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  1. Fix label for AMD GPU in the CI (details)
  2. Let Kokkos detect the architecture (details)
  3. Update CI to ROCm 5.6 (details)
  4. Add KOKKOS_FUNCTION to indexable_get() (details)
  5. Disable MLS tests when using HIP (details)
  6. [ci skip] add comments (details)
Commit 2086410a55a4497625415aaf9bdbdfe1b3f19189 by Bruno Turcksin
Fix label for AMD GPU in the CI
The file was modified .jenkins/continuous.groovy (diff)
Commit 3520ef5b1f20dfc2b8ad2a9470a195c865d596cd by Bruno Turcksin
Let Kokkos detect the architecture
The file was modified docker/Dockerfile.hipcc (diff)
The file was modified docker/Dockerfile.hipcc (diff)
The file was modified .jenkins/continuous.groovy (diff)
Commit 87b279b6c1c8e6b181e51f3ef41e4a78e6681967 by Bruno Turcksin
Add KOKKOS_FUNCTION to indexable_get()
The file was modified src/ArborX_BruteForce.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/ArborX_LinearBVH.hpp (diff)
Commit d808cc9afee460887ad1a754d68012b88ed38bcd by Bruno Turcksin
Disable MLS tests when using HIP
The file was modified test/tstInterpDetailsMLSCoefficients.cpp (diff)
The file was modified test/tstInterpMovingLeastSquares.cpp (diff)
The file was modified test/tstInterpDetailsMLSCoefficients.cpp (diff)
The file was modified test/tstInterpMovingLeastSquares.cpp (diff)