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Skipping 877 KB.. Full Log
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 6.51042e-08 -0.000866123 0.000666194 || 0.051031 2053 2437 || 2223.99 2222.06 || 9.20946 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 1.95313e-07 0.0102909 4.69551e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=bhalf
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 6.51042e-08 -0.0280491 -0.00116535 || 0.051031 2055 2417 || 2286.19 2222.06 || -16.1097 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 1.95313e-07 0.00234957 -0.000312278 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=float
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 -0.0132274 0.00148141 || 0.051031 2045 2416 || 2251.85 2222.06 || 20.479 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 0.0212035 0.000195177 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=double
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 0 -0.0113792 -0.00167291 || 0.051031 2054 2409 || 2247.64 2222.06 || -23.1263 -0.160751
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 0 0.0064267 0.00038256 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: [       OK ] serial.Random_XorShift64 (5324 ms)
26: [ RUN      ] serial.Random_XorShift1024_0
26: Test Seed:1718859837229024379
26: Test Scalar=int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.0241464 -0.00182326 || 0.051031 2017 2374 || 2146.4 2198.22 || -25.2048 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0153435 -9.93315e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=unsigned int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0084837 0.000539638 || 0.051031 2024 2373 || 2217.03 2198.22 || 7.45996 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.00249782 -0.000348652 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=int64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0102009 0.00390714 || 0.051031 2005 2364 || 2220.88 2198.22 || 54.0123 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 0.0128018 0.000706178 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=uint64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.00669678 0.000189635 || 0.051031 1976 2372 || 2183.6 2198.22 || 2.62151 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0078801 -0.000849462 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=half
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.27255e-05 -0.0100166 0.00135829 || 0.051031 2007 2389 || 2220.46 2198.22 || 18.777 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.28572e-05 0.016898 0.000424932 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=bhalf
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26926e-05 -0.000276154 0.000483278 || 0.051031 2028 2379 || 2198.83 2198.22 || 6.68084 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.27585e-05 -0.00171122 0.000462029 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=float
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.27585e-05 0.00469036 -0.00167549 || 0.051031 2012 2397 || 2187.96 2198.22 || -23.162 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.29559e-05 0.00616742 0.000562547 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=double
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
==> libxml2: Executing phase: 'install'
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0114958 0.00215343 || 0.051031 2025 2376 || 2223.79 2198.22 || 29.769 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.00761961 1.52855e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Seed:1718859840652046663
26: Test Scalar=int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0107302 0.00465279 || 0.051031 2013 2386 || 2222.07 2198.22 || 64.3202 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0114967 0.000182137 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=unsigned int
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.000438573 -0.00125606 || 0.051031 2022 2379 || 2197.26 2198.22 || -17.3638 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 0.00138613 0.000518331 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=int64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.00463898 0.00389095 || 0.051031 2025 2384 || 2188.07 2198.22 || 53.7885 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 0.000646774 -0.000690956 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=uint64_t
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 -0.00679752 1.47751e-05 || 0.051031 2028 2389 || 2213.27 2198.22 || 0.204251 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 0.0101082 -0.000125313 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=half
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26926e-05 0.00233416 0.00235416 || 0.051031 2024 2373 || 2193.1 2198.22 || 32.544 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.27585e-05 0.019776 1.18579e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=bhalf
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.0225029 0.0021026 || 0.051031 2029 2397 || 2149.85 2198.22 || 29.0663 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 -0.0110257 6.53488e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=float
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.27255e-05 0.00367269 -0.000554169 || 0.051031 2033 2407 || 2190.18 2198.22 || -7.66083 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.28572e-05 -0.00570638 -0.000270607 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: Test Scalar=double
26:  -- Testing randomness properties
26:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
26: Density 1D: 7.26597e-05 0.00868882 0.000230819 || 0.051031 2006 2411 || 2179.29 2198.22 || 3.19084 -0.159026
26:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
26: Density 3D: 7.26597e-05 0.0269464 0.000215451 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
26: [       OK ] serial.Random_XorShift1024_0 (6817 ms)
26: [ RUN      ] serial.Multi_streams
26: [       OK ] serial.Multi_streams (0 ms)
26: [----------] 3 tests from serial (12142 ms total)
26: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
26: [==========] 3 tests from 1 test suite ran. (12142 ms total)
26: [  PASSED  ] 3 tests.
26/45 Test #26: Kokkos_UnitTest_Random ......................   Passed   12.16 sec
test 27
      Start 27: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A

27: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A
27: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
27: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
27: [==========] Running 16 tests from 3 test suites.
27: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
27: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_reducers
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.max_first_loc
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.max_first_loc (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_first_loc
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_first_loc (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_max_first_last_loc
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_max_first_last_loc (0 ms)
27: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_reducers (0 ms total)
27: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms.is_admissible_to_std_algorithms
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms.is_admissible_to_std_algorithms (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms.expect_no_overlap
27: [       OK ] std_algorithms.expect_no_overlap (0 ms)
27: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms (0 ms total)
27: [----------] 11 tests from random_access_iterator_test
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.constructor
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.constructor (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.constructiblity
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.constructiblity (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.dereference
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.dereference (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.subscript_operator
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.subscript_operator (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet1
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet2
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet3
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet4
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.assignment_operator
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.assignment_operator (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.distance
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.distance (0 ms)
27: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.traits_helpers
27: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.traits_helpers (0 ms)
27: [----------] 11 tests from random_access_iterator_test (0 ms total)
27: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
27: [==========] 16 tests from 3 test suites ran. (0 ms total)
27: [  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
27/45 Test #27: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A ..........   Passed    0.13 sec
test 28
      Start 28: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B

28: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B
28: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
28: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
28: [==========] Running 7 tests from 1 test suite.
28: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
28: [----------] 7 tests from std_algorithms_min_max_element_test
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_empty_range
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_empty_range (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_empty_range
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_empty_range (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (0 ms)
28: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.minmax_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
28: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.minmax_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (0 ms)
28: [----------] 7 tests from std_algorithms_min_max_element_test (1 ms total)
28: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
28: [==========] 7 tests from 1 test suite ran. (1 ms total)
28: [  PASSED  ] 7 tests.
28/45 Test #28: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B ..........   Passed    0.02 sec
test 29
      Start 29: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C

29: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C
29: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
29: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
29: [==========] Running 13 tests from 10 test suites.
29: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test.test (210 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test (210 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_test.test (104 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_test (104 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_find_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_test.test (65 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_find_test (65 ms total)
29: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_first_of
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_first_of (3391 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_end
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_end (1126 ms)
29: [ RUN      ]
29: [       OK ] (639 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.search_n
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.search_n (607 ms)
29: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops (5765 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_test.test (92 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_test (92 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_equal_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_test.test (7 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_equal_test (7 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test.test (73 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test (73 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops.adjacent_find
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops.adjacent_find (71 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops (71 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mismatch_test
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_test.test
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_test.test (159 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mismatch_test (159 ms total)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops
29: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.move_backward
29: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.move_backward (37 ms)
29: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops (37 ms total)
29: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
29: [==========] 13 tests from 10 test suites ran. (6589 ms total)
29: [  PASSED  ] 13 tests.
29/45 Test #29: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C ..........   Passed    6.76 sec
test 30
      Start 30: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D

30: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D
30: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
30: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
30: [==========] Running 31 tests from 5 test suites.
30: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
30: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_mod_ops_test
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move_within_parfor
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move_within_parfor (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.iter_swap_static_view
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.iter_swap_static_view (0 ms)
30: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_mod_ops_test (0 ms total)
30: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_view
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_view (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_n
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_n (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_backward
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_backward (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.reverse_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.reverse_copy (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill_n
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill_n (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_unary_op
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_unary_op (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_binary_op
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_binary_op (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate_n
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate_n (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.swap_ranges
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.swap_ranges (0 ms)
30: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test (1 ms total)
30: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_replace_ops_test
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace (19 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_if (93 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy (31 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy_if (32 ms)
30: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_replace_ops_test (177 ms total)
30: [----------] 11 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.copy_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.copy_if (25 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique (245 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique_copy (68 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove (42 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_if (53 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy (89 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy_if
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy_if (49 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate (525 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate_copy
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate_copy (151 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_left
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_left (270 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_right
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_right (237 ms)
30: [----------] 11 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops (1761 ms total)
30: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_modseq_test
30: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_modseq_test.reverse
30: [       OK ] std_algorithms_modseq_test.reverse (17 ms)
30: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_modseq_test (17 ms total)
30: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
30: [==========] 31 tests from 5 test suites ran. (1958 ms total)
30: [  PASSED  ] 31 tests.
30/45 Test #30: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D ..........   Passed    2.00 sec
test 31
      Start 31: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E

31: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E
31: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
31: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
31: [==========] Running 29 tests from 7 test suites.
31: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
31: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted (12 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted_until
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted_until (7 ms)
31: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test (20 ms total)
31: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partitioning_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_trivial
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_trivial (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_iterators
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_iterators (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_view
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_view (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.partition_point
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.partition_point (0 ms)
31: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partitioning_test (0 ms total)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_partitioning_ops
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_ops.partition_copy
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_ops.partition_copy (1 ms)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_partitioning_ops (1 ms total)
31: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_numerics_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_pod_value_type (1 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_pod_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_pod_value_type (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_custom_value_type
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_custom_value_type (0 ms)
31: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_numerics_test (2 ms total)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test.adjecent_difference
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test.adjecent_difference (40 ms)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test (40 ms total)
31: [----------] 8 tests from std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan (281 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan_functor
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan (100 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan_functor
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan (89 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan_functor
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan (67 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan_functor
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
31: [----------] 8 tests from std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test (539 ms total)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_ops_test
31: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_ops_test.transform_unary_op
31: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_ops_test.transform_unary_op (13 ms)
31: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_ops_test (13 ms total)
31: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
31: [==========] 29 tests from 7 test suites ran. (619 ms total)
31: [  PASSED  ] 29 tests.
31/45 Test #31: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E ..........   Passed    0.64 sec
test 32
      Start 32: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A

32: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A
32: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
32: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
32: [==========] Running 12 tests from 7 test suites.
32: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_exist
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_exist (759 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_might_exist
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_might_exist (733 ms)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test (1493 ms total)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_count_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_nonzero
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_nonzero (651 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_zero
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_zero (238 ms)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_count_team_test (890 ms total)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_if_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_if_team_test.test
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_if_team_test.test (337 ms)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_if_team_test (338 ms total)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_team_test.test
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_team_test.test (602 ms)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_team_test (602 ms total)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test.test
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test.test (563 ms)
32: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test (563 ms total)
32: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.views_are_equal
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.views_are_equal (3554 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_less
29: [       OK ] hip.scatterview_devicetype (46049 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.staticcrsgraph
29: [       OK ] hip.staticcrsgraph (25 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.resize_realloc_no_init_dualview
29: [       OK ] hip.resize_realloc_no_init_dualview (3 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.resize_realloc_no_alloc_dualview
29: [       OK ] hip.resize_realloc_no_alloc_dualview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.resize_exec_space_dualview
29: [       OK ] hip.resize_exec_space_dualview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.realloc_exec_space_dualview
29: [       OK ] hip.realloc_exec_space_dualview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.resize_realloc_no_init_dynrankview
29: [       OK ] hip.resize_realloc_no_init_dynrankview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.resize_exec_space_dynrankview
29: [       OK ] hip.resize_exec_space_dynrankview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.realloc_exec_space_dynrankview
29: [       OK ] hip.realloc_exec_space_dynrankview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.resize_realloc_no_init_scatterview
29: [       OK ] hip.resize_realloc_no_init_scatterview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.resize_realloc_no_alloc_scatterview
29: [       OK ] hip.resize_realloc_no_alloc_scatterview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.resize_exec_space_scatterview
29: [       OK ] hip.resize_exec_space_scatterview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.realloc_exec_space_scatterview
29: [       OK ] hip.realloc_exec_space_scatterview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_dynrankview
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_dynrankview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_dynrankview_viewctor
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_dynrankview_viewctor (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_view_and_copy_dynrankview
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_view_and_copy_dynrankview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_offsetview
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_offsetview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_offsetview_view_ctor
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_offsetview_view_ctor (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_view_and_copy_offsetview
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_view_and_copy_offsetview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_dynamicview
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_dynamicview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_view_and_copy_dynamicview
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_view_and_copy_dynamicview (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_dynamicview_view_ctor
29: [       OK ] hip.create_mirror_no_init_dynamicview_view_ctor (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_insert
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_insert (2263 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_failed_insert
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_failed_insert (769 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_deep_copy
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_deep_copy (5 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_valid_empty
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_valid_empty (2 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_clear_zero_size
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_clear_zero_size (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_consistent_size
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_consistent_size (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_shallow_copyable_on_device
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_shallow_copyable_on_device (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_lambda_capturable
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_lambda_capturable (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.UnorderedMap_constructor_view_alloc
29: [       OK ] hip.UnorderedMap_constructor_view_alloc (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.vector_combination
29: [       OK ] hip.vector_combination (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.vector_insert
29: [       OK ] hip.vector_insert (2 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.vector_push_back_default_exec
29: [       OK ] hip.vector_push_back_default_exec (0 ms)
29: [ RUN      ] hip.viewctorprop_embedded_dim
29: [       OK ] hip.viewctorprop_embedded_dim (1 ms)
29: [----------] 65 tests from hip (76229 ms total)
29: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
29: [==========] 65 tests from 1 test suite ran. (76229 ms total)
29: [  PASSED  ] 65 tests.
29/51 Test #29: Kokkos_ContainersUnitTest_HIP ...............   Passed   76.77 sec
test 30
      Start 30: Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP

30: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/containers/performance_tests/Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP
30: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
30: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
30: [==========] Running 4 tests from 1 test suite.
30: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
30: [----------] 4 tests from TEST_CATEGORY
30: [ RUN      ] TEST_CATEGORY.dynrankview_perf
30: HIP
30:  DynRankView vs View: Initialization Only 
30:  View time (init only): 0.00285953
30:  View sum computation time: 0.00285953
30:  Strided View time (init only): 0.00169108
30:  View Rank7 time (init only): 0.00138405
30:  DynRankView time (init only): 0.00141813
30:  DynRankView sum computation time: 0.00156132
30:  Ratio of View to DynRankView time: 2.01641
30:  Ratio of View to DynRankView sum computation time: 0.884181
30:  Ratio of View to View Rank7  time: 2.06605
30:  Ratio of StrideView to DynRankView time: 1.19247
30:  Ratio of DynRankView to View Rank7  time: 1.02462
30: [       OK ] TEST_CATEGORY.dynrankview_perf (13 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] TEST_CATEGORY.global_2_local
30: HIP
30: size, create, generate, fill, find
30: 256, 0.00108736, 1.6241e-05, 0.0035902, 0.0056031
30: 512, 0.00111631, 1.5148e-05, 3.2862e-05, 0.00467433
30: 1024, 0.00113456, 1.5309e-05, 3.69e-05, 0.00474719
30: 2048, 0.00106791, 1.4798e-05, 3.6098e-05, 0.00479714
30: 4096, 0.00104272, 1.3685e-05, 3.7561e-05, 0.00497438
30: 8192, 0.00111784, 1.3576e-05, 3.6419e-05, 0.00494472
30: 16384, 0.00113937, 1.3465e-05, 3.7951e-05, 0.00513345
30: 32768, 0.00110562, 1.3366e-05, 4.0025e-05, 0.00507926
30: 65536, 0.00118912, 1.3355e-05, 4.4042e-05, 0.00516725
30: 131072, 0.00105007, 1.3626e-05, 6.4722e-05, 0.00615648
30: 262144, 0.0010369, 1.55e-05, 0.000146506, 0.00750142
30: 524288, 0.00110148, 1.6321e-05, 0.000408318, 0.0111208
30: 1048576, 0.000979794, 2.0839e-05, 0.00094048, 0.0241107
30: 2097152, 0.00117484, 2.5678e-05, 0.00210838, 0.0543299
30: 4194304, 0.00118702, 3.5937e-05, 0.00469963, 0.114657
30: [       OK ] TEST_CATEGORY.global_2_local (292 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] TEST_CATEGORY.unordered_map_performance_near
30: skipping test
30: [       OK ] TEST_CATEGORY.unordered_map_performance_near (0 ms)
30: [ RUN      ] TEST_CATEGORY.unordered_map_performance_far
30: skipping test
30: [       OK ] TEST_CATEGORY.unordered_map_performance_far (0 ms)
30: [----------] 4 tests from TEST_CATEGORY (306 ms total)
30: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
30: [==========] 4 tests from 1 test suite ran. (306 ms total)
30: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
30/51 Test #30: Kokkos_ContainersPerformanceTest_HIP ........   Passed    0.73 sec
test 31
      Start 31: Kokkos_UnitTest_Sort

31: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_UnitTest_Sort
31: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
31: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
31: [==========] Running 16 tests from 1 test suite.
31: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
31: [----------] 16 tests from hip
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortUnsignedValueType
31: [       OK ] hip.SortUnsignedValueType (21 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortEmptyView
31: [       OK ] hip.SortEmptyView (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortByKeyEmptyView
31: [       OK ] hip.SortByKeyEmptyView (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortByKeyEmptyViewHost
31: [       OK ] hip.SortByKeyEmptyViewHost (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortByKey
31: [       OK ] hip.SortByKey (9 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortByKeyWithComparator
31: [       OK ] hip.SortByKeyWithComparator (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortByKeyStaticExtents
31: [       OK ] hip.SortByKeyStaticExtents (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortByKeyWithStrides
31: [       OK ] hip.SortByKeyWithStrides (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortByKeyKeysLargerThanValues
31: [WARNING] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/tpls/gtest/gtest/ Death tests use fork(), which is unsafe particularly in a threaded context. For this test, Google Test detected 3 threads. See for more explanation and suggested solutions, especially if this is the last message you see before your test times out.
31: [WARNING] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/tpls/gtest/gtest/ Death tests use fork(), which is unsafe particularly in a threaded context. For this test, Google Test detected 3 threads. See for more explanation and suggested solutions, especially if this is the last message you see before your test times out.
31: [       OK ] hip.SortByKeyKeysLargerThanValues (934 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.SortWithCustomComparator
31: [       OK ] hip.SortWithCustomComparator (656 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.BinSortGenericTests
31: [       OK ] hip.BinSortGenericTests (22 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.BinSortEmptyView
31: [       OK ] hip.BinSortEmptyView (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.BinSortEmptyKeysView
31: [       OK ] hip.BinSortEmptyKeysView (0 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.BinSortUnsignedKeyLayoutStrideValues
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_less (2187 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_greater
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_greater (2203 ms)
32: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test (7946 ms total)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_equal
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_equal (2400 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_not_equal
32: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_not_equal (1025 ms)
32: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test (3426 ms total)
32: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
32: [==========] 12 tests from 7 test suites ran. (15261 ms total)
32: [  PASSED  ] 12 tests.
32/45 Test #32: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A .....   Passed   15.28 sec
test 33
      Start 33: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B

33: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B
33: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
33: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
33: [==========] Running 8 tests from 4 test suites.
33: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_equal_team_test
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_equal
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_equal (1810 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_not_equal
31: [       OK ] hip.BinSortUnsignedKeyLayoutStrideValues (9981 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.NestedSort
31: [       OK ] hip.NestedSort (34 ms)
31: [ RUN      ] hip.NestedSortByKey
31: [       OK ] hip.NestedSortByKey (167 ms)
31: [----------] 16 tests from hip (11831 ms total)
31: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
31: [==========] 16 tests from 1 test suite ran. (11831 ms total)
31: [  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
31/51 Test #31: Kokkos_UnitTest_Sort ........................   Passed   12.29 sec
test 32
      Start 32: Kokkos_UnitTest_Random

32: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_UnitTest_Random
32: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_not_equal (1514 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_equal_team_test (3325 ms total)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_team_test
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_exist
32: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
32: [==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test suite.
32: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
32: [----------] 3 tests from hip
32: [ RUN      ] hip.Random_XorShift64
32: Test Seed:1718859872793928604
32: Test Scalar=int
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 0.00416914 0.0299561 || 0.051031 28033 29317 || 28555.3 28674.4 || 414.113 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 -0.00936048 0.000858673 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=unsigned int
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 0.00301666 0.0309747 || 0.051031 28040 29317 || 28588.1 28674.4 || 428.195 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 0.00170086 -0.00172322 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=int64_t
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 0.013399 0.0132911 || 0.051031 28000 29452 || 28295.3 28674.4 || 183.736 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 -0.00111522 0.002038 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=uint64_t
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 0.00111875 -0.00191849 || 0.051031 27979 29412 || 28642.3 28674.4 || -26.5211 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 -0.00841827 0.00135587 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=half
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 0.000244458 -0.99999 -48244.8 || 0.051031 0 195075 || 2.92879e+09 28674.4 || -6.66936e+08 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 0.000732322 -0.308182 0.157466 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=bhalf
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.73523e-07 -0.0128778 -0.0143988 || 0.051031 27989 29285 || 29048.5 28674.4 || -199.049 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 7.34064e-07 -0.00187286 0.00381594 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=float
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.73523e-07 -0.00332257 0.00880981 || 0.051031 28013 29318 || 28770 28674.4 || 121.787 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 7.34064e-07 0.0146916 0.00682904 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=double
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 -0.00547422 0.0123244 || 0.051031 27959 29284 || 28832.2 28674.4 || 170.373 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 0.000720951 -0.0056746 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Seed:1718859872928841693
32: Test Scalar=int
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 -0.0253865 0.0274666 || 0.051031 27986 29322 || 29421.3 28674.4 || 379.698 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 0.00518813 -0.00095949 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=unsigned int
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.45775e-07 -0.0144904 -0.017885 || 0.051031 27984 29372 || 29096 28674.4 || -247.242 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.5082e-07 -0.00932827 0.00730249 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=int64_t
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 0.0112479 -0.0204004 || 0.051031 27926 29303 || 28355.4 28674.4 || -282.015 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 0.0043548 -0.00562043 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=uint64_t
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_exist (806 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 0.0065973 -0.0025573 || 0.051031 28043 29333 || 28486.5 28674.4 || -35.3522 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 0.00800915 0.00285633 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=half
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 0.000244644 -0.99999 -48249.2 || 0.051031 0 194864 || 2.92894e+09 28674.4 || -6.66997e+08 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 0.000732867 -0.322621 0.153825 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=bhalf
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.73523e-07 0.00652017 -0.0283799 || 0.051031 27868 29345 || 28488.6 28674.4 || -392.323 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 7.34064e-07 0.00488738 0.00940973 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=float
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.63432e-07 -0.00351988 -0.00641363 || 0.051031 27993 29341 || 28775.7 28674.4 || -88.662 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 7.03793e-07 0.0129721 0.00113479 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=double
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 6.43252e-07 0.00285532 0.0133317 || 0.051031 28027 29447 || 28592.7 28674.4 || 184.298 -2.0744
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 6.43252e-07 -0.00947219 -0.00198495 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: [       OK ] hip.Random_XorShift64 (262 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] hip.Random_XorShift1024_0
32: Test Seed:1718859873056485979
32: Test Scalar=int
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 -0.0011842 -0.00250655 || 0.051031 10969 11815 || 11390.4 11377 || -34.6506 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 0.0043916 -0.00299789 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=unsigned int
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 -0.00722415 -0.00287758 || 0.051031 10944 11795 || 11459.7 11377 || -39.7796 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 0.0067185 -0.000950743 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=int64_t
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 -0.00851516 0.00197297 || 0.051031 10950 11783 || 11474.7 11377 || 27.2744 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 0.00933896 -0.000266678 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=uint64_t
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 0.01431 0.00681625 || 0.051031 10987 11753 || 11216.5 11377 || 94.2279 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 0.000298056 0.0020577 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=half
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 0.000242031 -0.999975 -7595.53 || 0.051031 0 77838 || 4.61081e+08 11377 || -1.05001e+08 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 0.000725662 -0.155412 0.0238914 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=bhalf
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.60671e-07 0.0135851 -0.00377441 || 0.051031 10991 11803 || 11224.5 11377 || -52.1774 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.86102e-07 0.0156941 -0.00357989 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=float
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.86102e-07 0.00227556 0.00551846 || 0.051031 10921 11814 || 11351.1 11377 || 76.2872 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 3.62396e-07 0.0132567 -0.00269985 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=double
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 -0.00825572 0.00230452 || 0.051031 10909 11782 || 11471.7 11377 || 31.8577 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 0.0075983 0.00289841 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Seed:1718859873159126939
32: Test Scalar=int
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 0.0107876 0.00130317 || 0.051031 10945 11789 || 11255.5 11377 || 18.015 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 0.00448678 -0.00189837 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=unsigned int
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 -0.0155855 0.00783855 || 0.051031 10950 11779 || 11557.1 11377 || 108.36 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 0.00557824 0.000947681 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=int64_t
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 0.00229126 -0.00420198 || 0.051031 10982 11858 || 11350.9 11377 || -58.0882 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 -0.00602172 0.00193985 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=uint64_t
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 0.00630424 -0.00920178 || 0.051031 10973 11832 || 11305.7 11377 || -127.205 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 -0.00857939 0.00263589 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=half
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 0.000244366 -0.999975 -7594.73 || 0.051031 0 77645 || 4.61051e+08 11377 || -1.0499e+08 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 0.000732748 -0.15498 0.0237274 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=bhalf
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.73387e-07 0.00702192 0.00170628 || 0.051031 10883 11780 || 11297.6 11377 || 23.5876 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 3.24249e-07 0.0153625 -0.000800048 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=float
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.67029e-07 0.00287828 0.00345446 || 0.051031 10926 11766 || 11344.3 11377 || 47.7545 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 3.05176e-07 0.000630638 -0.0017022 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: Test Scalar=double
32:  -- Testing randomness properties
32:  -- Testing 1-D histogram
32: Density 1D: 2.47955e-07 0.0165113 0.00314152 || 0.051031 10960 11763 || 11192.2 11377 || 43.4283 -0.823045
32:  -- Testing 3-D histogram
32: Density 3D: 2.47955e-07 0.00876264 -7.94363e-05 || 0.051031 1e+64 -1e+64
32: [       OK ] hip.Random_XorShift1024_0 (232 ms)
32: [ RUN      ] hip.Multi_streams
32: [       OK ] hip.Multi_streams (283 ms)
32: [----------] 3 tests from hip (779 ms total)
32: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
32: [==========] 3 tests from 1 test suite ran. (779 ms total)
32: [  PASSED  ] 3 tests.
32/51 Test #32: Kokkos_UnitTest_Random ......................   Passed    1.22 sec
test 33
      Start 33: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A

33: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A
33: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (1016 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_team_test (1822 ms total)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_end_team_test
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_exist
33: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
33: [==========] Running 16 tests from 3 test suites.
33: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
33: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_reducers
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.max_first_loc
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.max_first_loc (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_first_loc
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_first_loc (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_max_first_last_loc
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reducers.min_max_first_last_loc (0 ms)
33: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_reducers (0 ms total)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms.is_admissible_to_std_algorithms
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms.is_admissible_to_std_algorithms (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms.expect_no_overlap
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms.expect_no_overlap (0 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms (0 ms total)
33: [----------] 11 tests from random_access_iterator_test
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.constructor
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.constructor (1 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.constructiblity
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.constructiblity (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.dereference
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.dereference (1 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.subscript_operator
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.subscript_operator (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet1
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet1 (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet2
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet2 (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet3
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet3 (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet4
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.operatorsSet4 (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.assignment_operator
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.assignment_operator (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.distance
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.distance (0 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] random_access_iterator_test.traits_helpers
33: [       OK ] random_access_iterator_test.traits_helpers (0 ms)
33: [----------] 11 tests from random_access_iterator_test (5 ms total)
33: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
33: [==========] 16 tests from 3 test suites ran. (6 ms total)
33: [  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
33/51 Test #33: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_A ..........   Passed    0.43 sec
test 34
      Start 34: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B

34: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B
34: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
34: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
34: [==========] Running 7 tests from 1 test suite.
34: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
34: [----------] 7 tests from std_algorithms_min_max_element_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_empty_range
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_empty_range (0 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_empty_range
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_empty_range (0 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data (12 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data (9 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.min_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (9 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.max_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (8 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.minmax_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_max_element_test.minmax_element_non_trivial_data_custom_comp (13 ms)
34: [----------] 7 tests from std_algorithms_min_max_element_test (53 ms total)
34: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
34: [==========] 7 tests from 1 test suite ran. (53 ms total)
34: [  PASSED  ] 7 tests.
34/51 Test #34: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_B ..........   Passed    0.48 sec
test 35
      Start 35: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C

35: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C
35: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
35: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
35: [==========] Running 13 tests from 10 test suites.
35: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test.test (187 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_test (187 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_test.test (119 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_test (119 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_find_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_test.test (72 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_find_test (72 ms total)
35: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_first_of
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_exist (2079 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_first_of (683 ms)
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_end
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.find_end (1208 ms)
35: [ RUN      ]
35: [       OK ] (807 ms)
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.search_n
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (1933 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_end_team_test (4013 ms total)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_exist
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops.search_n (564 ms)
35: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_non_mod_seq_ops (3263 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_test.test (95 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_test (95 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_equal_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_test.test (25 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_equal_test (25 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test.test (82 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_any_none_of_test (82 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops.adjacent_find
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops.adjacent_find (116 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_nonmod_seq_ops (116 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mismatch_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_test.test (190 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mismatch_test (190 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.move_backward
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.move_backward (75 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops (75 ms total)
35: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
35: [==========] 13 tests from 10 test suites ran. (4229 ms total)
35: [  PASSED  ] 13 tests.
==> libxml2: Successfully installed libxml2-2.10.3-xudi4meflbq2qleazrqcqbsded6snkz7
  Stage: 17.84s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 14.14s.  Build: 6.75s.  Install: 0.79s.  Post-install: 0.11s.  Total: 40.48s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/libxml2-2.10.3-xudi4meflbq2qleazrqcqbsded6snkz7
==> Installing bzip2-1.0.8-5hi3ykbcafo5wif2ur4jabv2op5sgrew [13/23]
==> No binary for bzip2-1.0.8-5hi3ykbcafo5wif2ur4jabv2op5sgrew found: installing from source
35/51 Test #35: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_C ..........   Passed    4.68 sec
test 36
      Start 36: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D

36: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D
36: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
==> Fetching
==> Ran patch() for bzip2
36: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
36: [==========] Running 31 tests from 5 test suites.
36: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
36: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_mod_ops_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move_within_parfor
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.move_within_parfor (1 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.iter_swap_static_view
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_ops_test.iter_swap_static_view (0 ms)
36: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_mod_ops_test (2 ms total)
36: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy (2 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_view
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_view (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_n
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_n (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_backward
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.copy_backward (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.reverse_copy
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.reverse_copy (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill_n
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.fill_n (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_unary_op
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_unary_op (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_binary_op
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.transform_from_fixture_binary_op (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate_n
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.generate_n (0 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.swap_ranges
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test.swap_ranges (0 ms)
36: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops_test (6 ms total)
36: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_replace_ops_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace (34 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_if
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_if (151 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy (59 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy_if
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_ops_test.replace_copy_if (52 ms)
36: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_replace_ops_test (297 ms total)
36: [----------] 11 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.copy_if
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.copy_if (46 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_exist (1793 ms)
33: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique (248 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique_copy
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.unique_copy (81 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove (63 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_if
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_if (67 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy (189 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy_if
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.remove_copy_if (65 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate
==> bzip2: Executing phase: 'install'
==> bzip2: Successfully installed bzip2-1.0.8-5hi3ykbcafo5wif2ur4jabv2op5sgrew
  Stage: 2.47s.  Install: 2.47s.  Post-install: 0.03s.  Total: 5.38s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/bzip2-1.0.8-5hi3ykbcafo5wif2ur4jabv2op5sgrew
==> Installing nghttp2-1.62.0-sazu2osk6zam4ukn7dmkggek5yvd5h56 [14/23]
==> No binary for nghttp2-1.62.0-sazu2osk6zam4ukn7dmkggek5yvd5h56 found: installing from source
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate (1449 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate_copy
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.rotate_copy (462 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_left
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_left (1490 ms)
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_right
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops.shift_right (1458 ms)
36: [----------] 11 tests from std_algorithms_mod_seq_ops (5623 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_modseq_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_modseq_test.reverse
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_modseq_test.reverse (57 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_modseq_test (57 ms total)
36: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
36: [==========] 31 tests from 5 test suites ran. (5987 ms total)
36: [  PASSED  ] 31 tests.
36/51 Test #36: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_D ..........   Passed    6.43 sec
test 37
      Start 37: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E

37: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E
37: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
37: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
37: [==========] Running 29 tests from 7 test suites.
37: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
37: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted (16 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted_until
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test.is_sorted_until (15 ms)
37: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_sorting_ops_test (32 ms total)
37: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partitioning_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_trivial
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_trivial (0 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_iterators
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_iterators (2 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_view
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.is_partitioned_accepting_view (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.partition_point
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_test.partition_point (1 ms)
37: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partitioning_test (6 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_partitioning_ops
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partitioning_ops.partition_copy
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partitioning_ops.partition_copy (36 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_partitioning_ops (36 ms total)
37: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_numerics_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_pod_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_pod_value_type (5 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_custom_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_default_functors_using_custom_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.transform_reduce_custom_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_pod_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadA_using_custom_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_pod_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_default_functors_overloadB_using_custom_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_pod_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_pod_value_type (1 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_custom_value_type
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_test.reduce_custom_functors_using_custom_value_type (1 ms)
37: [----------] 12 tests from std_algorithms_numerics_test (19 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test.adjecent_difference
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test.adjecent_difference (96 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test (96 ms total)
37: [----------] 8 tests from std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan
33: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (6450 ms)
33: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test (8244 ms total)
33: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
33: [==========] 8 tests from 4 test suites ran. (17405 ms total)
33: [  PASSED  ] 8 tests.
33/45 Test #33: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B .....   Passed   17.42 sec
test 34
      Start 34: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C

34: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C
34: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
34: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
34: [==========] Running 11 tests from 7 test suites.
34: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_exist
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_exist (346 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_do_not_exist
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan (987 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan_functor
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.exclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_do_not_exist (474 ms)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_team_test (821 ms total)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_true
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_true (282 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_false
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_false (463 ms)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_team_test (746 ms total)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_true
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan (752 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan_functor
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.inclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan (278 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan_functor
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_exclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_true (470 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_false
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_false (265 ms)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test (737 ms total)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_of_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_all_of_team_test.test
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan (405 ms)
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan_functor
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test.transform_inclusive_scan_functor (0 ms)
37: [----------] 8 tests from std_algorithms_numeric_ops_test (2424 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_ops_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_ops_test.transform_unary_op
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_ops_test.transform_unary_op (43 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_ops_test (43 ms total)
37: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
37: [==========] 29 tests from 7 test suites ran. (2659 ms total)
37: [  PASSED  ] 29 tests.
37/51 Test #37: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_E ..........   Passed    3.10 sec
test 38
      Start 38: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A

38: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A
38: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
38: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
38: [==========] Running 12 tests from 7 test suites.
38: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
38: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_exist
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_all_of_team_test.test (467 ms)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_of_team_test (467 ms total)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_any_of_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_any_of_team_test.test
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_any_of_team_test.test (254 ms)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_any_of_team_test (254 ms total)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_none_of_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_none_of_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_exist (544 ms)
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_might_exist
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_none_of_team_test.test (459 ms)
34: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_none_of_team_test (459 ms total)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_n_team_test
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_exist
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test.two_consecutive_equal_elements_might_exist (527 ms)
38: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_adjacent_find_team_test (1072 ms total)
38: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_count_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_nonzero
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_exist (502 ms)
34: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_probably_does_not_exist
34: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_probably_does_not_exist (377 ms)
34: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_n_team_test (880 ms total)
34: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
34: [==========] 11 tests from 7 test suites ran. (4367 ms total)
34: [  PASSED  ] 11 tests.
34/45 Test #34: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C .....   Passed    4.38 sec
test 35
      Start 35: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D

35: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D
35: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
35: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
35: [==========] Running 3 tests from 3 test suites.
35: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_min_element_team_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_element_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_nonzero (581 ms)
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_zero
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_team_test.count_returns_zero (243 ms)
38: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_count_team_test (825 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_if_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_count_if_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_count_if_team_test.test (289 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_count_if_team_test (289 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_team_test.test (371 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_team_test (371 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test.test (419 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_for_each_n_team_test (420 ms total)
38: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.views_are_equal
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for nghttp2
==> nghttp2: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> nghttp2: Executing phase: 'configure'
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_element_team_test.test (1540 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_min_element_team_test (1540 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_max_element_team_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_max_element_team_test.test
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_max_element_team_test.test (1427 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_max_element_team_test (1427 ms total)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test
35: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.views_are_equal (2801 ms)
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_less
35: [       OK ] std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test.test (2058 ms)
35: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test (2058 ms total)
35: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
35: [==========] 3 tests from 3 test suites ran. (5026 ms total)
35: [  PASSED  ] 3 tests.
35/45 Test #35: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D .....   Passed    5.04 sec
test 36
      Start 36: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E

36: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E
36: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
36: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
36: [==========] Running 6 tests from 6 test suites.
36: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_fill_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_fill_team_test.test (433 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_team_test (433 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test.test (65 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test (65 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_less (1659 ms)
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_greater
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_team_test.test (673 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_team_test (673 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test.test (696 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test (696 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test.first_view_is_greater (1689 ms)
38: [----------] 3 tests from std_algorithms_lexicographical_compare_team_test (6149 ms total)
38: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_equal
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test.test (1127 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test (1127 ms total)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test
36: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test.test
36: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test.test (864 ms)
36: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test (865 ms total)
36: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
36: [==========] 6 tests from 6 test suites ran. (3862 ms total)
36: [  PASSED  ] 6 tests.
36/45 Test #36: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E .....   Passed    3.88 sec
test 37
      Start 37: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F

37: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F
37: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
37: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
37: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
37: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_team_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reverse_team_test.test
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reverse_team_test.test (447 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_team_test (447 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test.test
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test.test (415 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test (416 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_team_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_rotate_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_equal (1871 ms)
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_not_equal
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_rotate_team_test.test (518 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_team_test (518 ms total)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test
37: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test.test
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test.views_are_not_equal (869 ms)
38: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test (2740 ms total)
38: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
38: [==========] 12 tests from 7 test suites ran. (11869 ms total)
38: [  PASSED  ] 12 tests.
38/51 Test #38: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_A .....   Passed   12.31 sec
test 39
      Start 39: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B

39: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B
39: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
37: [       OK ] std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test.test (319 ms)
37: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test (319 ms total)
37: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
37: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (1702 ms total)
37: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
37/45 Test #37: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F .....   Passed    1.71 sec
test 38
      Start 38: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G

38: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G
38: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
38: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
38: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
38: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_move_team_test.test
39: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
39: [==========] Running 8 tests from 4 test suites.
39: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
39: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_equal_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_equal
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_move_team_test.test (658 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_team_test (658 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_equal (1396 ms)
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_not_equal
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test.test (747 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test (747 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_equal_team_test.views_are_not_equal (1242 ms)
39: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_equal_team_test (2638 ms total)
39: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_exist
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test.test (1342 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test (1342 ms total)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test
38: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_exist (714 ms)
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
38: [       OK ] std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test.test (1160 ms)
38: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test (1160 ms total)
38: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
38: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (3908 ms total)
38: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
38/45 Test #38: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G .....   Passed    3.94 sec
test 39
      Start 39: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H

39: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H
39: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
39: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
39: [==========] Running 9 tests from 9 test suites.
39: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (865 ms)
39: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_team_test (1580 ms total)
39: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_end_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_exist
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_team_test.test (833 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_team_test (833 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test.test (74 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test (74 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test.test (651 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test (651 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_exist (1834 ms)
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test.test (722 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test (722 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test.test (1364 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test (1364 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_end_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (1630 ms)
39: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_end_team_test (3465 ms total)
39: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_exist
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_team_test.test (746 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_team_test (746 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test.test
==> nghttp2: Executing phase: 'build'
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test.test (738 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test (738 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_exist (1385 ms)
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test.test (891 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test (891 ms total)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test
39: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test.test (745 ms)
39: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test (745 ms total)
39: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
39: [==========] 9 tests from 9 test suites ran. (6769 ms total)
39: [  PASSED  ] 9 tests.
39/45 Test #39: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H .....   Passed    6.82 sec
test 40
      Start 40: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I

40: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I
40: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
40: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
40: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
40: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_unique_team_test.test_default_predicate
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_unique_team_test.test_default_predicate (1418 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_team_test (1418 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test.test
==> nghttp2: Executing phase: 'install'
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test.test (1104 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test (1104 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reduce_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reduce_team_test.test
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reduce_team_test.test (719 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reduce_team_test (719 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test.test
39: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test.sequences_do_not_exist (5396 ms)
39: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_first_of_team_test (6781 ms total)
39: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
39: [==========] 8 tests from 4 test suites ran. (14465 ms total)
39: [  PASSED  ] 8 tests.
39/51 Test #39: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_B .....   Passed   14.90 sec
test 40
      Start 40: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C

40: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C
40: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
40: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
40: [==========] Running 11 tests from 7 test suites.
40: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
40: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_exist
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test.test (1412 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test (1412 ms total)
40: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
40: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (4655 ms total)
40: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
40/45 Test #40: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I .....   Passed    4.67 sec
test 41
      Start 41: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L

41: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L
41: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
41: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
41: [==========] Running 18 tests from 5 test suites.
41: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
41: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_almost_certainly_not_sorted
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_exist (296 ms)
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_do_not_exist
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_team_test.searched_values_do_not_exist (407 ms)
40: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_team_test (703 ms total)
40: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_true
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_almost_certainly_not_sorted (571 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_certainly_sorted
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_true (245 ms)
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_false
==> nghttp2: Successfully installed nghttp2-1.62.0-sazu2osk6zam4ukn7dmkggek5yvd5h56
  Stage: 8.74s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 18.08s.  Build: 3.45s.  Install: 0.50s.  Post-install: 0.03s.  Total: 31.35s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/nghttp2-1.62.0-sazu2osk6zam4ukn7dmkggek5yvd5h56
==> Installing readline-8.2-o5klpjusis42h4fdmfalf7f5zu7ua5ny [15/23]
==> No binary for readline-8.2-o5klpjusis42h4fdmfalf7f5zu7ua5ny found: installing from source
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_team_test.predicates_return_false (417 ms)
40: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_team_test (663 ms total)
40: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_true
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_true (413 ms)
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_false
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test.predicates_return_false (242 ms)
40: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_find_if_not_team_test (656 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_of_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_all_of_team_test.test
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_all_of_team_test.test (412 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_all_of_team_test (412 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_any_of_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_any_of_team_test.test
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_any_of_team_test.test (246 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_any_of_team_test (246 ms total)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_none_of_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_none_of_team_test.test
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_certainly_sorted (1468 ms)
41: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test (2040 ms total)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialA
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialA (1 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialB
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialB (1 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialA
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_none_of_team_test.test (433 ms)
40: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_none_of_team_test (433 ms total)
40: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_n_team_test
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_exist
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_exist (283 ms)
40: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_probably_does_not_exist
40: [       OK ] std_algorithms_search_n_team_test.sequences_of_equal_elements_probably_does_not_exist (311 ms)
40: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_search_n_team_test (594 ms total)
40: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
40: [==========] 11 tests from 7 test suites ran. (3711 ms total)
40: [  PASSED  ] 11 tests.
40/51 Test #40: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_C .....   Passed    4.15 sec
test 41
      Start 41: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D

41: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D
41: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialA (1619 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialB
41: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
41: [==========] Running 3 tests from 3 test suites.
41: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
41: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_min_element_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_min_element_team_test.test
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialB (924 ms)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test (2546 ms total)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.empty
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.empty (0 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_true
==> Fetching
==> Fetching
==> Applied patch
==> readline: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_true (446 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_false
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_min_element_team_test.test (1216 ms)
41: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_min_element_team_test (1217 ms total)
41: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_max_element_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_max_element_team_test.test
==> readline: Executing phase: 'configure'
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_false (451 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.random
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.random (376 ms)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test (1274 ms total)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.empty
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.empty (1 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_true
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_max_element_team_test.test (1210 ms)
41: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_max_element_team_test (1210 ms total)
41: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test.test
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_true (762 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_false
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_false (766 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.random
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test.test (1744 ms)
41: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_minmax_element_team_test (1744 ms total)
41: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
41: [==========] 3 tests from 3 test suites ran. (4172 ms total)
41: [  PASSED  ] 3 tests.
41/51 Test #41: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_D .....   Passed    4.61 sec
test 42
      Start 42: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E

42: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E
42: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.random (679 ms)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test (2210 ms total)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.empty
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.empty (0 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_true
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_true (308 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_false
42: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
42: [==========] Running 6 tests from 6 test suites.
42: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_fill_team_test.test
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_false (306 ms)
41: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.random
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_fill_team_test.test (295 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_team_test (295 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test.test
41: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.random (225 ms)
41: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test (841 ms total)
41: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
41: [==========] 18 tests from 5 test suites ran. (8914 ms total)
41: [  PASSED  ] 18 tests.
41/45 Test #41: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L .....   Passed    8.92 sec
test 42
      Start 42: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M

42: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M
42: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
42: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
42: [==========] Running 5 tests from 4 test suites.
42: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
42: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_transform_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_unary_op
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test.test (402 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_fill_n_team_test (402 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_team_test.test (468 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_team_test (468 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_unary_op (1058 ms)
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_binary_op
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test.test (501 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_if_team_test (501 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test.test (817 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_team_test (817 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_binary_op (1228 ms)
42: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_transform_team_test (2287 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_generate_team_test.test_unary_op
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test.test (725 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_replace_copy_if_team_test (725 ms total)
42: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
42: [==========] 6 tests from 6 test suites ran. (3212 ms total)
42: [  PASSED  ] 6 tests.
42/51 Test #42: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_E .....   Passed    3.66 sec
test 43
      Start 43: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F

43: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F
43: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
43: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
43: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
43: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_team_test
43: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reverse_team_test.test
43: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reverse_team_test.test (320 ms)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_team_test (320 ms total)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test
43: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test.test
43: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test.test (353 ms)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reverse_copy_team_test (353 ms total)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_team_test
43: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_rotate_team_test.test
43: [       OK ] std_algorithms_rotate_team_test.test (753 ms)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_team_test (754 ms total)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test
43: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_generate_team_test.test_unary_op (2688 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_team_test (2688 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test.test (64 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test (64 ms total)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test
42: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test.test
43: [       OK ] std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test.test (631 ms)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_rotate_copy_team_test (631 ms total)
43: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
43: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (2059 ms total)
43: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
43/51 Test #43: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_F .....   Passed    2.50 sec
test 44
      Start 44: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G

44: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G
44: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
44: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
44: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
44: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_team_test
44: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_move_team_test.test
44: [       OK ] std_algorithms_move_team_test.test (509 ms)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_team_test (509 ms total)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test
44: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test.test
42: [       OK ] std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test.test (1141 ms)
42: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test (1141 ms total)
42: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
42: [==========] 5 tests from 4 test suites ran. (6183 ms total)
42: [  PASSED  ] 5 tests.
42/45 Test #42: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M .....   Passed    6.21 sec
test 43
      Start 43: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P

43: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P
43: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
43: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
43: [==========] Running 2 tests from 2 test suites.
43: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test
43: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test.test
44: [       OK ] std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test.test (469 ms)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_move_backward_team_test (469 ms total)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test
44: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test.test
44: [       OK ] std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test.test (1630 ms)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_left_team_test (1630 ms total)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test
44: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test.test
44: [       OK ] std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test.test (1485 ms)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_shift_right_team_test (1485 ms total)
44: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
44: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (4094 ms total)
44: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
44/51 Test #44: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_G .....   Passed    4.53 sec
test 45
      Start 45: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H

45: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H
45: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
45: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
45: [==========] Running 9 tests from 9 test suites.
45: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_team_test.test
43: [       OK ] std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test.test (3700 ms)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test (3700 ms total)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test
43: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test.test
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_team_test.test (649 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_team_test (649 ms total)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test.test
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test.test (506 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_n_team_test (506 ms total)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test.test
==> readline: Executing phase: 'build'
==> readline: Executing phase: 'install'
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test.test (484 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_backward_team_test (484 ms total)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test.test
43: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test.test (1851 ms)
43: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test (1851 ms total)
43: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
43: [==========] 2 tests from 2 test suites ran. (5552 ms total)
43: [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
43/45 Test #43: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P .....   Passed    5.70 sec
test 44
      Start 44: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q

44: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q
44: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests
44: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
44: [==========] Running 2 tests from 2 test suites.
44: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test
44: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test.test
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test.test (548 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_copy_if_team_test (548 ms total)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test.test
==> readline: Successfully installed readline-8.2-o5klpjusis42h4fdmfalf7f5zu7ua5ny
  Stage: 4.60s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 13.06s.  Build: 1.97s.  Install: 0.24s.  Post-install: 0.04s.  Total: 20.46s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/readline-8.2-o5klpjusis42h4fdmfalf7f5zu7ua5ny
==> Installing cuda-12.1.0-bojlyotlnolyvuvw5teggk3nmwfwd2eq [16/23]
==> No binary for cuda-12.1.0-bojlyotlnolyvuvw5teggk3nmwfwd2eq found: installing from source
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test.test (1190 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_copy_team_test (1190 ms total)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_team_test.test
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_team_test.test (670 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_team_test (670 ms total)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test.test
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test.test (679 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_if_team_test (679 ms total)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test.test
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test.test (748 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_team_test (748 ms total)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test
45: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test.test
45: [       OK ] std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test.test (667 ms)
45: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_remove_copy_if_team_test (667 ms total)
45: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
45: [==========] 9 tests from 9 test suites ran. (6146 ms total)
45: [  PASSED  ] 9 tests.
45/51 Test #45: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_H .....   Passed    6.60 sec
test 46
      Start 46: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I

46: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I
46: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
46: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
46: [==========] Running 4 tests from 4 test suites.
46: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
46: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_team_test
46: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_unique_team_test.test_default_predicate
44: [       OK ] std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test.test (5624 ms)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test (5624 ms total)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test
44: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test.test
46: [       OK ] std_algorithms_unique_team_test.test_default_predicate (1322 ms)
46: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_unique_team_test (1322 ms total)
46: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test
46: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test.test
46: [       OK ] std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test.test (1163 ms)
46: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_adjacent_difference_team_test (1163 ms total)
46: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reduce_team_test
46: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_reduce_team_test.test
46: [       OK ] std_algorithms_reduce_team_test.test (883 ms)
46: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_reduce_team_test (883 ms total)
46: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test
46: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test.test
46: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test.test (1484 ms)
46: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_reduce_team_test (1484 ms total)
46: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
46: [==========] 4 tests from 4 test suites ran. (4854 ms total)
46: [  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
46/51 Test #46: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_I .....   Passed    5.31 sec
test 47
      Start 47: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L

47: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L
47: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
47: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
47: [==========] Running 18 tests from 5 test suites.
47: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
47: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_almost_certainly_not_sorted
44: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test.test (3694 ms)
44: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test (3694 ms total)
44: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
44: [==========] 2 tests from 2 test suites ran. (9319 ms total)
44: [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
44/45 Test #44: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q .....   Passed    9.34 sec
test 45
      Start 45: Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD

45: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/simd/unit_tests/Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD
45: Working Directory: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/simd/unit_tests
45: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
45: [==========] Running 16 tests from 1 test suite.
45: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
45: [----------] 16 tests from simd
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_math_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.host_math_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_math_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.device_math_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_mask_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.host_mask_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_mask_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.device_mask_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_conversions
45: [       OK ] simd.host_conversions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_conversions
45: [       OK ] simd.device_conversions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_shift_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.host_shift_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_shift_ops
45: [       OK ] simd.device_shift_ops (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_condition
45: [       OK ] simd.host_condition (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_condition
45: [       OK ] simd.device_condition (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_gen_ctors
45: [       OK ] simd.host_gen_ctors (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_gen_ctors
45: [       OK ] simd.device_gen_ctors (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_where_expressions
45: [       OK ] simd.host_where_expressions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_where_expressions
45: [       OK ] simd.device_where_expressions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.host_reductions
45: [       OK ] simd.host_reductions (0 ms)
45: [ RUN      ] simd.device_reductions
45: [       OK ] simd.device_reductions (0 ms)
45: [----------] 16 tests from simd (1 ms total)
45: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
45: [==========] 16 tests from 1 test suite ran. (1 ms total)
45: [  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
45/45 Test #45: Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD ........................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 45

Total Test time (real) = 451.68 sec
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 e8029794361b91d392887093cc402c47cda6689d364cd314bb7ed02e1f196076
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_almost_certainly_not_sorted (547 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_certainly_sorted
$ docker rm -f --volumes e8029794361b91d392887093cc402c47cda6689d364cd314bb7ed02e1f196076
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test.test_data_certainly_sorted (1346 ms)
47: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_team_test (1893 ms total)
47: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialA
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialA (24 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialB
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_trivialB (27 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialA
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialA (1251 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialB
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test.test_nontrivialB (709 ms)
47: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_sorted_until_team_test (2012 ms total)
47: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.empty
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.empty (14 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_true
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_true (339 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_false
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.all_false (342 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.random
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test.random (307 ms)
47: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_is_partitioned_team_test (1004 ms total)
47: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.empty
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.empty (23 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_true
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_true (659 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_false
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.all_false (662 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.random
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test.random (610 ms)
47: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_copy_team_test (1956 ms total)
47: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.empty
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.empty (16 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_true
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_true (223 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_false
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.all_false (225 ms)
47: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.random
47: [       OK ] std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test.random (168 ms)
47: [----------] 4 tests from std_algorithms_partition_point_team_test (633 ms total)
47: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
47: [==========] 18 tests from 5 test suites ran. (7500 ms total)
47: [  PASSED  ] 18 tests.
47/51 Test #47: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_L .....   Passed    7.94 sec
test 48
      Start 48: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M

48: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M
48: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
48: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
48: [==========] Running 5 tests from 4 test suites.
48: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
48: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_transform_team_test
48: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_unary_op
48: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_unary_op (692 ms)
48: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_binary_op
48: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_team_test.test_binary_op (810 ms)
48: [----------] 2 tests from std_algorithms_transform_team_test (1503 ms total)
48: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_team_test
48: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_generate_team_test.test_unary_op
48: [       OK ] std_algorithms_generate_team_test.test_unary_op (1489 ms)
48: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_team_test (1489 ms total)
48: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test
48: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test.test
48: [       OK ] std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test.test (436 ms)
48: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_generate_n_team_test (436 ms total)
48: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test
48: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test.test
48: [       OK ] std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test.test (752 ms)
48: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_swap_ranges_team_test (752 ms total)
48: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
48: [==========] 5 tests from 4 test suites ran. (4182 ms total)
48: [  PASSED  ] 5 tests.
48/51 Test #48: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_M .....   Passed    4.63 sec
test 49
      Start 49: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P

49: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P
49: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
49: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
49: [==========] Running 2 tests from 2 test suites.
49: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
49: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test
49: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test.test
49: [       OK ] std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test.test (2909 ms)
49: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_exclusive_scan_team_test (2909 ms total)
49: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test
49: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test.test
49: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test.test (1397 ms)
49: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_exclusive_scan_team_test (1397 ms total)
49: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
49: [==========] 2 tests from 2 test suites ran. (4307 ms total)
49: [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
49/51 Test #49: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_P .....   Passed    4.75 sec
test 50
      Start 50: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q

50: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/algorithms/unit_tests/Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q
50: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
50: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
50: [==========] Running 2 tests from 2 test suites.
50: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
50: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test
50: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test.test
50: [       OK ] std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test.test (4388 ms)
50: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_inclusive_scan_team_test (4388 ms total)
50: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test
50: [ RUN      ] std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test.test
50: [       OK ] std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test.test (2788 ms)
50: [----------] 1 test from std_algorithms_transform_inclusive_scan_team_test (2788 ms total)
50: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
50: [==========] 2 tests from 2 test suites ran. (7177 ms total)
50: [  PASSED  ] 2 tests.
50/51 Test #50: Kokkos_AlgorithmsUnitTest_StdSet_Team_Q .....   Passed    7.63 sec
test 51
      Start 51: Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD

51: Test command: /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/build/simd/unit_tests/Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD
51: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
51: Note: Google Test filter = -hip_hostpinned.view_allocation_large_rank
51: [==========] Running 16 tests from 1 test suite.
51: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
51: [----------] 16 tests from simd
51: [ RUN      ] simd.host_math_ops
51: [       OK ] simd.host_math_ops (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.device_math_ops
51: [       OK ] simd.device_math_ops (4 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.host_mask_ops
51: [       OK ] simd.host_mask_ops (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.device_mask_ops
51: [       OK ] simd.device_mask_ops (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.host_conversions
51: [       OK ] simd.host_conversions (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.device_conversions
51: [       OK ] simd.device_conversions (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.host_shift_ops
51: [       OK ] simd.host_shift_ops (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.device_shift_ops
51: [       OK ] simd.device_shift_ops (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.host_condition
51: [       OK ] simd.host_condition (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.device_condition
51: [       OK ] simd.device_condition (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.host_gen_ctors
51: [       OK ] simd.host_gen_ctors (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.device_gen_ctors
51: [       OK ] simd.device_gen_ctors (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.host_where_expressions
51: [       OK ] simd.host_where_expressions (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.device_where_expressions
51: [       OK ] simd.device_where_expressions (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.host_reductions
51: [       OK ] simd.host_reductions (0 ms)
51: [ RUN      ] simd.device_reductions
51: [       OK ] simd.device_reductions (0 ms)
51: [----------] 16 tests from simd (4 ms total)
51: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
51: [==========] 16 tests from 1 test suite ran. (4 ms total)
51: [  PASSED  ] 16 tests.
51/51 Test #51: Kokkos_UnitTest_SIMD ........................   Passed    0.44 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 51

Total Test time (real) = 988.83 sec
Post stage
[Pipeline] sh
+ ccache --show-stats
cache directory                     /root/.ccache
primary config                      /root/.ccache/ccache.conf
secondary config      (readonly)    /etc/ccache.conf
cache hit (direct)                     0
cache hit (preprocessed)               0
cache miss                             0
cache hit rate                      0.00 %
cleanups performed                     0
files in cache                         0
cache size                           0.0 kB
max cache size                       5.0 GB
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 e2392659d704a874933aa07d8e50c02a58ac5f0009172890e4f8533cc13dc252
$ docker rm -f --volumes e2392659d704a874933aa07d8e50c02a58ac5f0009172890e4f8533cc13dc252
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for cuda
==> cuda: Executing phase: 'install'
==> Error: ProcessError: Command exited with status 134:
    '/usr/bin/sh' '/tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-cuda-12.1.0-bojlyotlnolyvuvw5teggk3nmwfwd2eq/spack-src/' '--silent' '--override' '--toolkit' '--tmpdir=/tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-cuda-12.1.0-bojlyotlnolyvuvw5teggk3nmwfwd2eq/tmp' '--installpath=/var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/cuda-12.1.0-bojlyotlnolyvuvw5teggk3nmwfwd2eq'
See build log for details:

==> Warning: Skipping build of kokkos-nvcc-wrapper-develop-ai526jeoyfvjnxw2ooxxtr3yvwhvm3a4 since cuda-12.1.0-bojlyotlnolyvuvw5teggk3nmwfwd2eq failed
==> Warning: Skipping build of kokkos-develop-au7fm4gmnfgoc2f2cvnfrnkcepg4jbyt since kokkos-nvcc-wrapper-develop-ai526jeoyfvjnxw2ooxxtr3yvwhvm3a4 failed
==> Installing gdbm-1.23-7hyo67ccmbmy4qte2dfthfgnvzhg32no [17/23]
==> No binary for gdbm-1.23-7hyo67ccmbmy4qte2dfthfgnvzhg32no found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for gdbm
==> gdbm: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> gdbm: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> gdbm: Executing phase: 'build'
==> gdbm: Executing phase: 'install'
==> gdbm: Successfully installed gdbm-1.23-7hyo67ccmbmy4qte2dfthfgnvzhg32no
  Stage: 1.69s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 19.94s.  Build: 8.70s.  Install: 1.55s.  Post-install: 0.06s.  Total: 33.21s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/gdbm-1.23-7hyo67ccmbmy4qte2dfthfgnvzhg32no
==> Installing perl-5.38.2-2uif5na6eymz3nurlpqfa2qzjgevee5x [18/23]
==> No binary for perl-5.38.2-2uif5na6eymz3nurlpqfa2qzjgevee5x found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Fetching
==> Moving resource stage
	source: /tmp/root/spack-stage/resource-cpanm-2uif5na6eymz3nurlpqfa2qzjgevee5x/spack-src/
	destination: /tmp/root/spack-stage/spack-stage-perl-5.38.2-2uif5na6eymz3nurlpqfa2qzjgevee5x/spack-src/cpanm/cpanm
==> Applied patch /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/perl/zlib-ng.patch
==> Ran patch() for perl
==> perl: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> perl: Executing phase: 'build'
==> perl: Executing phase: 'install'
==> perl: Successfully installed perl-5.38.2-2uif5na6eymz3nurlpqfa2qzjgevee5x
  Stage: 36.04s.  Configure: 3m 0.32s.  Build: 51.93s.  Install: 10.50s.  Post-install: 3.00s.  Total: 4m 42.40s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/perl-5.38.2-2uif5na6eymz3nurlpqfa2qzjgevee5x
==> Installing openssl-3.3.0-fpmm5uxzoszrs233fgxihgwygpdd6jo5 [19/23]
==> No binary for openssl-3.3.0-fpmm5uxzoszrs233fgxihgwygpdd6jo5 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> Ran patch() for openssl
==> openssl: Executing phase: 'install'
==> openssl: Successfully installed openssl-3.3.0-fpmm5uxzoszrs233fgxihgwygpdd6jo5
  Stage: 17.42s.  Install: 3m 19.16s.  Post-install: 0.28s.  Total: 3m 37.73s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/openssl-3.3.0-fpmm5uxzoszrs233fgxihgwygpdd6jo5
==> Installing curl-8.7.1-buueyfpiwt7zz23du5npmhps7fwrwbho [20/23]
==> No binary for curl-8.7.1-buueyfpiwt7zz23du5npmhps7fwrwbho found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for curl
==> curl: Executing phase: 'autoreconf'
==> curl: Executing phase: 'configure'
==> curl: Executing phase: 'build'
==> curl: Executing phase: 'install'
==> curl: Successfully installed curl-8.7.1-buueyfpiwt7zz23du5npmhps7fwrwbho
  Stage: 12.28s.  Autoreconf: 0.00s.  Configure: 1m 21.04s.  Build: 59.43s.  Install: 10.04s.  Post-install: 0.24s.  Total: 2m 43.70s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/curl-8.7.1-buueyfpiwt7zz23du5npmhps7fwrwbho
==> Installing cmake-3.29.4-rtec66ej4x5bzxw4nsfzjew4mbpvtd2v [21/23]
==> No binary for cmake-3.29.4-rtec66ej4x5bzxw4nsfzjew4mbpvtd2v found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> No patches needed for cmake
==> cmake: Executing phase: 'bootstrap'
==> cmake: Executing phase: 'build'
==> cmake: Executing phase: 'install'
==> cmake: Successfully installed cmake-3.29.4-rtec66ej4x5bzxw4nsfzjew4mbpvtd2v
  Stage: 58.59s.  Bootstrap: 3m 51.37s.  Build: 4m 14.12s.  Install: 21.07s.  Post-install: 1.70s.  Total: 9m 27.47s
[+] /var/jenkins/workspace/Kokkos_nightly/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-zen2/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.29.4-rtec66ej4x5bzxw4nsfzjew4mbpvtd2v
==> Error: kokkos-develop-au7fm4gmnfgoc2f2cvnfrnkcepg4jbyt: Package was not installed
==> Error: Installation request failed.  Refer to reported errors for failing package(s).
+ return 1
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 b214b95955eeecc8f396d7d6f367ac66109dc702669b7cfe83ecfaed408d9ee6
$ docker rm -f --volumes b214b95955eeecc8f396d7d6f367ac66109dc702669b7cfe83ecfaed408d9ee6
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch spack-cuda
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code 1
Finished: FAILURE