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Scan Repository Log

Started by user Bruno Turcksin
[Fri Dec 01 10:56:43 EST 2023] Starting branch indexing...
10:56:44 Connecting to using Jenkins ORNL
Examining celeritas-project/celeritas

  Checking branches...

  Getting remote branches...

    Checking branch develop

  Getting remote pull requests...
      ‘.jenkins’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: develop (still at 1d646fbd11507f8d0fd2d9f98381780e7f987dfb)

    Checking branch backports/v0.1
      ‘.jenkins’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: backports/v0.1 (still at b92e257fbe5df049b72f082ffe636b0bc605ac9b)

    Checking branch backports/v0.2
      ‘.jenkins’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: backports/v0.2 (still at adb336550be2cec27b846fe17487e45a2d22db59)

    Checking branch backports/v0.3
      ‘.jenkins’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: backports/v0.3 (still at 1f01ab65fa498023de1aa36d18db4615c463e308)

    Checking branch doc/gh-pages
      ‘.jenkins’ not found
    Does not meet criteria

  5 branches were processed

  Checking pull-requests...

    Checking pull request #1042

    Won't Build PR #1042. Marked as a draft.

    Checking pull request #1040
      ‘.jenkins’ found
    Met criteria
No changes detected: PR-1040 (still at ef771355ce0c845e383c8ac52afd37cd8fb04b15)

    Checking pull request #1006

    Won't Build PR #1006. Marked as a draft.

    Checking pull request #864

    Won't Build PR #864. Marked as a draft.

    Checking pull request #845

    Won't Build PR #845. Marked as a draft.

    Checking pull request #844

    Won't Build PR #844. Marked as a draft.

  6 pull requests were processed

Finished examining celeritas-project/celeritas

[Fri Dec 01 10:56:49 EST 2023] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 5.5 sec
Evaluating orphaned items in celeritas
Will not remove PR-1042 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1038 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1041 because it is new
Will not remove jenkins-test because it is new
Will not remove PR-1034 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1036 because it is new
Will not remove PR-844 because it is new
Will not remove PR-845 because it is new
Will not remove PR-864 because it is new
Will not remove PR-1006 because it is new
Will not remove frontier-orange-tracking-err-reproducer because it is new
Will not remove PR-652 because it is new
Will not remove PR-670 because it is new
Will not remove PR-724 because it is new
Will not remove PR-732 because it is new
Will not remove PR-733 because it is new
Will not remove PR-737 because it is new
Will not remove PR-755 because it is new
Will not remove PR-790 because it is new
Will not remove PR-815 because it is new
Will not remove PR-825 because it is new
Will not remove PR-842 because it is new
Will not remove PR-880 because it is new
Will not remove PR-903 because it is new
Will not remove PR-906 because it is new
Will not remove PR-907 because it is new
Will not remove PR-919 because it is new
Will not remove PR-924 because it is new
Will not remove PR-931 because it is new
Will not remove PR-936 because it is new
Will not remove PR-946 because it is new
Will not remove PR-957 because it is new
Will not remove PR-967 because it is new
Will not remove PR-969 because it is new
Will not remove PR-970 because it is new
Will not remove PR-971 because it is new
Will not remove PR-972 because it is new
Will not remove PR-973 because it is new
Will not remove master because it is new
Finished: SUCCESS