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  1. Move `OrderedSpatialPredicateTag` where it belongs that is namespace `Details::` (#1074) (details)
  2. Implement Box-Triangle intersection (#1059) (details)
  3. Move nth_element into a separate header (details)
  4. Add Details::Vector (details)
  5. Update codebase to use new Vector (details)
  6. Migrate Vector tests from tstRay to a new file (details)
  7. Create a helper forwardQueriesAndCommunicateResults (details)
  8. Switch to using new helper for the nearest distributed (details)
  9. Eliminate nearest loop in favor of two steps (details)
  10. Make final ranks sorting optional (details)
  11. Refactor nearest (details)
  12. Remove deprecated InlineCallbackTag (details)
  13. Remove things deprecated in the Traits namespace (details)
  14. Change deduction guide for Vector (details)
  15. Add Tetrahedron geometry (#1079) (details)
  16. Move distributed TimeMonitor in a separate header (details)
  17. Rename per review (details)
  18. [ci skip] Fix comments (details)
  19. Allow the first version of the nearest callbacks (details)
  20. Add basic distributed nearest callback test (details)
  21. Get rid of ranks in filterResults (details)
  22. Get rid of distances arg in communicateResultsBack (details)
  23. Create a helper file for distributed nearest stuff (details)
  24. Get rid of last ranks argument in forwardQueriesAndCommunicateResults (details)
  25. Minor refactoring (details)
Commit a0279cac0a7317315a2509178426fdd597962b1b by noreply
Move `OrderedSpatialPredicateTag` where it belongs that is namespace `Details::` (#1074)

Move {Experimental:: -> Details::}OrderedSpatialPredicateTag

The predicate tags really are implementation details and do not belong
to the Experimental:: namespace.
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsTreeTraversal.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_Callbacks.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsCrsGraphWrapperImpl.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_Predicates.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/ArborX_LinearBVH.hpp (diff)
Commit b42dbc76474a25258fd00f86cfde4b752aa7a4b9 by noreply
Implement Box-Triangle intersection (#1059)

Implement Box-Triangle intersection
The file was modified test/tstDetailsAlgorithms.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_DetailsAlgorithms.hpp (diff)
Commit a1560ac975a1f33d72cf361ddc9089287de34fa6 by Andrey Prokopenko
Move nth_element into a separate header
The file was modified test/tstDetailsKokkosExtStdAlgorithms.cpp (diff)
The file was addedtest/tstDetailsKokkosExtKernelStdAlgorithms.cpp
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was modified src/kokkos_ext/ArborX_DetailsKokkosExtStdAlgorithms.hpp (diff)
The file was addedsrc/kokkos_ext/ArborX_DetailsKokkosExtKernelStdAlgorithms.hpp
The file was addedsrc/details/ArborX_DetailsVector.hpp
Commit 7770d938f5f4030231813625437482b82db5bb96 by Andrey Prokopenko
Update codebase to use new Vector
The file was modified test/tstQueryTreeRay.cpp (diff)
The file was modified examples/raytracing/example_raytracing.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_Ray.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_DetailsAlgorithms.hpp (diff)
The file was modified test/tstRay.cpp (diff)
Commit ed0119cc2aba26840adc66469afe22013bbf3bbd by Andrey Prokopenko
Migrate Vector tests from tstRay to a new file
The file was addedtest/tstDetailsVector.cpp
The file was modified test/tstRay.cpp (diff)
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
Commit 5e66108a307ae274b0ad5eb091e8f62f2a065a7f by Andrey Prokopenko
Create a helper forwardQueriesAndCommunicateResults
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeSpatial.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeUtils.hpp (diff)
Commit dcff80615c995343962e65079c829b31b9be39c0 by Andrey Prokopenko
Switch to using new helper for the nearest distributed
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeUtils.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
Commit 9ef1cc5210d4036c2d3b2638dc697f2f1d2f9b04 by Andrey Prokopenko
Eliminate nearest loop in favor of two steps
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeImpl.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
Commit 526502a94cdb597818f1f58fb28b2339b6f65567 by Andrey Prokopenko
Make final ranks sorting optional
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeUtils.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeSpatial.hpp (diff)
Commit bc6f62e76f06f8b2dec845f3033bd16ba82bf713 by Andrey Prokopenko
Refactor nearest

- Do not spit out values in phase I
- Switch to using nth_element (based on quickselect) for finding
  farthest distance
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeImpl.hpp (diff)
Commit 8c400a059af1854de5784b2b663bb3ebbfc0cf8d by Andrey Prokopenko
Remove deprecated InlineCallbackTag

Deprecated in d24af2ab05e5b71ef154f72719fdcf3794e40a4f
2+ years ago (March 2022).
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_Callbacks.hpp (diff)
Commit d6b6da48f570e3227f146b6ee4437b63da1de4bd by Andrey Prokopenko
Remove things deprecated in the Traits namespace

725c247635a65e664b5fb8de6a76b00ef59c6c79 (03/2022)
e36f7588eceedecde2bc78dec0f6ddd31acfd77f (05/2020)
The file was modified test/tstCompileOnlyAccessTraits.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_AccessTraits.hpp (diff)
Commit 09b1977ef45c51d040273d1c54672c51fe622802 by Andrey Prokopenko
Change deduction guide for Vector
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsVector.hpp (diff)
The file was modified test/tstDetailsVector.cpp (diff)
Commit 6c87b6b98d6032c285709f367eef88290294d1bd by noreply
Add Tetrahedron geometry (#1079)

Add Tetrahedron geometry
The file was addedsrc/geometry/ArborX_Tetrahedron.hpp
The file was modified test/tstDetailsAlgorithms.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_GeometryTraits.hpp (diff)
Commit 4f0a86bcc962e342e8d23a2a3781b5cfc3f417de by Andrey Prokopenko
Move distributed TimeMonitor in a separate header
The file was modified benchmarks/distributed_tree_driver/distributed_tree_driver.cpp (diff)
The file was modified benchmarks/distributed_tree_driver/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was addedbenchmarks/utils/time_monitor.hpp
The file was modified benchmarks/distributed_tree_driver/distributed_tree_driver.cpp (diff)
The file was modified benchmarks/utils/time_monitor.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeUtils.hpp (diff)
Commit 85c43785f8afb94c7c94c34c60e8e4bacd00d1dc by Andrey Prokopenko
Allow the first version of the nearest callbacks
The file was modified src/ArborX_DistributedTree.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeImpl.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
Commit 0bc2c620432a75ebbcf712898d4324fa6d2cd6fa by Andrey Prokopenko
Add basic distributed nearest callback test

Co-authored-by: Daniel Arndt <>
The file was modified test/tstDistributedTree.cpp (diff)
Commit 3279a65340295a361044c0cf40b0a9a9f15f2b10 by Andrey Prokopenko
Get rid of ranks in filterResults
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeUtils.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
Commit 8c17cd76e3656fbec39d661d3f7a890c9c423ca0 by Andrey Prokopenko
Get rid of distances arg in communicateResultsBack
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeUtils.hpp (diff)
Commit b8c0a24331b00e40b92413511bad1e090f256ad7 by Andrey Prokopenko
Create a helper file for distributed nearest stuff
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
The file was addedsrc/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearestHelpers.hpp
Commit 1b4832bf02022974257be8f76287c8c33bf8491a by Andrey Prokopenko
Get rid of last ranks argument in forwardQueriesAndCommunicateResults
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeUtils.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeImpl.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsDistributedTreeNearest.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_Callbacks.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsLegacy.hpp (diff)
The file was modified test/tstDistributedTree.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/ArborX_DistributedTree.hpp (diff)