_mixed (3 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reduction_deduction
4: [       OK ] openmp.reduction_deduction (3 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reduce_device_view_range_policy
4: [       OK ] openmp.reduce_device_view_range_policy (23 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reduce_device_view_mdrange_policy
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test08_deep_copy_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_a6.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.reduce_device_view_mdrange_policy (834 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.reduce_device_view_team_policy
4: [       OK ] openmp.reduce_device_view_team_policy (800 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.impl_shared_alloc
4: [       OK ] openmp.impl_shared_alloc (30 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.kokkos_swap
4: [       OK ] openmp.kokkos_swap (0 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.team_for
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test10_HierarchicalBasics_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test04_ParallelFor_RangePolicy_HIP.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.team_for (305 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.team_reduce
4: [       OK ] openmp.team_reduce (257 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.team_reduce_large
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_OpenMP
[ 32%] Building CXX object containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_OpenMP.dir/TestMain.cpp.o
4: [       OK ] openmp.team_reduce_large (655 ms)
4: [ RUN      ] openmp.team_parallel_single
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test11a_ParallelFor_TeamThreadRange_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/TestSharedSpace.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP
[ 32%] Building CXX object containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP.dir/TestMain.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_longlongint.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test05_ParallelReduce_RangePolicy_HIP.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test06_ParallelFor_MDRangePolicy_HIP.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test08_deep_copy_HIP.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_OpenMP.dir/TestOpenMP.cpp.o
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test10_HierarchicalBasics_HIP.cpp.o
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/TestSharedHostPinnedSpace.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B
[ 32%] Building CXX object algorithms/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B.dir/UnitTestMain.cpp.o
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test11b_ParallelFor_TeamVectorRange_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_b6.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP.dir/TestHIP.cpp.o
[ 14%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test11c_ParallelFor_ThreadVectorRange_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test12a_ThreadScratch_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test12b_TeamScratch_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object algorithms/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B.dir/TestStdAlgorithmsCommon.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test11a_ParallelFor_TeamThreadRange_HIP.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/TestCompilerMacros.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/default/TestDefaultDeviceType.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial2
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial2.dir/UnitTestMainInit.cpp.o
[ 15%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial2.dir/serial/TestSerial_TeamBasic.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_shared.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_c6.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_unsignedint.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test13a_ParallelRed_TeamThreadRange_SERIAL.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object algorithms/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B.dir/TestStdAlgorithmsTeamEqual.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_unsignedlongint.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test11b_ParallelFor_TeamVectorRange_HIP.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_Atomics.cpp.o
[ 32%] Building CXX object algorithms/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B.dir/TestStdAlgorithmsTeamSearch.cpp.o
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test13b_ParallelRed_TeamVectorRange_SERIAL.cpp.o
Superseded by #2
Sending interrupt signal to process
[ 16%] Building CXX object core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicViews.cpp.o
Sending interrupt signal to process
Sending interrupt signal to process
make[2]: *** [core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/build.make:144: core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Default.dir/default/TestDefaultDeviceType.cpp.o] Terminated
make[2]: *** [core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/build.make:274: core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/generated/Test13b_ParallelRed_TeamVectorRange_SERIAL.cpp.o] Terminated
make[2]: *** [core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/build.make:209: core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_AtomicOperations_unsignedint.cpp.o] Terminated
make[2]: *** [core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial2.dir/build.make:79: core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_CoreUnitTest_Serial2.dir/serial/TestSerial_TeamBasic.cpp.o] Terminated
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:1902: core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_SERIAL.dir/all] Terminated
make[2]: *** [core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/build.make:209: core/unit_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_IncrementalTest_HIP.dir/generated/Test11b_ParallelFor_TeamVectorRange_HIP.cpp.o] Terminated
make: *** [Makefile:144: all] Terminated
script returned exit code 143
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
Post stage
[Pipeline] sh
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch OPENACC-NVHPC-CUDA-12.2
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch CUDA-12.2-NVHPC
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch SYCL-OneAPI
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch OPENMPTARGET-Clang
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch CUDA-11.0.3-Clang-Tidy
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch CUDA-11.7-NVCC
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch CUDA-11.0-NVCC-RDC
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch CUDA-11.6-NVCC-DEBUG
+ ccache --show-stats
cache directory                     /tmp/ccache
primary config                      /tmp/ccache/ccache.conf
secondary config      (readonly)    /etc/ccache.conf
cache hit (direct)                     0
cache hit (preprocessed)               0
cache miss                             0
cache hit rate                      0.00 %
cleanups performed                     0
files in cache                         0
cache size                           0.0 kB
max cache size                       5.0 GB
[ 32%] Linking CXX executable Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_OpenMP
make[2]: *** [containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP.dir/build.make:79: containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP.dir/TestHIP.cpp.o] Terminated
make[2]: *** [algorithms/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B.dir/build.make:92: algorithms/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B.dir/TestStdAlgorithmsTeamEqual.cpp.o] Terminated
make[2]: *** [containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP.dir/build.make:118: containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP.dir/hip/TestHIP_DynViewAPI_generic.cpp.o] Terminated
make[2]: *** [containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP.dir/build.make:118: containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP.dir/openmp/TestOpenMP_DynViewAPI_generic.cpp.o] Terminated
make[2]: *** [containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_OpenMP.dir/build.make:107: containers/performance_tests/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_OpenMP] Terminated
make[2]: *** [containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersTestCompileOnly.dir/build.make:79: containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersTestCompileOnly.dir/TestCreateMirror.cpp.o] Terminated
make[2]: *** [core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/build.make:274: core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/PerfTest_ViewCopy_c6.cpp.o] Terminated
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4699: containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_OpenMP.dir/all] Terminated
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4729: containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP.dir/all] Terminated
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4788: containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_OpenMP.dir/all] Terminated
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4758: containers/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersTestCompileOnly.dir/all] Terminated
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4818: containers/performance_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP.dir/all] Terminated
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4436: core/perf_test/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark.dir/all] Terminated
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4848: algorithms/unit_tests/CMakeFiles/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B.dir/all] Terminated
make: *** [Makefile:144: all] Terminated
[Pipeline] }
script returned exit code 143
$ docker stop --time=1 42d3b4909dc3e8064ea681a7f725742b577d5c9071324a81eb07bcc94a9dc229
$ docker rm -f --volumes 42d3b4909dc3e8064ea681a7f725742b577d5c9071324a81eb07bcc94a9dc229
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
Post stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] sh
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch HIP-ROCm-5.6-C++20
+ ccache --show-stats
cache directory                     /tmp/ccache
primary config                      /tmp/ccache/ccache.conf
secondary config      (readonly)    /etc/ccache.conf
cache hit (direct)                     0
cache hit (preprocessed)               0
cache miss                             0
cache hit rate                      0.00 %
cleanups performed                     0
files in cache                         0
cache size                           0.0 kB
max cache size                       5.0 GB
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 f45d61e1e43d2169dd13e1cedaec922744fc20c8cbbc6f42713e99d5dc4ad3b2
$ docker rm -f --volumes f45d61e1e43d2169dd13e1cedaec922744fc20c8cbbc6f42713e99d5dc4ad3b2
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
script returned exit code 143
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch HIP-ROCm-5.2
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 53b3a96a795c744fea706e11a7d72010639e979502a3ba7d3aea9c02ce6e1f0b
$ docker rm -f --volumes 53b3a96a795c744fea706e11a7d72010639e979502a3ba7d3aea9c02ce6e1f0b
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch GCC-8.4.0
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.actions.ErrorAction$ErrorId: 188812e5-23fc-43b4-8587-c0fbcaf845e4

GitHub has been notified of this commit’s build result

Finished: NOT_BUILT