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  1. Remove GitLab performance regression CI (details)
  2. Switch NeighborList to construct BVH on points instead of boxes (details)
  3. Cleanup symbols for adapted user-provided values and predicates (details)
  4. Switch HalfTraversal to using values instead of int (details)
  5. Fix all tests and examples to use new half traversal (details)
Commit cb7970c9d8939c21d55886d8483528a24f02c2b9 by Daniel Arndt
Remove GitLab performance regression CI
The file was removed.github/workflows/gitlab-ci.yml
The file was removed.gitlab-ci.yml
Commit ce095f847bc5f30a5c2174d3cb434d7563d8cd0e by Andrey Prokopenko
Switch NeighborList to construct BVH on points instead of boxes
The file was modified test/tstNeighborList.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_NeighborList.hpp (diff)
Commit ed7346ebc5f6a95daeadd99249bdcfb19de32b40 by Damien L-G
Cleanup symbols for adapted user-provided values and predicates

AccessValues<AccessValues<...>> -> AccessValues<...>
AccessValues<Kokkos::View<...>> -> Kokkos::View<...>
AccessValues<PermutedData<...>> -> PermutedData<...>
AccessValues<LegacyValues<...>> -> LegacyValues<...>
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsPermutedData.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_AccessTraits.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsLegacy.hpp (diff)
Commit 367e2f47bb72ddb870202688809dcad30649305c by Andrey Prokopenko
Switch HalfTraversal to using values instead of int
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsHalfTraversal.hpp (diff)
Commit 5cf6cad2202c770d5ef87181159d52744d09e069 by Andrey Prokopenko
Fix all tests and examples to use new half traversal
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_NeighborList.hpp (diff)
The file was modified test/tstDetailsHalfTraversal.cpp (diff)
The file was modified src/ArborX_DBSCAN.hpp (diff)
The file was modified src/details/ArborX_DetailsFDBSCAN.hpp (diff)