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Skipping 429 KB.. Full Log
20: Benchmark                                                                              Time             CPU   Iterations Time NonOverlap Time Overlap Time Reduce: NonOverlap Time Reduce: Overlap Time fenced Time not fenced
20: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: OverlapRangePolicy/N:2000/M:10000/R:10                                              1.45 s          1.45 s             1       0.0547438    0.0547591                0.383678             0.384394    0.191591        0.191892
20: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: Benchmark                                                                              Time             CPU   Iterations Time NonOverlap Time Overlap Time Reduce: NonOverlap Time Reduce: Time Overlap Time fenced Time not fenced
20: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: OverlapMDRangePolicy/N:200/M:10000/R:10                                            0.138 s         0.138 s             5        4.65093m     4.67532m               0.0380396                 0.0385753   0.0193531       0.0192818
20: OverlapTeamPolicy/N:20/M:1000000/R:10                                               1.46 s          1.46 s             1       0.0649734    0.0658995                0.373486                  0.373099    0.187213        0.185962
20: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: Benchmark                                                                              Time             CPU   Iterations      Count Time normalized
20: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:1024/iterations:5/manual_time                      0.000 s         0.000 s             5       1024        67.3037n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:2048/iterations:5/manual_time                      0.000 s         0.000 s             5     2.048k        66.8149n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:4096/iterations:5/manual_time                      0.000 s         0.000 s             5     4.096k        67.9136n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:8192/iterations:5/manual_time                      0.001 s         0.001 s             5     8.192k        66.7347n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:16384/iterations:5/manual_time                     0.001 s         0.001 s             5    16.384k        67.2618n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:32768/iterations:5/manual_time                     0.002 s         0.003 s             5    32.768k        74.1792n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:65536/iterations:5/manual_time                     0.005 s         0.007 s             5    65.536k        67.8506n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:131072/iterations:5/manual_time                    0.009 s         0.017 s             5   131.072k        70.5534n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:262144/iterations:5/manual_time                    0.018 s         0.040 s             5   262.144k        69.3308n
20: HexGrad_Benchmark<double>/count:524288/iterations:5/manual_time                    0.036 s         0.092 s             5   524.288k        69.5736n
20: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: Benchmark                                                                              Time             CPU   Iterations  FOM: rate
20: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: Malloc/N:1/manual_time                                                             0.227 us        0.398 us      3053620 4.40749M/s
20: Malloc/N:16/manual_time                                                            0.215 us        0.387 us      3078265 4.64163M/s
20: Malloc/N:256/manual_time                                                           0.316 us        0.487 us      2247501 3.16607M/s
20: Malloc/N:4096/manual_time                                                          0.194 us        0.371 us      3624732 5.14543M/s
20: Malloc/N:65536/manual_time                                                         0.129 us        0.343 us      5415581 7.75453M/s
+ git clone
Cloning into 'spack'...
20: Malloc/N:1048576/manual_time                                                       0.137 us        0.351 us      5109156 7.31618M/s
20: Malloc/N:16777216/manual_time                                                      0.136 us        0.350 us      5124716 7.33346M/s
20: Malloc/N:268435456/manual_time                                                      2.67 us         6.92 us       306862 375.073k/s
20: Malloc/N:4294967296/manual_time                                                     4.52 us         11.9 us       232524 221.085k/s
20: MallocFree/N:1/manual_time                                                         0.365 us        0.404 us      1949952 2.74101M/s
20: MallocFree/N:16/manual_time                                                        0.365 us        0.404 us      1848860 2.74102M/s
20: MallocFree/N:256/manual_time                                                       0.472 us        0.510 us      1474142 2.11728M/s
20: MallocFree/N:4096/manual_time                                                      0.330 us        0.368 us      2119360 3.03237M/s
20: MallocFree/N:65536/manual_time                                                     0.309 us        0.348 us      2239328 3.23181M/s
20: MallocFree/N:1048576/manual_time                                                   0.316 us        0.355 us      2200926 3.16026M/s
20: MallocFree/N:16777216/manual_time                                                  0.316 us        0.355 us      2222271 3.16365M/s
20: MallocFree/N:268435456/manual_time                                                  6.80 us         6.41 us       102459 146.969k/s
20: MallocFree/N:4294967296/manual_time                                                 10.8 us         10.2 us        64896 92.7684k/s
20: MallocTouch/N:1/manual_time                                                        0.482 us        0.645 us      1483448 2.07319M/s
20: MallocTouch/N:16/manual_time                                                       0.478 us        0.642 us      1440259 2.09077M/s
20: MallocTouch/N:256/manual_time                                                      0.560 us        0.724 us      1207065 1.78606M/s
20: MallocTouch/N:4096/manual_time                                                     0.459 us        0.622 us      1526846 2.17719M/s
20: MallocTouch/N:65536/manual_time                                                    0.480 us        0.687 us      1472352 2.08461M/s
20: MallocTouch/N:1048576/manual_time                                                   4.92 us         5.14 us       142112 203.263k/s
20: MallocTouch/N:16777216/manual_time                                                  89.1 us         89.5 us         7866  11.218k/s
20: MallocTouch/N:268435456/manual_time                                                75426 us        89862 us            9  13.2581/s
20: MallocTouch/N:4294967296/manual_time                                             1450288 us      1587709 us            1 0.689518/s
20: MallocTouchFree/N:1/manual_time                                                    0.620 us        0.659 us      1113212 1.61238M/s
20: MallocTouchFree/N:16/manual_time                                                   0.617 us        0.656 us      1280467 1.62067M/s
20: MallocTouchFree/N:256/manual_time                                                  0.693 us        0.731 us       991780  1.4438M/s
20: MallocTouchFree/N:4096/manual_time                                                 0.595 us        0.634 us      1181432 1.68075M/s
20: MallocTouchFree/N:65536/manual_time                                                0.653 us        0.692 us      1069529  1.5309M/s
20: MallocTouchFree/N:1048576/manual_time                                               5.08 us         5.12 us       137614 196.749k/s
20: MallocTouchFree/N:16777216/manual_time                                              89.4 us         89.4 us         7821  11.188k/s
Updating files:  13% (1598/11697)
Updating files:  14% (1638/11697)
Updating files:  15% (1755/11697)
Updating files:  16% (1872/11697)
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Updating files:  18% (2106/11697)
Updating files:  19% (2223/11697)
Updating files:  20% (2340/11697)
Updating files:  21% (2457/11697)
Updating files:  22% (2574/11697)
Updating files:  23% (2691/11697)
Updating files:  23% (2754/11697)
Updating files:  24% (2808/11697)
Updating files:  25% (2925/11697)
Updating files:  26% (3042/11697)
Updating files:  27% (3159/11697)
Updating files:  28% (3276/11697)
Updating files:  29% (3393/11697)
Updating files:  30% (3510/11697)
Updating files:  31% (3627/11697)
Updating files:  32% (3744/11697)
Updating files:  33% (3861/11697)
Updating files:  34% (3977/11697)
Updating files:  35% (4094/11697)
Updating files:  35% (4105/11697)
Updating files:  36% (4211/11697)
Updating files:  37% (4328/11697)
Updating files:  38% (4445/11697)
Updating files:  39% (4562/11697)
Updating files:  40% (4679/11697)
Updating files:  41% (4796/11697)
Updating files:  42% (4913/11697)
Updating files:  43% (5030/11697)
Updating files:  44% (5147/11697)
Updating files:  44% (5232/11697)
Updating files:  45% (5264/11697)
Updating files:  46% (5381/11697)
Updating files:  47% (5498/11697)
Updating files:  48% (5615/11697)
Updating files:  49% (5732/11697)
Updating files:  50% (5849/11697)
Updating files:  51% (5966/11697)
Updating files:  51% (6042/11697)
Updating files:  52% (6083/11697)
Updating files:  53% (6200/11697)
Updating files:  54% (6317/11697)
Updating files:  55% (6434/11697)
Updating files:  56% (6551/11697)
Updating files:  57% (6668/11697)
Updating files:  58% (6785/11697)
Updating files:  59% (6902/11697)
Updating files:  60% (7019/11697)
Updating files:  61% (7136/11697)
Updating files:  61% (7151/11697)
Updating files:  62% (7253/11697)
Updating files:  63% (7370/11697)
Updating files:  64% (7487/11697)
Updating files:  65% (7604/11697)
Updating files:  66% (7721/11697)
Updating files:  67% (7837/11697)
Updating files:  68% (7954/11697)
Updating files:  69% (8071/11697)
Updating files:  69% (8122/11697)
Updating files:  70% (8188/11697)
Updating files:  71% (8305/11697)
Updating files:  72% (8422/11697)
Updating files:  73% (8539/11697)
Updating files:  74% (8656/11697)
Updating files:  75% (8773/11697)
Updating files:  76% (8890/11697)
20: MallocTouchFree/N:268435456/manual_time                                            98392 us        98353 us            7  10.1635/s
Updating files:  77% (9007/11697)
Updating files:  78% (9124/11697)
Updating files:  78% (9183/11697)
Updating files:  79% (9241/11697)
Updating files:  80% (9358/11697)
Updating files:  81% (9475/11697)
Updating files:  82% (9592/11697)
Updating files:  83% (9709/11697)
Updating files:  84% (9826/11697)
Updating files:  85% (9943/11697)
Updating files:  86% (10060/11697)
Updating files:  87% (10177/11697)
Updating files:  87% (10258/11697)
20: MallocTouchFree/N:4294967296/manual_time                                         1256372 us      1254904 us            1 0.795943/s
Updating files:  88% (10294/11697)
Updating files:  89% (10411/11697)
Updating files:  90% (10528/11697)
Updating files:  91% (10645/11697)
Updating files:  92% (10762/11697)
Updating files:  93% (10879/11697)
Updating files:  94% (10996/11697)
20: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: Benchmark                                                                              Time             CPU   Iterations  FOM: GB/s         MB
20: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: ViewAllocate_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                            0.229 s         0.269 s             3  3.49572/s        800
Updating files:  94% (11021/11697)
Updating files:  95% (11113/11697)
Updating files:  96% (11230/11697)
Updating files:  97% (11347/11697)
Updating files:  98% (11464/11697)
Updating files:  99% (11581/11697)
Updating files: 100% (11697/11697)
Updating files: 100% (11697/11697), done.
+ . ./spack/share/spack/
+ [ -n  ]
+ export _sp_initializing=true
+ _spack_determine_shell
+ [ -f /proc/36/exe ]
+ readlink /proc/36/exe
+ _sp_exe=/usr/bin/dash
+ basename /usr/bin/dash
+ tr -d 0123456789
+ _sp_shell=dash
+ alias spacktivate=spack env activate
+ [ dash = bash ]
+ [ dash = zsh ]
+ ls /proc/36/fd
+ sort -n
+ tail -1
+ _sp_source_file_fd=11
+ readlink /proc/36/fd/11
+ _sp_source_file=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/
+ [ ! -f /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/ ]
+ [ dash = zsh ]
+ dirname /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/
+ cd /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack
+ pwd
+ _sp_share_dir=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack
+ dirname /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack
+ dirname /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share
+ cd /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack
+ pwd
+ _sp_prefix=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack
+ [ -x /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin/spack ]
+ export SPACK_ROOT=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack
+ _spack_pathadd PATH /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin
+ _pa_varname=PATH
+ _pa_new_path=PATH
+ [ -n /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin ]
+ _pa_varname=PATH
+ _pa_new_path=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin
+ eval _pa_oldvalue=${PATH:-}
+ _pa_oldvalue=/usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
+ _pa_canonical=/usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:
+ [ -d /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin ]
+ [ /usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin: = /usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin: ]
+ [ -n /usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin ]
+ eval export PATH="/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin:/usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
+ export PATH=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin:/usr/local/nvidia/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
+ eval spack() {
    : this is a shell function from: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/
    : the real spack script is here: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin/spack
    _spack_shell_wrapper "$@"
    return $?
+ [ dash = bash ]
+ command -v 
+ command -v python3
+ command -v python3
+ export SPACK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3
+ break
+ [ -z  ]
+ need_module=no
+ _spack_fn_exists use
+ LANG= type use
+ grep -q function
+ _spack_fn_exists module
+ LANG= type module
+ grep -q function
+ need_module=yes
+ [ yes = yes ]
+ spack --print-shell-vars sh,modules
+ : this is a shell function from: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/
+ : the real spack script is here: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin/spack
+ _spack_shell_wrapper --print-shell-vars sh,modules
+ eval if [ -n "${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH-}" ]; then export SPACK_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}; fi
+ [ -n  ]
+ [ -n  ]
+ [ -n  ]
+ _sp_flags=
+ [ ! -z x ]
+ [ -print-shell-vars != --print-shell-vars ]
+ _sp_flags= --print-shell-vars
+ shift
+ [ ! -z x ]
+ [ sh,modules != sh,modules ]
+ [ -n  --print-shell-vars ]
+ [ ell-vars !=  --print-shell-vars ]
+ command spack --print-shell-vars sh,modules
20: ViewAllocate_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                           0.230 s         0.270 s             3  3.48478/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                            0.229 s         0.269 s             3  3.48986/s        800
+ return
+ return 0
+ eval _sp_sys_type='linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2' _sp_compatible_sys_types='linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2:linux-ubuntu22.04-zen:linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v3:linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v2:linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64' _sp_tcl_roots='/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules' _sp_lmod_roots='/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/lmod' _sp_module_prefix='not_installed'
+ _sp_sys_type=linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2 _sp_compatible_sys_types=linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2:linux-ubuntu22.04-zen:linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v3:linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v2:linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64 _sp_tcl_roots=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules _sp_lmod_roots=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/lmod _sp_module_prefix=not_installed
+ [ not_installed != not_installed ]
+ _sp_multi_pathadd MODULEPATH /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules
+ local IFS=:
+ [ dash = zsh ]
+ _spack_pathadd MODULEPATH /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2
+ _pa_varname=PATH
+ _pa_new_path=MODULEPATH
+ [ -n /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2 ]
+ _pa_varname=MODULEPATH
+ _pa_new_path=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2
+ eval _pa_oldvalue=${MODULEPATH:-}
+ _pa_oldvalue=
+ _pa_canonical=:
+ [ -d /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2 ]
+ _spack_pathadd MODULEPATH /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen
+ _pa_varname=PATH
+ _pa_new_path=MODULEPATH
+ [ -n /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen ]
+ _pa_varname=MODULEPATH
+ _pa_new_path=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen
+ eval _pa_oldvalue=${MODULEPATH:-}
+ _pa_oldvalue=
+ _pa_canonical=:
+ [ -d /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen ]
+ _spack_pathadd MODULEPATH /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v3
+ _pa_varname=PATH
+ _pa_new_path=MODULEPATH
+ [ -n /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v3 ]
+ _pa_varname=MODULEPATH
+ _pa_new_path=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v3
+ eval _pa_oldvalue=${MODULEPATH:-}
+ _pa_oldvalue=
+ _pa_canonical=:
+ [ -d /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v3 ]
+ _spack_pathadd MODULEPATH /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v2
+ _pa_varname=PATH
+ _pa_new_path=MODULEPATH
+ [ -n /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v2 ]
+ _pa_varname=MODULEPATH
+ _pa_new_path=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v2
+ eval _pa_oldvalue=${MODULEPATH:-}
+ _pa_oldvalue=
+ _pa_canonical=:
+ [ -d /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64_v2 ]
+ _spack_pathadd MODULEPATH /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64
+ _pa_varname=PATH
+ _pa_new_path=MODULEPATH
+ [ -n /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64 ]
+ _pa_varname=MODULEPATH
+ _pa_new_path=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64
+ eval _pa_oldvalue=${MODULEPATH:-}
+ _pa_oldvalue=
+ _pa_canonical=:
+ [ -d /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/modules/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64 ]
+ test dash = bash
+ test -n 
+ unset _sp_initializing
+ export _sp_initializing
+ spack install kokkos@develop+cuda+wrapper+tests cuda_arch=80 ^cuda@12.1.0
+ : this is a shell function from: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/share/spack/
+ : the real spack script is here: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/bin/spack
+ _spack_shell_wrapper install kokkos@develop+cuda+wrapper+tests cuda_arch=80 ^cuda@12.1.0
+ eval if [ -n "${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH-}" ]; then export SPACK_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}; fi
+ [ -n  ]
+ [ -n  ]
+ [ -n  ]
+ _sp_flags=
+ [ ! -z x ]
+ [ install != install ]
+ [ -n  ]
+ [  !=  ]
+ _sp_subcommand=
+ [ ! -z x ]
+ _sp_subcommand=install
+ shift
+ command spack install kokkos@develop+cuda+wrapper+tests cuda_arch=80 ^cuda@12.1.0
20: ViewAllocate_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                           0.230 s         0.270 s             3  3.48061/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                            0.229 s         0.270 s             3  3.49349/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                           0.229 s         0.269 s             3  3.49288/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                            0.229 s         0.269 s             3  3.48805/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                           0.231 s         0.271 s             3  3.46287/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                            0.230 s         0.270 s             3  3.47413/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                           0.230 s         0.269 s             3  3.48018/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                            0.229 s         0.269 s             3  3.49115/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                           0.231 s         0.270 s             3  3.46856/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                            0.230 s         0.269 s             3  3.47428/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                           0.230 s         0.269 s             3  3.48069/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                            0.229 s         0.268 s             3   3.4945/s        800
20: ViewAllocate_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                           0.229 s         0.269 s             3  3.49382/s        800
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        0.064 s         0.064 s            11  25.0857/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        0.063 s         0.063 s            11  25.2533/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        0.063 s         0.063 s            11  25.2908/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time      0.063 s         0.063 s            11  25.2874/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time      0.063 s         0.063 s            11  25.2237/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time      0.063 s         0.063 s            11  25.2802/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time       0.064 s         0.063 s            11   25.188/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time        1.30 s          1.30 s             1  1.23138/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time       0.966 s         0.966 s             1  1.65566/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time       0.063 s         0.063 s            11  25.4498/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        1.29 s          1.29 s             1  1.24238/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time       0.633 s         0.633 s             1  2.52846/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        0.063 s         0.063 s            11  25.4028/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        0.064 s         0.064 s            11  25.1198/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time      0.064 s         0.064 s            11  24.8553/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time      0.064 s         0.064 s            11  25.0472/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time        1.48 s          1.48 s             1  1.08153/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time        1.26 s          1.26 s             1  1.26841/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        1.88 s          1.88 s             1 0.849202/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        1.48 s          1.47 s             1  1.08015/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        0.063 s         0.062 s            11    25.41/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time      0.063 s         0.063 s            11   25.361/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time        1.30 s          1.29 s             1  1.23466/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        1.10 s          1.09 s             1  1.45594/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        0.062 s         0.062 s            11  25.7295/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time      0.062 s         0.062 s            11  25.7243/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time        1.74 s          1.74 s             1 0.918865/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        1.38 s          1.38 s             1  1.16228/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        0.064 s         0.064 s            11  25.0456/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time      0.064 s         0.064 s            11  25.0705/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time        1.55 s          1.55 s             1  1.03349/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time        1.59 s          1.59 s             1  1.00589/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Raw<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time          0.112 s         0.112 s             6  14.2528/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Raw<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time        0.111 s         0.111 s             6  14.3867/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Raw<Kokkos::LayoutLeft, Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time         0.112 s         0.112 s             6  14.3114/s       1.6k
20: ViewDeepCopy_Raw<Kokkos::LayoutRight, Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time         0.112 s         0.111 s             6  14.3431/s       1.6k
20: ViewFill_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                0.080 s         0.079 s             9  10.0473/s        800
==> Fetching
==> Fetching
==> Installing "clingo-bootstrap@=spack%gcc@=10.2.1~docs+ipo+optimized+python+static_libstdcpp build_system=cmake build_type=Release generator=make patches=bebb819,ec99431 arch=linux-centos7-x86_64" from a buildcache
[+] /usr (external glibc-2.35-x4pvxdzqtmsewjtpa56btqwyx23m6kxt)
==> Installing gcc-runtime-11.4.0-5usmguxnp4mk6oyibrq323degkw6qdfj [2/23]
==> No binary for gcc-runtime-11.4.0-5usmguxnp4mk6oyibrq323degkw6qdfj found: installing from source
==> No patches needed for gcc-runtime
==> gcc-runtime: Executing phase: 'install'
==> gcc-runtime: Successfully installed gcc-runtime-11.4.0-5usmguxnp4mk6oyibrq323degkw6qdfj
  Stage: 0.00s.  Install: 0.29s.  Post-install: 0.05s.  Total: 0.48s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/gcc-runtime-11.4.0-5usmguxnp4mk6oyibrq323degkw6qdfj
==> Installing ca-certificates-mozilla-2023-05-30-kkpvvekbsc42dwueooa4curipwgb5cfa [3/23]
==> No binary for ca-certificates-mozilla-2023-05-30-kkpvvekbsc42dwueooa4curipwgb5cfa found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for ca-certificates-mozilla
==> ca-certificates-mozilla: Executing phase: 'install'
==> ca-certificates-mozilla: Successfully installed ca-certificates-mozilla-2023-05-30-kkpvvekbsc42dwueooa4curipwgb5cfa
  Stage: 0.20s.  Install: 0.00s.  Post-install: 0.01s.  Total: 0.33s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/ca-certificates-mozilla-2023-05-30-kkpvvekbsc42dwueooa4curipwgb5cfa
==> Installing gmake-4.4.1-bfsvjyn4jn57p65alwz255flothn5fyn [4/23]
==> No binary for gmake-4.4.1-bfsvjyn4jn57p65alwz255flothn5fyn found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for gmake
==> gmake: Executing phase: 'install'
20: ViewFill_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                               0.079 s         0.079 s             9  10.0802/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                0.078 s         0.078 s             9  10.2395/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                               0.076 s         0.076 s             9  10.5469/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                0.076 s         0.076 s             9  10.5658/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                               0.078 s         0.078 s             9  10.2966/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                0.078 s         0.078 s             9  10.3044/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                               0.078 s         0.078 s             9  10.2972/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                0.077 s         0.077 s             9  10.3262/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                               0.078 s         0.077 s             9  10.3108/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                0.078 s         0.078 s             9  10.3109/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                               0.078 s         0.078 s             9  10.2025/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                0.079 s         0.079 s             9  10.1249/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                               0.079 s         0.079 s             9  10.1043/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                0.079 s         0.079 s             9  10.0928/s        800
20: ViewFill_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                               0.079 s         0.079 s             9  10.0959/s        800
20: ViewFill_Raw<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/manual_time                                  0.087 s         0.087 s             8  9.22236/s        800
20: ViewFill_Raw<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/manual_time                                 0.087 s         0.087 s             8  9.20736/s        800
==> gmake: Successfully installed gmake-4.4.1-bfsvjyn4jn57p65alwz255flothn5fyn
  Stage: 0.65s.  Install: 20.94s.  Post-install: 0.02s.  Total: 21.78s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/gmake-4.4.1-bfsvjyn4jn57p65alwz255flothn5fyn
==> Installing zlib-ng-2.1.6-brzavumibxipolqh5htlzwbc6qlclur6 [5/23]
==> No binary for zlib-ng-2.1.6-brzavumibxipolqh5htlzwbc6qlclur6 found: installing from source
20: ViewResize_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time                0.035 s         0.035 s            10  46.2893/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time               0.035 s         0.035 s            10   46.333/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time                0.055 s         0.055 s            10  28.8765/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time               0.053 s         0.053 s            10  30.0081/s       1.6k
==> Fetching
==> Fetching
==> Applied patch
==> zlib-ng: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> zlib-ng: Executing phase: 'configure'
20: ViewResize_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time                0.052 s         0.052 s            10  30.5107/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time               0.053 s         0.053 s            10  30.0833/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time         0.026 s         0.026 s            10  60.6499/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank1<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time        0.026 s         0.026 s            10  60.4866/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time         0.054 s         0.054 s            10  29.6974/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank2<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time        0.051 s         0.051 s            10  31.2409/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time         0.051 s         0.051 s            10   31.377/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank3<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time        0.051 s         0.051 s            10  31.3636/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time                0.057 s         0.057 s            10  27.9546/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time               0.057 s         0.057 s            10  27.9508/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time                0.062 s         0.062 s            10  25.9405/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time               0.062 s         0.062 s            10   25.828/s       1.6k
==> zlib-ng: Executing phase: 'build'
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time         0.058 s         0.058 s            10  27.6893/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank4<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time        0.056 s         0.056 s            10  28.6075/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time         0.060 s         0.060 s            10  26.4569/s       1.6k
==> zlib-ng: Executing phase: 'install'
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank5<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time        0.058 s         0.058 s            10  27.3715/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time                0.082 s         0.082 s            10  19.5047/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time               0.081 s         0.081 s            10  19.7061/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time         0.078 s         0.078 s            10  20.3988/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank6<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time        0.076 s         0.076 s            10  20.9512/s       1.6k
==> zlib-ng: Successfully installed zlib-ng-2.1.6-brzavumibxipolqh5htlzwbc6qlclur6
  Stage: 3.26s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 9.37s.  Build: 2.88s.  Install: 0.39s.  Post-install: 0.02s.  Total: 16.35s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/zlib-ng-2.1.6-brzavumibxipolqh5htlzwbc6qlclur6
==> Installing libiconv-1.17-vkwocpcxvmgp66n2br7dr6chknzsrg2b [6/23]
==> No binary for libiconv-1.17-vkwocpcxvmgp66n2br7dr6chknzsrg2b found: installing from source
20: ViewResize_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time                0.047 s         0.047 s            10  34.1561/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time               0.063 s         0.063 s            10  25.4002/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time         0.045 s         0.045 s            10  35.7807/s       1.6k
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for libiconv
==> libiconv: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank7<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time        0.056 s         0.056 s            10  28.3492/s       1.6k
==> libiconv: Executing phase: 'configure'
20: ViewResize_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time                0.077 s         0.077 s            10  20.7499/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time               0.062 s         0.062 s            10  25.9138/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time         0.065 s         0.065 s            10  24.4341/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Rank8<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time        0.054 s         0.054 s            10   29.751/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Raw<Kokkos::LayoutLeft>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time           0.302 s         0.333 s            10  5.30491/s       1.6k
20: ViewResize_NoInit_Raw<Kokkos::LayoutRight>/N:10/iterations:10/manual_time          0.302 s         0.333 s            10  5.30164/s       1.6k
20/45 Test #20: Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Benchmark ............   Passed  204.68 sec
test 21
      Start 21: Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax

21: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test/Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax "--benchmark_counters_tabular=true" "--benchmark_out=Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax_2024-07-07_T04-42-07.json"
21: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test
21: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
21: 2024-07-07T04:45:56+00:00
21: Running /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test/Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax
21: Run on (4 X 1996.25 MHz CPU s)
21: CPU Caches:
21:   L1 Data 64 KiB (x4)
21:   L1 Instruction 64 KiB (x4)
21:   L2 Unified 512 KiB (x4)
21:   L3 Unified 16384 KiB (x4)
21: Load Average: 1.00, 1.00, 0.80
21: CPU architecture: none
21: Default Device: N6Kokkos6SerialE
21: GIT_COMMIT_DATE: 2024-07-05T11:00:03-06:00
21: GIT_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION: Fix and test with -fsanitize=undefined in GitHub CI (#7104)
21: GIT_COMMIT_HASH: 93e372cbb
21: GPU architecture: none
21: Kokkos Version: 4.3.99
21: platform: 64bit
21: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21: Benchmark                                                                                              Time             CPU   Iterations
21: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21: Atomic_MinReplacements<int>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                               0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxReplacements<int>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                               0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxEarlyExits<int>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                                 0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinEarlyExits<int>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                                 0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMaxReplacements<int>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time                     0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMinReplacements<int>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time                     0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinReplacements<long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                              0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxReplacements<long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                              0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxEarlyExits<long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                                0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_MinEarlyExits<long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                                0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMaxReplacements<long>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time                    0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMinReplacements<long>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time                    0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinReplacements<long long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                         0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxReplacements<long long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                         0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxEarlyExits<long long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                           0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_MinEarlyExits<long long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                           0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMaxReplacements<long long>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time               0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMinReplacements<long long>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time               0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinReplacements<unsigned int>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                      0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxReplacements<unsigned int>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                      0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxEarlyExits<unsigned int>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                        0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_MinEarlyExits<unsigned int>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                        0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMaxReplacements<unsigned int>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time            0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMinReplacements<unsigned int>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time            0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinReplacements<unsigned long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                     0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxReplacements<unsigned long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                     0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxEarlyExits<unsigned long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                       0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_MinEarlyExits<unsigned long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                       0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMaxReplacements<unsigned long>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time           0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMinReplacements<unsigned long>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time           0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinReplacements<unsigned long long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxReplacements<unsigned long long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxEarlyExits<unsigned long long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                  0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_MinEarlyExits<unsigned long long>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                  0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMaxReplacements<unsigned long long>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time      0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMinReplacements<unsigned long long>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time      0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinReplacements<float>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                             0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxReplacements<float>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                             0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxEarlyExits<float>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                               0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinEarlyExits<float>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                               0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMaxReplacements<float>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time                   0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMinReplacements<float>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time                   0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_MinReplacements<double>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                            0.006 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxReplacements<double>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                            0.005 s         0.006 s            10
21: Atomic_MaxEarlyExits<double>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                              0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_MinEarlyExits<double>/Length:1000000/iterations:10/manual_time                              0.001 s         0.002 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMaxReplacements<double>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time                  0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21: Atomic_ContentiousMinReplacements<double>/Length:200000/iterations:10/manual_time                  0.001 s         0.001 s            10
21/45 Test #21: Kokkos_Benchmark_Atomic_MinMax ..............   Passed    1.46 sec
test 22
      Start 22: Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool

22: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool "--benchmark_counters_tabular=true" "--benchmark_out=Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool_2024-07-07_T04-42-07.json"
22: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test
22: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
22: 2024-07-07T04:45:57+00:00
22: Running /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool
22: Run on (4 X 1996.25 MHz CPU s)
22: CPU Caches:
22:   L1 Data 64 KiB (x4)
22:   L1 Instruction 64 KiB (x4)
22:   L2 Unified 512 KiB (x4)
22:   L3 Unified 16384 KiB (x4)
22: Load Average: 1.00, 1.00, 0.80
22: CPU architecture: none
22: Default Device: N6Kokkos6SerialE
22: GIT_COMMIT_DATE: 2024-07-05T11:00:03-06:00
22: GIT_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION: Fix and test with -fsanitize=undefined in GitHub CI (#7104)
22: GIT_COMMIT_HASH: 93e372cbb
22: GPU architecture: none
22: Kokkos Version: 4.3.99
22: platform: 64bit
22: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22: Benchmark                                                                                                                                             Time             CPU   Iterations FOM: fill ops per second
22: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22: Mempool_Fill/total_alloc_size:1000000/min_superblock_size:10000/chunk_span:5/fill_stride:1/fill_level:70/repeat_inner:1/manual_time               0.000 s         0.000 s          3810                30.137M/s
22: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22: Benchmark                                                                                                                                             Time             CPU   Iterations FOM: cycle ops per second
22: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22: Mempool_Alloc_Dealloc/total_alloc_size:1000000/min_superblock_size:10000/chunk_span:5/fill_stride:1/fill_level:70/repeat_inner:1/manual_time      0.000 s         0.000 s          9314                 147.65M/s
22/45 Test #22: Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Mempool ..............   Passed    1.72 sec
test 23
      Start 23: Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic

23: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic "--benchmark_counters_tabular=true" "--benchmark_out=Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic_2024-07-07_T04-42-07.json"
23: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test
23: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
23: 2024-07-07T04:45:59+00:00
23: Running /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/core/perf_test/Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic
23: Run on (4 X 1996.25 MHz CPU s)
23: CPU Caches:
23:   L1 Data 64 KiB (x4)
23:   L1 Instruction 64 KiB (x4)
23:   L2 Unified 512 KiB (x4)
23:   L3 Unified 16384 KiB (x4)
23: Load Average: 1.00, 1.00, 0.80
23: CPU architecture: none
23: Default Device: N6Kokkos6SerialE
23: GIT_COMMIT_DATE: 2024-07-05T11:00:03-06:00
23: GIT_COMMIT_DESCRIPTION: Fix and test with -fsanitize=undefined in GitHub CI (#7104)
23: GIT_COMMIT_HASH: 93e372cbb
23: GPU architecture: none
23: Kokkos Version: 4.3.99
23: platform: 64bit
23: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23: Benchmark                                                         Time             CPU   Iterations     Passed Size of type Time atomic Time non-atomic Time serial Value atomic Value non-atomic Value serial
23: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23: Test_Atomic<int>/30000/iterations:10                          0.002 s         0.002 s            10          1            4   0.0113073        2.26397m      304.9u     449.985M         449.985M     449.985M
23: Test_Atomic<long int>/100000/iterations:10                    0.005 s         0.005 s            10          1            8   0.0107423        2.13603m     299.47u     4.99995G         4.99995G     4.99995G
23: Test_Atomic<long long int>/100000/iterations:10               0.005 s         0.005 s            10          1            8   0.0107825        2.15336m     603.03u     4.99995G         4.99995G     4.99995G
23: Test_Atomic<unsigned int>/100000/iterations:10                0.005 s         0.005 s            10          1            4   0.0108478        2.19475m     302.27u     704.983M         704.983M     704.983M
23: Test_Atomic<unsigned long int>/100000/iterations:10           0.005 s         0.005 s            10          1            8   0.0108578        2.18933m     302.27u     4.99995G         4.99995G     4.99995G
23: Test_Atomic<unsigned long long int>/100000/iterations:10      0.005 s         0.005 s            10          1            8   0.0114517          2.231m     305.58u     4.99995G         4.99995G     4.99995G
23: Test_Atomic<float>/100000/iterations:10                       0.006 s         0.006 s            10          1            4   0.0108774        3.42657m     911.72u     4.99989G         4.99989G     4.99989G
23: Test_Atomic<double>/100000/iterations:10                      0.006 s         0.006 s            10          1            8   0.0108326        3.35824m      904.5u     4.99995G         4.99995G     4.99995G
23/45 Test #23: Kokkos_PerformanceTest_Atomic ...............   Passed    0.40 sec
test 24
      Start 24: Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_Serial

24: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/containers/unit_tests/Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_Serial
24: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/containers/unit_tests
24: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
24: [==========] Running 65 tests from 1 test suite.
24: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
24: [----------] 65 tests from serial
24: [ RUN      ] serial.bitset
24: [       OK ] serial.bitset (1615 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.bitset_default_constructor_no_alloc
24: [       OK ] serial.bitset_default_constructor_no_alloc (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_combination
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_combination (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_alloc
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_alloc (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.test_dualview_copy_construction_and_assignment
24: [       OK ] serial.test_dualview_copy_construction_and_assignment (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_combinations_without_init
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_combinations_without_init (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_deep_copy
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_deep_copy (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_realloc
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_realloc (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_resize
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_resize (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_device_correct_kokkos_device
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_device_correct_kokkos_device (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_host_correct_kokkos_device
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_host_correct_kokkos_device (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_host_modify_template_device_sync
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_host_modify_template_device_sync (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_host_modify_template_device_execspace_sync
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_host_modify_template_device_execspace_sync (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_device_modify_template_host_sync
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_device_modify_template_host_sync (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_device_modify_template_host_execspace_sync
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_device_modify_template_host_execspace_sync (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dualview_template_views_return_correct_executionspace_views
24: [       OK ] serial.dualview_template_views_return_correct_executionspace_views (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dynamic_view
24: [       OK ] serial.dynamic_view (9 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dyn_rank_view_api_generic
24: [       OK ] serial.dyn_rank_view_api_generic (8 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dyn_rank_view_api_operator_rank12345
24: [       OK ] serial.dyn_rank_view_api_operator_rank12345 (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dyn_rank_view_check_fence_resize_realloc
24: [       OK ] serial.dyn_rank_view_check_fence_resize_realloc (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.dyn_rank_view_api_operator_rank67
24: [       OK ] serial.dyn_rank_view_api_operator_rank67 (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.ErrorReporterViaLambda
24: [       OK ] serial.ErrorReporterViaLambda (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.ErrorReporter
24: [       OK ] serial.ErrorReporter (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.offsetview_construction
24: [       OK ] serial.offsetview_construction (22 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.offsetview_unmanaged_construction
24: [       OK ] serial.offsetview_unmanaged_construction (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.offsetview_subview
24: [       OK ] serial.offsetview_subview (14 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.offsetview_offsets_rank1
24: [       OK ] serial.offsetview_offsets_rank1 (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.offsetview_offsets_rank2
24: [       OK ] serial.offsetview_offsets_rank2 (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.offsetview_offsets_rank3
24: [       OK ] serial.offsetview_offsets_rank3 (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.scatterview
24: [       OK ] serial.scatterview (1643 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.scatterview_devicetype
24: [       OK ] serial.scatterview_devicetype (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.staticcrsgraph
24: [       OK ] serial.staticcrsgraph (8 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_realloc_no_init_dualview
24: [       OK ] serial.resize_realloc_no_init_dualview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_realloc_no_alloc_dualview
24: [       OK ] serial.resize_realloc_no_alloc_dualview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_exec_space_dualview
24: [       OK ] serial.resize_exec_space_dualview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.realloc_exec_space_dualview
24: [       OK ] serial.realloc_exec_space_dualview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_realloc_no_init_dynrankview
24: [       OK ] serial.resize_realloc_no_init_dynrankview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_exec_space_dynrankview
24: [       OK ] serial.resize_exec_space_dynrankview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.realloc_exec_space_dynrankview
24: [       OK ] serial.realloc_exec_space_dynrankview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_realloc_no_init_scatterview
24: [       OK ] serial.resize_realloc_no_init_scatterview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_realloc_no_alloc_scatterview
24: [       OK ] serial.resize_realloc_no_alloc_scatterview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.resize_exec_space_scatterview
24: [       OK ] serial.resize_exec_space_scatterview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.realloc_exec_space_scatterview
24: [       OK ] serial.realloc_exec_space_scatterview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_dynrankview
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_dynrankview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_dynrankview_viewctor
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_dynrankview_viewctor (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_view_and_copy_dynrankview
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_view_and_copy_dynrankview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_offsetview
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_offsetview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_offsetview_view_ctor
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_offsetview_view_ctor (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_view_and_copy_offsetview
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_view_and_copy_offsetview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_dynamicview
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_dynamicview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_view_and_copy_dynamicview
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_view_and_copy_dynamicview (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_dynamicview_view_ctor
24: [       OK ] serial.create_mirror_no_init_dynamicview_view_ctor (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_insert
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_insert (6507 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_failed_insert
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_failed_insert (3211 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_deep_copy
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_deep_copy (2 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_valid_empty
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_valid_empty (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_clear_zero_size
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_clear_zero_size (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_consistent_size
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_consistent_size (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_shallow_copyable_on_device
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_shallow_copyable_on_device (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_lambda_capturable
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_lambda_capturable (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.UnorderedMap_constructor_view_alloc
24: [       OK ] serial.UnorderedMap_constructor_view_alloc (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.vector_combination
24: [       OK ] serial.vector_combination (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.vector_insert
24: [       OK ] serial.vector_insert (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.vector_push_back_default_exec
24: [       OK ] serial.vector_push_back_default_exec (0 ms)
24: [ RUN      ] serial.viewctorprop_embedded_dim
24: [       OK ] serial.viewctorprop_embedded_dim (0 ms)
24: [----------] 65 tests from serial (13049 ms total)
24: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
24: [==========] 65 tests from 1 test suite ran. (13049 ms total)
24: [  PASSED  ] 65 tests.
24/45 Test #24: Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_Serial ............   Passed   13.14 sec
test 25
      Start 25: Kokkos_UnitTest_Sort

25: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_UnitTest_Sort
25: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
25: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
25: [==========] Running 16 tests from 1 test suite.
25: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
25: [----------] 16 tests from serial
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortUnsignedValueType
25: [       OK ] serial.SortUnsignedValueType (8674 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortEmptyView
25: [       OK ] serial.SortEmptyView (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortByKeyEmptyView
25: [       OK ] serial.SortByKeyEmptyView (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortByKeyEmptyViewHost
25: [       OK ] serial.SortByKeyEmptyViewHost (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortByKey
25: [       OK ] serial.SortByKey (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortByKeyWithComparator
25: [       OK ] serial.SortByKeyWithComparator (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortByKeyStaticExtents
25: [       OK ] serial.SortByKeyStaticExtents (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortByKeyWithStrides
25: [       OK ] serial.SortByKeyWithStrides (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortByKeyKeysLargerThanValues
25: [       OK ] serial.SortByKeyKeysLargerThanValues (347 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.SortWithCustomComparator
25: [       OK ] serial.SortWithCustomComparator (1024 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.BinSortGenericTests
==> libiconv: Executing phase: 'build'
25: [       OK ] serial.BinSortGenericTests (1344 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.BinSortEmptyView
25: [       OK ] serial.BinSortEmptyView (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.BinSortEmptyKeysView
25: [       OK ] serial.BinSortEmptyKeysView (0 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.BinSortUnsignedKeyLayoutStrideValues
==> libiconv: Executing phase: 'install'
==> libiconv: Successfully installed libiconv-1.17-vkwocpcxvmgp66n2br7dr6chknzsrg2b
  Stage: 2.58s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 37.35s.  Build: 9.55s.  Install: 1.60s.  Post-install: 0.09s.  Total: 51.62s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/libiconv-1.17-vkwocpcxvmgp66n2br7dr6chknzsrg2b
==> Installing berkeley-db-18.1.40-ud265drd6wks23teglxqnglhyluaiwvg [7/23]
==> No binary for berkeley-db-18.1.40-ud265drd6wks23teglxqnglhyluaiwvg found: installing from source
25: [       OK ] serial.BinSortUnsignedKeyLayoutStrideValues (26476 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.NestedSort
25: [       OK ] serial.NestedSort (9 ms)
25: [ RUN      ] serial.NestedSortByKey
25: [       OK ] serial.NestedSortByKey (74 ms)
25: [----------] 16 tests from serial (37952 ms total)
25: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
25: [==========] 16 tests from 1 test suite ran. (37952 ms total)
25: [  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
25/45 Test #25: Kokkos_UnitTest_Sort ........................   Passed   37.97 sec
test 26
      Start 26: Kokkos_UnitTest_Random

26: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_UnitTest_Random
26: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
26: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
26: [==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test suite.
26: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
26: [----------] 3 tests from serial
26: [ RUN      ] serial.Random_XorShift64
26: Test Seed:1720327611006889896
26: Test Scalar=int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 -0.0192971 -0.00150969 || 0.051031 2008 2411 || 2265.78 2222.06 || -20.87 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 -0.000280367 -0.000287403 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=unsigned int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 0.00893101 0.000699963 || 0.051031 2048 2427 || 2202.39 2222.06 || 9.67628 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 -0.0106033 0.000409234 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=int64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 -0.00302592 -0.00134478 || 0.051031 2054 2396 || 2228.81 2222.06 || -18.5902 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 0.00679206 0.000127844 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=uint64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 0.00510081 0.000480026 || 0.051031 2052 2410 || 2210.78 2222.06 || 6.63588 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 -0.00780437 -1.5941e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=half
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
==> Fetching
==> Applied patch /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/berkeley-db/drop-docs.patch
==> Applied patch /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/berkeley-db/tls.patch
==> Ran patch() for berkeley-db
==> berkeley-db: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> berkeley-db: Executing phase: 'configure'
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 6.51042e-08 0.015258 0.000493392 || 0.051031 2018 2391 || 2188.67 2222.06 || 6.82065 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 1.95313e-07 0.0103267 0.000177979 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=bhalf
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 1.30208e-07 0.0289734 -0.000500452 || 0.051031 2029 2423 || 2159.49 2222.06 || -6.91825 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 3.90625e-07 0.00856123 0.00063116 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=float
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 3.25521e-08 -0.0108306 -0.00137626 || 0.051031 2067 2401 || 2246.39 2222.06 || -19.0254 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 9.76563e-08 -0.0173136 3.95007e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=double
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 -0.005227 -0.000592235 || 0.051031 2049 2422 || 2233.74 2222.06 || -8.18706 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 -0.00914359 -0.000247255 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Seed:1720327613066240390
26: Test Scalar=int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 0.00479328 0.00188682 || 0.051031 2034 2397 || 2211.46 2222.06 || 26.0835 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 -0.0121762 0.000686162 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=unsigned int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 0.0189739 6.43932e-05 || 0.051031 2033 2395 || 2180.69 2222.06 || 0.890171 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 0.0204199 0.00108943 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=int64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 -0.00468343 -0.000905403 || 0.051031 2030 2395 || 2232.52 2222.06 || -12.5163 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 0.00795063 -0.000674113 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=uint64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 0.00554486 0.00223481 || 0.051031 2065 2402 || 2209.81 2222.06 || 30.894 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 -0.010593 0.000439571 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=half
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 6.51042e-08 0.00142334 -0.000191104 || 0.051031 2040 2418 || 2218.9 2222.06 || -2.64182 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 1.95313e-07 0.00652455 0.000496887 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=bhalf
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 -0.0164387 -0.00295341 || 0.051031 2041 2402 || 2259.2 2222.06 || -40.8279 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 -0.00919441 0.000169151 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=float
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 3.25521e-08 0.00228869 -0.00109411 || 0.051031 2027 2406 || 2216.99 2222.06 || -15.125 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 9.76563e-08 -0.000177719 -0.000442371 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=double
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 0.00593461 -0.000215766 || 0.051031 2022 2390 || 2208.95 2222.06 || -2.98275 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 -0.00547297 0.000310697 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: [       OK ] serial.Random_XorShift64 (4105 ms)
26: [ RUN      ] serial.Random_XorShift1024_0
26: Test Seed:1720327615111497044
26: Test Scalar=int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0183072 0.000301428 || 0.051031 2007 2405 || 2239.22 2198.22 || 4.16695 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0128694 5.53798e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=unsigned int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.00456658 0.00138936 || 0.051031 2016 2399 || 2188.23 2198.22 || 19.2065 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.00538467 3.57532e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=int64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.0136831 -0.000986154 || 0.051031 2023 2383 || 2168.55 2198.22 || -13.6326 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0237201 -0.000231782 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=uint64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.00505804 -0.000290449 || 0.051031 2021 2396 || 2209.4 2198.22 || -4.01516 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 0.0176132 0.000208647 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=half
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26926e-05 0.0116656 0.000919462 || 0.051031 2025 2411 || 2172.87 2198.22 || 12.7106 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.27585e-05 0.00464949 -0.000218527 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=bhalf
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.00835259 0.00188583 || 0.051031 2023 2377 || 2216.74 2198.22 || 26.0697 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 0.0133819 -0.000931904 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=float
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.27585e-05 -0.0127681 0.00109258 || 0.051031 2007 2369 || 2226.65 2198.22 || 15.1038 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.29559e-05 0.00272141 -0.00019787 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=double
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.0158673 0.00224027 || 0.051031 2027 2390 || 2163.89 2198.22 || 30.9695 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0111996 0.00117543 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Seed:1720327617676286428
26: Test Scalar=int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.0111137 0.000274966 || 0.051031 2020 2379 || 2174.06 2198.22 || 3.80113 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0143546 0.000336744 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=unsigned int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.000564208 -0.000842777 || 0.051031 2005 2389 || 2196.98 2198.22 || -11.6505 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 0.00795798 0.000312049 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=int64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.00636186 -0.000793466 || 0.051031 2023 2364 || 2184.33 2198.22 || -10.9689 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0152985 0.000147635 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=uint64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0123845 -9.73976e-05 || 0.051031 1993 2364 || 2225.79 2198.22 || -1.34642 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.014316 0.000376434 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=half
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26926e-05 -0.0132545 0.000987741 || 0.051031 2021 2428 || 2227.75 2198.22 || 13.6545 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.27585e-05 -0.00203756 -0.0012046 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=bhalf
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26926e-05 -0.00110185 0.000415177 || 0.051031 2030 2388 || 2200.65 2198.22 || 5.73941 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.27585e-05 0.0154969 0.000772027 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=float
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0130038 0.000167942 || 0.051031 2009 2377 || 2227.18 2198.22 || 2.32163 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0154341 -0.000501421 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=double
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0125202 -0.00108713 || 0.051031 2024 2377 || 2226.09 2198.22 || -15.0284 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.00658018 -0.00057987 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: [       OK ] serial.Random_XorShift1024_0 (5134 ms)
26: [ RUN      ] serial.Multi_streams
26: [       OK ] serial.Multi_streams (0 ms)
26: [----------] 3 tests from serial (9239 ms total)
26: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
26: [==========] 3 tests from 1 test suite ran. (9239 ms total)
26: [  PASSED  ] 3 tests.
26/45 Test #26: Kokkos_UnitTest_Random ......................   Passed    9.25 sec
test 27
      Start 27: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A

27: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A
27: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
27: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
27: [==========] Running 16 tests from 3 test suites.
27: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
27: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_reducers
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.max_first_loc
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.max_first_loc (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_first_loc
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_first_loc (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_max_first_last_loc
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_max_first_last_loc (0 ms)
27: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_reducers (0 ms total)
27: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms.is_admissible_to_std_algorithms
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms.is_admissible_to_std_algorithms (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms.expect_no_overlap
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms.expect_no_overlap (0 ms)
27: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms (0 ms total)
27: [----------] 11 tests from random_access_iterator_test
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.constructor
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.constructor (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.constructiblity
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.constructiblity (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.dereference
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.dereference (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.subscript_operator
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.subscript_operator (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet1
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet2
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet3
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet4
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.assignment_operator
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.assignment_operator (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.distance
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.distance (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.traits_helpers
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.traits_helpers (0 ms)
27: [----------] 11 tests from random_access_iterator_test (0 ms total)
27: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
27: [==========] 16 tests from 3 test suites ran. (1 ms total)
27: [  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
27/45 Test #27: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
test 28
      Start 28: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B

28: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B
28: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
28: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
28: [==========] Running 7 tests from 1 test suite.
28: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
28: [----------] 7 tests from std_algorithms_min_max_element_test
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_empty_range
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_empty_range (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_empty_range
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_empty_range (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.minmax_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.minmax_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (0 ms)
28: [----------] 7 tests from std_algorithms_min_max_element_test (1 ms total)
28: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
28: [==========] 7 tests from 1 test suite ran. (1 ms total)
28: [  PASSED  ] 7 tests.
28/45 Test #28: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
test 29
      Start 29: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C

29: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C
29: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
29: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
29: [==========] Running 13 tests from 10 test suites.
29: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test.test (161 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test (161 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_test.test (81 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_test (81 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_find_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_test.test (50 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_find_test (50 ms total)
29: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_first_of
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_first_of (2875 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_end
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_end (873 ms)
29: [ RUN      ]
29: [       OK ] (509 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.search_n
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.search_n (477 ms)
29: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops (4735 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_test.test (72 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_test (72 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_equal_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_test.test (6 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_equal_test (6 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test.test (57 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test (57 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops.adjacent_find
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops.adjacent_find (55 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops (55 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mismatch_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_test.test (126 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mismatch_test (126 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.move_backward
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.move_backward (29 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops (29 ms total)
29: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
29: [==========] 13 tests from 10 test suites ran. (5377 ms total)
29: [  PASSED  ] 13 tests.
29/45 Test #29: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C ..........   Passed    5.39 sec
test 30
      Start 30: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D

30: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D
30: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
30: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
30: [==========] Running 31 tests from 5 test suites.
30: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
30: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_mod_ops_test
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move_within_parfor
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move_within_parfor (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.iter_swap_static_view
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.iter_swap_static_view (0 ms)
30: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_mod_ops_test (0 ms total)
30: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_view
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_view (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_n
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_n (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_backward
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_backward (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.reverse_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.reverse_copy (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill_n
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill_n (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_unary_op
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_unary_op (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_binary_op
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_binary_op (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate_n
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate_n (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.swap_ranges
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.swap_ranges (0 ms)
30: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test (0 ms total)
30: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_replace_ops_test
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace (15 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_if (73 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy (23 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy_if (25 ms)
30: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_replace_ops_test (138 ms total)
30: [----------] 11 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.copy_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.copy_if (19 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique (190 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique_copy (50 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove (32 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_if (41 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy (69 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy_if (39 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate (413 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate_copy (121 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_left
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_left (211 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_right
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_right (182 ms)
30: [----------] 11 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops (1373 ms total)
30: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_modseq_test
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_modseq_test.reverse
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_modseq_test.reverse (11 ms)
30: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_modseq_test (11 ms total)
30: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
30: [==========] 31 tests from 5 test suites ran. (1523 ms total)
30: [  PASSED  ] 31 tests.
30/45 Test #30: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D ..........   Passed    1.54 sec
test 31
      Start 31: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E

31: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E
31: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
31: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
31: [==========] Running 29 tests from 7 test suites.
31: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
31: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted (8 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted_until
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted_until (7 ms)
31: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test (16 ms total)
31: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partitioning_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_trivial
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_trivial (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_iterators
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_iterators (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_view
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_view (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.partition_point
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.partition_point (0 ms)
31: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partitioning_test (0 ms total)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_partitioning_ops
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_ops.partition_copy
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_ops.partition_copy (0 ms)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_partitioning_ops (0 ms total)
31: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_numerics_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_numerics_test (1 ms total)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test.adjecent_difference
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test.adjecent_difference (24 ms)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test (24 ms total)
31: [----------] 8 tests from std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan (216 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan_functor
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan (79 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan_functor
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan (69 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan_functor
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan (52 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan_functor
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
31: [----------] 8 tests from std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test (419 ms total)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_ops_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_ops_test.transform_unary_op
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_ops_test.transform_unary_op (12 ms)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_ops_test (12 ms total)
31: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
31: [==========] 29 tests from 7 test suites ran. (475 ms total)
31: [  PASSED  ] 29 tests.
31/45 Test #31: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E ..........   Passed    0.49 sec
test 32
      Start 32: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A

32: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A
32: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
32: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
32: [==========] Running 12 tests from 7 test suites.
32: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_exist
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_exist (587 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_might_exist
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_might_exist (563 ms)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test (1151 ms total)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_count_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_nonzero
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_nonzero (494 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_zero
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_zero (186 ms)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_count_team_test (681 ms total)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_if_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_if_team_test.test
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_if_team_test.test (265 ms)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_if_team_test (265 ms total)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_team_test.test
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_team_test.test (463 ms)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_team_test (464 ms total)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test.test
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test.test (438 ms)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test (438 ms total)
32: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.views_are_equal
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.views_are_equal (2802 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_less
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_less (1720 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_greater
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_greater (1738 ms)
32: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test (6260 ms total)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_equal
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_equal (1892 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_not_equal
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_not_equal (817 ms)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test (2709 ms total)
32: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
32: [==========] 12 tests from 7 test suites ran. (11971 ms total)
32: [  PASSED  ] 12 tests.
32/45 Test #32: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A .....   Passed   11.98 sec
test 33
      Start 33: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B

33: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B
33: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
33: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
33: [==========] Running 8 tests from 4 test suites.
33: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_equal_team_test
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_equal
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_equal (1406 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_not_equal
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_not_equal (1175 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_equal_team_test (2581 ms total)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_team_test
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_exist
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_exist (628 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (786 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_team_test (1415 ms total)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_end_team_test
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_exist
==> berkeley-db: Executing phase: 'build'
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_exist (1619 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (1484 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_end_team_test (3103 ms total)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_exist
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_exist (1348 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
==> berkeley-db: Executing phase: 'install'
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (4992 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test (6341 ms total)
33: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
33: [==========] 8 tests from 4 test suites ran. (13443 ms total)
33: [  PASSED  ] 8 tests.
33/45 Test #33: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B .....   Passed   13.46 sec
test 34
      Start 34: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C

34: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C
34: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
34: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
34: [==========] Running 11 tests from 7 test suites.
34: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_exist
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_exist (267 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_do_not_exist
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_do_not_exist (365 ms)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_team_test (632 ms total)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_true
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_true (218 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_false
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_false (366 ms)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_team_test (584 ms total)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_true
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_true (364 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_false
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_false (198 ms)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test (562 ms total)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_of_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_all_of_team_test.test
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_all_of_team_test.test (360 ms)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_of_team_test (360 ms total)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_any_of_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_any_of_team_test.test
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_any_of_team_test.test (198 ms)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_any_of_team_test (198 ms total)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_none_of_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_none_of_team_test.test
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_none_of_team_test.test (361 ms)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_none_of_team_test (361 ms total)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_n_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_exist
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_exist (397 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_probably_does_not_exist
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_probably_does_not_exist (290 ms)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_n_team_test (688 ms total)
34: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
34: [==========] 11 tests from 7 test suites ran. (3389 ms total)
34: [  PASSED  ] 11 tests.
34/45 Test #34: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C .....   Passed    3.40 sec
test 35
      Start 35: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D

35: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D
35: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
35: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
35: [==========] Running 3 tests from 3 test suites.
35: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_min_element_team_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_element_team_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_element_team_test.test (1139 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_min_element_team_test (1140 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_max_element_team_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_max_element_team_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_max_element_team_test.test (1103 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_max_element_team_test (1104 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test.test (1608 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test (1608 ms total)
35: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
35: [==========] 3 tests from 3 test suites ran. (3853 ms total)
35: [  PASSED  ] 3 tests.
35/45 Test #35: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D .....   Passed    3.86 sec
test 36
      Start 36: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E

36: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E
36: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
36: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
36: [==========] Running 6 tests from 6 test suites.
36: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_fill_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_fill_team_test.test (319 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_team_test (319 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test.test (50 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test (50 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_team_test.test (524 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_team_test (524 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test.test (555 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test (555 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test.test (866 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test (866 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test.test (681 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test (681 ms total)
36: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
36: [==========] 6 tests from 6 test suites ran. (2999 ms total)
36: [  PASSED  ] 6 tests.
36/45 Test #36: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E .....   Passed    3.01 sec
test 37
      Start 37: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F

37: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F
37: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
37: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
37: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
37: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_team_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reverse_team_test.test
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reverse_team_test.test (329 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_team_test (329 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test.test
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test.test (315 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test (316 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_team_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_rotate_team_test.test
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_rotate_team_test.test (395 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_team_test (395 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test.test
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test.test (243 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test (244 ms total)
37: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
37: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (1285 ms total)
37: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
37/45 Test #37: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F .....   Passed    1.30 sec
test 38
      Start 38: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G

38: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G
38: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
38: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
38: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
38: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_move_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_move_team_test.test (496 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_team_test (496 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test.test (551 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test (551 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test.test (1045 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test (1045 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test.test (925 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test (925 ms total)
38: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
38: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (3018 ms total)
38: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
38/45 Test #38: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G .....   Passed    3.03 sec
test 39
      Start 39: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H

39: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H
39: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
39: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
39: [==========] Running 9 tests from 9 test suites.
39: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_team_test.test (687 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_team_test (687 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test.test (60 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test (60 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test.test (534 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test (534 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test.test (618 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test (618 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test.test
==> berkeley-db: Successfully installed berkeley-db-18.1.40-ud265drd6wks23teglxqnglhyluaiwvg
  Stage: 10.72s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 29.22s.  Build: 11.96s.  Install: 0.91s.  Post-install: 0.05s.  Total: 53.67s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/berkeley-db-18.1.40-ud265drd6wks23teglxqnglhyluaiwvg
==> Installing xz-5.4.6-5hkqmocb56fbfo65i6j7nqo3am3n7jwu [8/23]
==> No binary for xz-5.4.6-5hkqmocb56fbfo65i6j7nqo3am3n7jwu found: installing from source
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test.test (1138 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test (1138 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_team_test.test (629 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_team_test (630 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test.test (629 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test (629 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test.test (770 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test (770 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test.test (652 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test (652 ms total)
39: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
39: [==========] 9 tests from 9 test suites ran. (5721 ms total)
39: [  PASSED  ] 9 tests.
39/45 Test #39: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H .....   Passed    5.74 sec
test 40
      Start 40: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I

40: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I
40: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
40: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
40: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
40: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_unique_team_test.test_default_predicate
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_unique_team_test.test_default_predicate (1230 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_team_test (1230 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test.test
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test.test (1117 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test (1117 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reduce_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reduce_team_test.test
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reduce_team_test.test (736 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reduce_team_test (736 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test.test
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test.test (1512 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test (1512 ms total)
40: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
40: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (4596 ms total)
40: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
40/45 Test #40: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I .....   Passed    4.61 sec
test 41
      Start 41: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L

41: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L
41: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
41: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
41: [==========] Running 18 tests from 5 test suites.
41: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
41: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_almost_certainly_not_sorted
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_almost_certainly_not_sorted (552 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_certainly_sorted
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_certainly_sorted (1254 ms)
41: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test (1807 ms total)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialA
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialA (1 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialB
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialB (1 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialA
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for xz
==> xz: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> xz: Executing phase: 'configure'
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialA (1246 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialB
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialB (724 ms)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test (1972 ms total)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.empty
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.empty (0 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_true
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_true (356 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_false
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_false (363 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.random
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.random (298 ms)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test (1019 ms total)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.empty
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.empty (1 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_true
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_true (604 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_false
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_false (617 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.random
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.random (556 ms)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test (1780 ms total)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.empty
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.empty (0 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_true
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_true (243 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_false
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_false (242 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.random
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.random (185 ms)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test (672 ms total)
41: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
41: [==========] 18 tests from 5 test suites ran. (7252 ms total)
41: [  PASSED  ] 18 tests.
41/45 Test #41: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L .....   Passed    7.26 sec
test 42
      Start 42: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M

42: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M
42: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
42: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
42: [==========] Running 5 tests from 4 test suites.
42: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
42: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_transform_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_unary_op
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_unary_op (836 ms)
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_binary_op
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_binary_op (955 ms)
42: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_transform_team_test (1791 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_generate_team_test.test_unary_op
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_generate_team_test.test_unary_op (2282 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_team_test (2282 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test.test (51 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test (51 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test.test (948 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test (948 ms total)
42: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
42: [==========] 5 tests from 4 test suites ran. (5075 ms total)
42: [  PASSED  ] 5 tests.
42/45 Test #42: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M .....   Passed    5.09 sec
test 43
      Start 43: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P

43: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P
43: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
43: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
43: [==========] Running 2 tests from 2 test suites.
43: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test
43: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test.test
43: [       OK ] std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test.test (2925 ms)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test (2926 ms total)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test
43: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test.test
43: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test.test (1470 ms)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test (1470 ms total)
43: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
43: [==========] 2 tests from 2 test suites ran. (4396 ms total)
43: [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
43/45 Test #43: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P .....   Passed    4.41 sec
test 44
      Start 44: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q

44: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q
44: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
44: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
44: [==========] Running 2 tests from 2 test suites.
44: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test
44: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test.test
==> xz: Executing phase: 'build'
44: [       OK ] std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test.test (4323 ms)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test (4323 ms total)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test
44: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test.test
44: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test.test (2861 ms)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test (2861 ms total)
44: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
44: [==========] 2 tests from 2 test suites ran. (7185 ms total)
44: [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
44/45 Test #44: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q .....   Passed    7.20 sec
test 45
      Start 45: Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD

45: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/simd/unit_tests/Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD
45: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/simd/unit_tests
45: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
45: [==========] Running 16 tests from 1 test suite.
45: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
45: [----------] 16 tests from simd
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_math_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.host_math_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_math_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.device_math_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_mask_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.host_mask_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_mask_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.device_mask_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_conversions
45: [       OK ] simd.host_conversions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_conversions
45: [       OK ] simd.device_conversions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_shift_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.host_shift_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_shift_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.device_shift_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_condition
45: [       OK ] simd.host_condition (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_condition
45: [       OK ] simd.device_condition (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_gen_ctors
45: [       OK ] simd.host_gen_ctors (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_gen_ctors
45: [       OK ] simd.device_gen_ctors (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_where_expressions
45: [       OK ] simd.host_where_expressions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_where_expressions
45: [       OK ] simd.device_where_expressions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_reductions
45: [       OK ] simd.host_reductions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_reductions
45: [       OK ] simd.device_reductions (0 ms)
45: [----------] 16 tests from simd (1 ms total)
45: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
45: [==========] 16 tests from 1 test suite ran. (1 ms total)
45: [  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
45/45 Test #45: Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD ........................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 45

Total Test time (real) = 372.47 sec
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 e1fe2f343a566919a7060ad347eb148592ad32f6df47a13347e26f7a279b696f
$ docker rm -f --volumes e1fe2f343a566919a7060ad347eb148592ad32f6df47a13347e26f7a279b696f
==> xz: Executing phase: 'install'
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
==> xz: Successfully installed xz-5.4.6-5hkqmocb56fbfo65i6j7nqo3am3n7jwu
  Stage: 10.53s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 15.93s.  Build: 7.00s.  Install: 3.04s.  Post-install: 0.13s.  Total: 37.08s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/xz-5.4.6-5hkqmocb56fbfo65i6j7nqo3am3n7jwu
==> Installing pkgconf-2.2.0-rg7wyy2amvqhcuuzvknmdruthayiiynb [9/23]
==> No binary for pkgconf-2.2.0-rg7wyy2amvqhcuuzvknmdruthayiiynb found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for pkgconf
==> pkgconf: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> pkgconf: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> pkgconf: Executing phase: 'build'
==> pkgconf: Executing phase: 'install'
==> pkgconf: Successfully installed pkgconf-2.2.0-rg7wyy2amvqhcuuzvknmdruthayiiynb
  Stage: 2.91s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 6.00s.  Build: 1.67s.  Install: 0.43s.  Post-install: 0.03s.  Total: 11.57s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/pkgconf-2.2.0-rg7wyy2amvqhcuuzvknmdruthayiiynb
==> Installing diffutils-3.10-brehur7xb6kk7s2yhoye36dl7jzbsmny [10/23]
==> No binary for diffutils-3.10-brehur7xb6kk7s2yhoye36dl7jzbsmny found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for diffutils
==> diffutils: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> diffutils: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> diffutils: Executing phase: 'build'
==> diffutils: Executing phase: 'install'
==> diffutils: Successfully installed diffutils-3.10-brehur7xb6kk7s2yhoye36dl7jzbsmny
  Stage: 4.80s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 42.53s.  Build: 4.00s.  Install: 1.08s.  Post-install: 0.07s.  Total: 52.98s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/diffutils-3.10-brehur7xb6kk7s2yhoye36dl7jzbsmny
==> Installing ncurses-6.5-brfyapwzi25q7j2uv4zgjdcytxdivoub [11/23]
==> No binary for ncurses-6.5-brfyapwzi25q7j2uv4zgjdcytxdivoub found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Applied patch /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/ncurses/rxvt_unicode_6_4.patch
==> ncurses: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> ncurses: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> ncurses: Executing phase: 'build'
==> ncurses: Executing phase: 'install'
==> ncurses: Successfully installed ncurses-6.5-brfyapwzi25q7j2uv4zgjdcytxdivoub
  Stage: 4.57s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 39.40s.  Build: 31.51s.  Install: 11.24s.  Post-install: 1.07s.  Total: 1m 28.25s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/ncurses-6.5-brfyapwzi25q7j2uv4zgjdcytxdivoub
==> Installing libxml2-2.10.3-dznz2rzf5lyweu4ri7bqczojdty4zj4x [12/23]
==> No binary for libxml2-2.10.3-dznz2rzf5lyweu4ri7bqczojdty4zj4x found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Fetching
==> Moving resource stage
	source: /tmp/root/spack-stage/resource-xmlts-dznz2rzf5lyweu4ri7bqczojdty4zj4x/spack-src/
	destination: /tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-libxml2-2.10.3-dznz2rzf5lyweu4ri7bqczojdty4zj4x/spack-src/xmlconf
==> Ran patch() for libxml2
==> libxml2: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> libxml2: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> libxml2: Executing phase: 'build'
==> libxml2: Executing phase: 'install'
==> libxml2: Successfully installed libxml2-2.10.3-dznz2rzf5lyweu4ri7bqczojdty4zj4x
  Stage: 11.42s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 11.20s.  Build: 6.72s.  Install: 0.62s.  Post-install: 0.11s.  Total: 30.62s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/libxml2-2.10.3-dznz2rzf5lyweu4ri7bqczojdty4zj4x
==> Installing bzip2-1.0.8-5hi3ykbcafo5wif2ur4jabv2op5sgrew [13/23]
==> No binary for bzip2-1.0.8-5hi3ykbcafo5wif2ur4jabv2op5sgrew found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Ran patch() for bzip2
==> bzip2: Executing phase: 'install'
==> bzip2: Successfully installed bzip2-1.0.8-5hi3ykbcafo5wif2ur4jabv2op5sgrew
  Stage: 0.30s.  Install: 2.14s.  Post-install: 0.03s.  Total: 2.60s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/bzip2-1.0.8-5hi3ykbcafo5wif2ur4jabv2op5sgrew
==> Installing nghttp2-1.62.0-sazu2osk6zam4ukn7dmkggek5yvd5h56 [14/23]
==> No binary for nghttp2-1.62.0-sazu2osk6zam4ukn7dmkggek5yvd5h56 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for nghttp2
==> nghttp2: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> nghttp2: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> nghttp2: Executing phase: 'build'
==> nghttp2: Executing phase: 'install'
==> nghttp2: Successfully installed nghttp2-1.62.0-sazu2osk6zam4ukn7dmkggek5yvd5h56
  Stage: 4.19s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 17.27s.  Build: 3.36s.  Install: 0.44s.  Post-install: 0.03s.  Total: 25.70s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/nghttp2-1.62.0-sazu2osk6zam4ukn7dmkggek5yvd5h56
==> Installing readline-8.2-o5klpjusis42h4fdmfalf7f5zu7ua5ny [15/23]
==> No binary for readline-8.2-o5klpjusis42h4fdmfalf7f5zu7ua5ny found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Fetching
==> Applied patch
==> readline: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> readline: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> readline: Executing phase: 'build'
==> readline: Executing phase: 'install'
==> readline: Successfully installed readline-8.2-o5klpjusis42h4fdmfalf7f5zu7ua5ny
  Stage: 3.48s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 10.11s.  Build: 1.77s.  Install: 0.22s.  Post-install: 0.04s.  Total: 16.05s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/readline-8.2-o5klpjusis42h4fdmfalf7f5zu7ua5ny
==> Installing cuda-12.1.0-5pirvujx4ne7a5tnti4jqtlbqgcttmvr [16/23]
==> No binary for cuda-12.1.0-5pirvujx4ne7a5tnti4jqtlbqgcttmvr found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for cuda
Process Process-15:1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/", line 314, in _bootstrap
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/", line 108, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/", line 1026, in _writer_daemon
  File "/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/lib/spack/llnl/util/tty/", line 344, in close
OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error
==> cuda: Executing phase: 'install'
==> Error: ProcessError: Command exited with status 134:
    '/usr/bin/sh' '/tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-cuda-12.1.0-5pirvujx4ne7a5tnti4jqtlbqgcttmvr/spack-src/' '--silent' '--override' '--toolkit' '--tmpdir=/tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-cuda-12.1.0-5pirvujx4ne7a5tnti4jqtlbqgcttmvr/tmp' '--installpath=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/cuda-12.1.0-5pirvujx4ne7a5tnti4jqtlbqgcttmvr'
See build log for details:

==> Warning: Skipping build of kokkos-nvcc-wrapper-develop-mime6zna2mwmb5mf7zdu7vbxo6kkqrnx since cuda-12.1.0-5pirvujx4ne7a5tnti4jqtlbqgcttmvr failed
==> Warning: Skipping build of kokkos-develop-7drjt3qr6bcjey2j2hdbxg25ywjdxrk5 since kokkos-nvcc-wrapper-develop-mime6zna2mwmb5mf7zdu7vbxo6kkqrnx failed
==> Installing gdbm-1.23-7hyo67ccmbmy4qte2dfthfgnvzhg32no [17/23]
==> No binary for gdbm-1.23-7hyo67ccmbmy4qte2dfthfgnvzhg32no found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for gdbm
==> gdbm: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> gdbm: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> gdbm: Executing phase: 'build'
==> gdbm: Executing phase: 'install'
==> gdbm: Successfully installed gdbm-1.23-7hyo67ccmbmy4qte2dfthfgnvzhg32no
  Stage: 2.99s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 9.47s.  Build: 3.83s.  Install: 1.05s.  Post-install: 0.05s.  Total: 17.82s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/gdbm-1.23-7hyo67ccmbmy4qte2dfthfgnvzhg32no
==> Installing perl-5.38.2-or4nnsqhcs6pxdbl4ofrjcoe3bzlhjh6 [18/23]
==> No binary for perl-5.38.2-or4nnsqhcs6pxdbl4ofrjcoe3bzlhjh6 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Fetching
==> Moving resource stage
	source: /tmp/root/spack-stage/resource-cpanm-or4nnsqhcs6pxdbl4ofrjcoe3bzlhjh6/spack-src/
	destination: /tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-perl-5.38.2-or4nnsqhcs6pxdbl4ofrjcoe3bzlhjh6/spack-src/cpanm/cpanm
==> Applied patch /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/perl/zlib-ng.patch
==> Ran patch() for perl
==> perl: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> perl: Executing phase: 'build'
==> perl: Executing phase: 'install'
==> perl: Successfully installed perl-5.38.2-or4nnsqhcs6pxdbl4ofrjcoe3bzlhjh6
  Stage: 16.89s.  Configure: 1m 21.67s.  Build: 36.86s.  Install: 5.07s.  Post-install: 1.08s.  Total: 2m 21.98s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/perl-5.38.2-or4nnsqhcs6pxdbl4ofrjcoe3bzlhjh6
==> Installing openssl-3.3.1-ho75d5wtjryebzw4giewj5mwsgha2vg2 [19/23]
==> No binary for openssl-3.3.1-ho75d5wtjryebzw4giewj5mwsgha2vg2 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Ran patch() for openssl
==> openssl: Executing phase: 'install'
==> openssl: Successfully installed openssl-3.3.1-ho75d5wtjryebzw4giewj5mwsgha2vg2
  Stage: 6.58s.  Install: 1m 41.61s.  Post-install: 0.13s.  Total: 1m 48.54s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/openssl-3.3.1-ho75d5wtjryebzw4giewj5mwsgha2vg2
==> Installing curl-8.7.1-s4ai3s7z4yzv7nmeuqxyve5ahe55qvon [20/23]
==> No binary for curl-8.7.1-s4ai3s7z4yzv7nmeuqxyve5ahe55qvon found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for curl
==> curl: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> curl: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> curl: Executing phase: 'build'
==> curl: Executing phase: 'install'
==> curl: Successfully installed curl-8.7.1-s4ai3s7z4yzv7nmeuqxyve5ahe55qvon
  Stage: 4.94s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 39.59s.  Build: 37.81s.  Install: 3.75s.  Post-install: 0.23s.  Total: 1m 26.83s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/curl-8.7.1-s4ai3s7z4yzv7nmeuqxyve5ahe55qvon
==> Installing cmake-3.29.6-ultajmpxytepkjhucqv5t26fzd45a7y2 [21/23]
==> No binary for cmake-3.29.6-ultajmpxytepkjhucqv5t26fzd45a7y2 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Applied patch /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cmake/mr-9623.patch
==> cmake: Executing phase: 'bootstrap'
==> cmake: Executing phase: 'build'
==> cmake: Executing phase: 'install'
==> cmake: Successfully installed cmake-3.29.6-ultajmpxytepkjhucqv5t26fzd45a7y2
  Stage: 26.17s.  Bootstrap: 2m 3.10s.  Build: 3m 27.61s.  Install: 16.87s.  Post-install: 1.37s.  Total: 6m 15.52s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.29.6-ultajmpxytepkjhucqv5t26fzd45a7y2
==> Error: kokkos-develop-7drjt3qr6bcjey2j2hdbxg25ywjdxrk5: Package was not installed
==> Error: Installation request failed.  Refer to reported errors for failing package(s).
+ return 1
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 3b391efd63e14e6d054dc41f3db0bc162ce30693e44ca290b9f54ec43e760826
$ docker rm -f --volumes 3b391efd63e14e6d054dc41f3db0bc162ce30693e44ca290b9f54ec43e760826
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch spack-cuda
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code 2
Finished: FAILURE