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  1. Serial: Use the provided execution space instance in TeamPolicy (commit: e7b486f) (details)
  2. Add test (commit: 34d0db2) (details)
  3. Use Kokkos::AUTO for OpenMPTarget (commit: 44fde21) (details)
Commit e7b486ff614abb6454e1172098888f8de15f7b65 by Daniel Arndt
Serial: Use the provided execution space instance in TeamPolicy
(commit: e7b486f)
The file was modified core/src/Serial/Kokkos_Serial_Parallel_Team.hpp (diff)
The file was modified core/unit_test/TestExecSpacePartitioning.hpp (diff)
Commit 44fde213fb9515adfeb6645fbdbca5a4deeca633 by Daniel Arndt
Use Kokkos::AUTO for OpenMPTarget
(commit: 44fde21)
The file was modified core/unit_test/TestExecSpacePartitioning.hpp (diff)