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  1. Move `OrderedSpatialPredicateTag` where it belongs that is namespace `Details::` (#1074) (details)
  2. Implement Box-Triangle intersection (#1059) (details)
  3. Add Details::Vector (details)
  4. Update codebase to use new Vector (details)
  5. Migrate Vector tests from tstRay to a new file (details)
Commit a0279cac0a7317315a2509178426fdd597962b1b by noreply
Move `OrderedSpatialPredicateTag` where it belongs that is namespace `Details::` (#1074)

Move {Experimental:: -> Details::}OrderedSpatialPredicateTag

The predicate tags really are implementation details and do not belong
to the Experimental:: namespace.
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_Predicates.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/ArborX_LinearBVH.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_Callbacks.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsCrsGraphWrapperImpl.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsTreeTraversal.hpp (diff)
Commit b42dbc76474a25258fd00f86cfde4b752aa7a4b9 by noreply
Implement Box-Triangle intersection (#1059)

Implement Box-Triangle intersection
The file was modified test/tstDetailsAlgorithms.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_DetailsAlgorithms.hpp (diff)
The file was addedsrc/details/ArborX_DetailsVector.hpp
Commit 7770d938f5f4030231813625437482b82db5bb96 by Andrey Prokopenko
Update codebase to use new Vector
The file was modified test/tstQueryTreeRay.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_Ray.hpp (diff)
The file was modified test/tstRay.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/geometry/ArborX_DetailsAlgorithms.hpp (diff)
The file was modified examples/raytracing/example_raytracing.cpp (diff)
Commit aa51a75e8528da601893459eaedc5bbb116d6d27 by Andrey Prokopenko
Migrate Vector tests from tstRay to a new file
The file was modified test/CMakeLists.txt (diff)
The file was addedtest/tstDetailsVector.cpp
The file was modified test/tstRay.cpp (diff)