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  1. update mdspan tpl (details)
  2. CTAD (deduction guides) for RangePolicy (#6850) (details)
  3. Export ROCTHRUST as a Kokkos dependency (details)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/compressed_pair.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_stride.hpp (diff)
The file was addedtpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2642_bits/layout_padded.hpp
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan_extents.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/strided_slice.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_left.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_right.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/mdspan/mdspan.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/extents.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p1684_bits/mdarray.hpp (diff)
The file was addedtpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2642_bits/layout_padded_fwd.hpp
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/config.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/mdspan.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan_mapping.hpp (diff)
Commit 6db04b3b5803fb7686475effe2b6af071b885697 by noreply
CTAD (deduction guides) for RangePolicy (#6850)

* Removed the check for NVCC compiler version when testing CTAD,
as decltype(RangePolicy(...)) isn't compiling under any version
of Cuda.

* Added in the explicit deduction guides for RangePolicy:
• Correctness when passing in an execution space
• Workaround for nvcc as RangePolicy<...> doesn't have any
template parameters that can be deduced, so gcc/clang assume that a
matching ctor in the primary template deduces to RangePolicy<> while
nvcc assumes it is a bug.

Rewrote the tests to be of the form:

[[maybe_unused]] static inline auto rpxy = RangePolicy(x, y);
static_assert(is_same_v<RangePolicy<WhatShouldBeHere>, decltype(rpxy)>);

This form avoids the most vexing parse.o, and seems to pass on all

Added tests for SomeExecutionSpace which is guaranteed not to be

Added calls to ImplicitlyConvertibleToDefaultExecutionSpace::operator
DefaultExecutionSpace() and SomeExecutionSpace::concurrency() to
avoid maybe_unused errors under some compilers.


The default constructed CTAD RangePolicy uses list initialization syntax
(curlies) instead of parentheses to get around a gcc 8.2 compiler bug.

nestodes uses "Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace" instead of "auto" in order
to trigger the implicit conversion.
The file was modified core/src/Kokkos_ExecPolicy.hpp (diff)
The file was modified core/unit_test/TestRangePolicyCTAD.cpp (diff)
Commit 2f5ecf1db0a45aefa2a93a39aeb50c0c2cdd833c by Bruno Turcksin
Export ROCTHRUST as a Kokkos dependency
The file was modified cmake/Modules/FindTPLROCTHRUST.cmake (diff)


  1. update mdspan tpl (details)
  2. CTAD (deduction guides) for RangePolicy (#6850) (details)
  3. Export ROCTHRUST as a Kokkos dependency (details)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_stride.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/extents.hpp (diff)
The file was addedtpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2642_bits/layout_padded_fwd.hpp
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/mdspan.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan_mapping.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p1684_bits/mdarray.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/strided_slice.hpp (diff)
The file was addedtpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2642_bits/layout_padded.hpp
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan_extents.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/compressed_pair.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_left.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/config.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_right.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/mdspan/mdspan.hpp (diff)
Commit 6db04b3b5803fb7686475effe2b6af071b885697 by noreply
CTAD (deduction guides) for RangePolicy (#6850)

* Removed the check for NVCC compiler version when testing CTAD,
as decltype(RangePolicy(...)) isn't compiling under any version
of Cuda.

* Added in the explicit deduction guides for RangePolicy:
• Correctness when passing in an execution space
• Workaround for nvcc as RangePolicy<...> doesn't have any
template parameters that can be deduced, so gcc/clang assume that a
matching ctor in the primary template deduces to RangePolicy<> while
nvcc assumes it is a bug.

Rewrote the tests to be of the form:

[[maybe_unused]] static inline auto rpxy = RangePolicy(x, y);
static_assert(is_same_v<RangePolicy<WhatShouldBeHere>, decltype(rpxy)>);

This form avoids the most vexing parse.o, and seems to pass on all

Added tests for SomeExecutionSpace which is guaranteed not to be

Added calls to ImplicitlyConvertibleToDefaultExecutionSpace::operator
DefaultExecutionSpace() and SomeExecutionSpace::concurrency() to
avoid maybe_unused errors under some compilers.


The default constructed CTAD RangePolicy uses list initialization syntax
(curlies) instead of parentheses to get around a gcc 8.2 compiler bug.

nestodes uses "Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace" instead of "auto" in order
to trigger the implicit conversion.
The file was modified core/src/Kokkos_ExecPolicy.hpp (diff)
The file was modified core/unit_test/TestRangePolicyCTAD.cpp (diff)
Commit 2f5ecf1db0a45aefa2a93a39aeb50c0c2cdd833c by Bruno Turcksin
Export ROCTHRUST as a Kokkos dependency
The file was modified cmake/Modules/FindTPLROCTHRUST.cmake (diff)


  1. update mdspan tpl (details)
  2. CTAD (deduction guides) for RangePolicy (#6850) (details)
  3. Export ROCTHRUST as a Kokkos dependency (details)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_right.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan.hpp (diff)
The file was addedtpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2642_bits/layout_padded.hpp
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/extents.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p1684_bits/mdarray.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/config.hpp (diff)
The file was addedtpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2642_bits/layout_padded_fwd.hpp
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/mdspan.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/mdspan/mdspan.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/compressed_pair.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_left.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/strided_slice.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan_extents.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p0009_bits/layout_stride.hpp (diff)
The file was modified tpls/mdspan/include/experimental/__p2630_bits/submdspan_mapping.hpp (diff)
Commit 6db04b3b5803fb7686475effe2b6af071b885697 by noreply
CTAD (deduction guides) for RangePolicy (#6850)

* Removed the check for NVCC compiler version when testing CTAD,
as decltype(RangePolicy(...)) isn't compiling under any version
of Cuda.

* Added in the explicit deduction guides for RangePolicy:
• Correctness when passing in an execution space
• Workaround for nvcc as RangePolicy<...> doesn't have any
template parameters that can be deduced, so gcc/clang assume that a
matching ctor in the primary template deduces to RangePolicy<> while
nvcc assumes it is a bug.

Rewrote the tests to be of the form:

[[maybe_unused]] static inline auto rpxy = RangePolicy(x, y);
static_assert(is_same_v<RangePolicy<WhatShouldBeHere>, decltype(rpxy)>);

This form avoids the most vexing parse.o, and seems to pass on all

Added tests for SomeExecutionSpace which is guaranteed not to be

Added calls to ImplicitlyConvertibleToDefaultExecutionSpace::operator
DefaultExecutionSpace() and SomeExecutionSpace::concurrency() to
avoid maybe_unused errors under some compilers.


The default constructed CTAD RangePolicy uses list initialization syntax
(curlies) instead of parentheses to get around a gcc 8.2 compiler bug.

nestodes uses "Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace" instead of "auto" in order
to trigger the implicit conversion.
The file was modified core/src/Kokkos_ExecPolicy.hpp (diff)
The file was modified core/unit_test/TestRangePolicyCTAD.cpp (diff)
Commit 2f5ecf1db0a45aefa2a93a39aeb50c0c2cdd833c by Bruno Turcksin
Export ROCTHRUST as a Kokkos dependency
The file was modified cmake/Modules/FindTPLROCTHRUST.cmake (diff)