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  1. Switch to using functors for scene reduction (details)
  2. Provide proper expand(Box,Box) and expand(Box, Point) (details)
  3. Deprecate/remove += in boxes, deprecate reduction_identity (details)
  4. Switch the test to use expand (details)
Commit 63fc08e0f453bb1abb56ad929d36781709feaa6d by Andrey Prokopenko
Switch to using functors for scene reduction
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsBruteForceImpl.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsTreeConstruction.hpp (diff)
Commit fa35339324e01696d987fb2f0a9a06a8448f9b92 by Andrey Prokopenko
Provide proper expand(Box,Box) and expand(Box, Point)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_DetailsAlgorithms.hpp (diff)
Commit 175abe88b2578eeadc2140b9f2884e485a28c559 by Andrey Prokopenko
Deprecate/remove += in boxes, deprecate reduction_identity
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_HyperBox.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_Box.hpp (diff)
Commit ef1d868ac5ce145ab469aea2e45088a3105556ff by Andrey Prokopenko
Switch the test to use expand
The file was modified test/tstIndexableGetter.cpp (diff)