########################## NOTES ############################################### # List the options for configuring kokkos using CMake method of doing it. # These options then get mapped onto KOKKOS_SETTINGS environment variable by # kokkos_settings.cmake. It is separate to allow other packages to override # these variables (e.g., TriBITS). ########################## AVAILABLE OPTIONS ################################### # Use lists for documentation, verification, and programming convenience FUNCTION(KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION SUFFIX DEFAULT DOCSTRING) KOKKOS_OPTION(ENABLE_${SUFFIX} ${DEFAULT} BOOL ${DOCSTRING}) STRING(TOUPPER ${SUFFIX} UC_NAME) IF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_${UC_NAME} AND NOT "Kokkos_ENABLE_${UC_NAME}" IN_LIST Kokkos_OPTIONS_NOT_TO_EXPORT) LIST(APPEND KOKKOS_ENABLED_OPTIONS ${UC_NAME}) #I hate that CMake makes me do this SET(KOKKOS_ENABLED_OPTIONS ${KOKKOS_ENABLED_OPTIONS} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDIF() SET(KOKKOS_ENABLE_${UC_NAME} ${KOKKOS_ENABLE_${UC_NAME}} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDFUNCTION() # Certain defaults will depend on knowing the enabled devices KOKKOS_CFG_DEPENDS(OPTIONS DEVICES) KOKKOS_CFG_DEPENDS(OPTIONS COMPILER_ID) # Put a check in just in case people are using this option KOKKOS_DEPRECATED_LIST(OPTIONS ENABLE) KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(CUDA_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE OFF "Whether to enable relocatable device code (RDC) for CUDA") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(CUDA_UVM OFF "Whether to use unified memory (UM) for CUDA by default") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(CUDA_LDG_INTRINSIC OFF "Whether to use CUDA LDG intrinsics") # In contrast to other CUDA-dependent, options CUDA_LAMBDA is ON by default. # That is problematic when CUDA is not enabled because this not only yields a # bogus warning, but also exports the Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA variable and # sets it to ON. This if-clause is a crutch that delays the refactoring of the # way we declare all options until after we get rid of TriBITS. IF (Trilinos_ENABLE_Kokkos AND TPL_ENABLE_CUDA) SET(CUDA_LAMBDA_DEFAULT ON) ELSEIF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA) SET(CUDA_LAMBDA_DEFAULT ON) ELSE() SET(CUDA_LAMBDA_DEFAULT OFF) ENDIF() KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(CUDA_LAMBDA ${CUDA_LAMBDA_DEFAULT} "Whether to allow lambda expressions on the device with NVCC **DEPRECATED**") # May be used to disable our use of CudaMallocAsync. It had caused issues in # the past when UCX was used as MPI communication layer. We expect it is # resolved but we keep the option around a bit longer to be safe. KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(IMPL_CUDA_MALLOC_ASYNC ON "Whether to enable CudaMallocAsync (requires CUDA Toolkit 11.2)") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(IMPL_NVHPC_AS_DEVICE_COMPILER OFF "Whether to allow nvc++ as Cuda device compiler") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(IMPL_REF_COUNT_BRANCH_UNLIKELY ON "Whether to use the C++20 `[[unlikely]]` attribute in the view reference counting") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(DEPRECATED_CODE_4 ON "Whether code deprecated in major release 4 is available" ) KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(DEPRECATION_WARNINGS ON "Whether to emit deprecation warnings" ) KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(HIP_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE OFF "Whether to enable relocatable device code (RDC) for HIP") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(TESTS OFF "Whether to build the unit tests") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(BENCHMARKS OFF "Whether to build the benchmarks") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(EXAMPLES OFF "Whether to build the examples") STRING(TOUPPER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" UPPERCASE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) IF(UPPERCASE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "DEBUG") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(DEBUG ON "Whether to activate extra debug features - may increase compile times") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(DEBUG_DUALVIEW_MODIFY_CHECK ON "Debug check on dual views") ELSE() KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(DEBUG OFF "Whether to activate extra debug features - may increase compile times") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(DEBUG_DUALVIEW_MODIFY_CHECK OFF "Debug check on dual views") ENDIF() UNSET(_UPPERCASE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(LARGE_MEM_TESTS OFF "Whether to perform extra large memory tests") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(DEBUG_BOUNDS_CHECK OFF "Whether to use bounds checking - will increase runtime") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(COMPILER_WARNINGS OFF "Whether to print all compiler warnings") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(TUNING OFF "Whether to create bindings for tuning tools") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(AGGRESSIVE_VECTORIZATION OFF "Whether to aggressively vectorize loops") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(COMPILE_AS_CMAKE_LANGUAGE OFF "Whether to use native cmake language support") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(HIP_MULTIPLE_KERNEL_INSTANTIATIONS OFF "Whether multiple kernels are instantiated at compile time - improve performance but increase compile time") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(IMPL_HIP_UNIFIED_MEMORY OFF "Whether to leverage unified memory architectures for HIP") # This option will go away eventually, but allows fallback to old implementation when needed. KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(DESUL_ATOMICS_EXTERNAL OFF "Whether to use an external desul installation") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(ATOMICS_BYPASS OFF "**NOT RECOMMENDED** Whether to make atomics non-atomic for non-threaded MPI-only use cases") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(IMPL_MDSPAN ON "Whether to enable experimental mdspan support") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(MDSPAN_EXTERNAL OFF BOOL "Whether to use an external version of mdspan") KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(IMPL_SKIP_COMPILER_MDSPAN ON BOOL "Whether to use an internal version of mdspan even if the compiler supports mdspan") mark_as_advanced(Kokkos_ENABLE_IMPL_MDSPAN) mark_as_advanced(Kokkos_ENABLE_MDSPAN_EXTERNAL) mark_as_advanced(Kokkos_ENABLE_IMPL_SKIP_COMPILER_MDSPAN) IF (Trilinos_ENABLE_Kokkos) SET(COMPLEX_ALIGN_DEFAULT OFF) ELSE() SET(COMPLEX_ALIGN_DEFAULT ON) ENDIF() KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(COMPLEX_ALIGN ${COMPLEX_ALIGN_DEFAULT} "Whether to align Kokkos::complex to 2*alignof(RealType)") IF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_TESTS) SET(HEADER_SELF_CONTAINMENT_TESTS_DEFAULT ON) ELSE() SET(HEADER_SELF_CONTAINMENT_TESTS_DEFAULT OFF) ENDIF() KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(HEADER_SELF_CONTAINMENT_TESTS ${HEADER_SELF_CONTAINMENT_TESTS_DEFAULT} "Enable header self-containment unit tests") IF (NOT KOKKOS_ENABLE_TESTS AND KOKKOS_ENABLE_HEADER_SELF_CONTAINMENT_TESTS) MESSAGE(WARNING "Kokkos_ENABLE_HEADER_SELF_CONTAINMENT_TESTS is ON but Kokkos_ENABLE_TESTS is OFF. Option will be ignored.") ENDIF() IF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA AND (KOKKOS_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL Clang)) SET(CUDA_CONSTEXPR_DEFAULT ON) ELSE() SET(CUDA_CONSTEXPR_DEFAULT OFF) ENDIF() KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(CUDA_CONSTEXPR ${CUDA_CONSTEXPR_DEFAULT} "Whether to activate experimental relaxed constexpr functions") IF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_HPX) SET(HPX_ASYNC_DISPATCH_DEFAULT ON) ELSE() SET(HPX_ASYNC_DISPATCH_DEFAULT OFF) ENDIF() KOKKOS_ENABLE_OPTION(IMPL_HPX_ASYNC_DISPATCH ${HPX_ASYNC_DISPATCH_DEFAULT} "Whether HPX supports asynchronous dispatch") Kokkos_ENABLE_OPTION(UNSUPPORTED_ARCHS OFF "Whether to allow architectures in backends Kokkos doesn't optimize for") FUNCTION(check_device_specific_options) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(SOME "" "DEVICE" "OPTIONS" ${ARGN}) IF(NOT KOKKOS_ENABLE_${SOME_DEVICE}) FOREACH(OPTION ${SOME_OPTIONS}) IF(NOT DEFINED CACHE{Kokkos_ENABLE_${OPTION}} OR NOT DEFINED CACHE{Kokkos_ENABLE_${SOME_DEVICE}}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Internal logic error: option '${OPTION}' or device '${SOME_DEVICE}' not recognized.") ENDIF() IF(KOKKOS_ENABLE_${OPTION}) MESSAGE(WARNING "Kokkos_ENABLE_${OPTION} is ON but ${SOME_DEVICE} backend is not enabled. Option will be ignored.") UNSET(KOKKOS_ENABLE_${OPTION} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() ENDIF() ENDFUNCTION() CHECK_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS(DEVICE CUDA OPTIONS CUDA_UVM CUDA_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE CUDA_LAMBDA CUDA_CONSTEXPR CUDA_LDG_INTRINSIC) CHECK_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS(DEVICE HIP OPTIONS HIP_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE) CHECK_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS(DEVICE HPX OPTIONS IMPL_HPX_ASYNC_DISPATCH) # Needed due to change from deprecated name to new header define name IF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_AGGRESSIVE_VECTORIZATION) SET(KOKKOS_OPT_RANGE_AGGRESSIVE_VECTORIZATION ON) ENDIF() # Force consistency of KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE # and CMAKE_CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION when we are compiling # using the CMake CUDA language support. # Either one being on will turn the other one on. IF (KOKKOS_COMPILE_LANGUAGE STREQUAL CUDA) IF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE) IF (NOT CMAKE_CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION) MESSAGE(STATUS "Setting CMAKE_CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION=ON since Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE is true. When compiling Kokkos with CMake language CUDA, please use CMAKE_CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION to control RDC support") SET(CMAKE_CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON) ENDIF() ELSE() IF (CMAKE_CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION) SET(KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE ON) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDIF() # This is known to occur with Clang 9. We would need to use nvcc as the linker # http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/cfe-dev/2018-June/058296.html # TODO: Through great effort we can use a different linker by hacking # CMAKE_CXX_LINK_EXECUTABLE in a future release IF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE AND KOKKOS_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL Clang) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Relocatable device code is currently not supported with Clang - must use nvcc_wrapper or turn off RDC") ENDIF() IF (KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA_RELOCATABLE_DEVICE_CODE AND BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Relocatable device code requires static libraries.") ENDIF() IF(Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LDG_INTRINSIC) IF(KOKKOS_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_CODE_4) MESSAGE(DEPRECATION "Setting Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LDG_INTRINSIC is deprecated. LDG intrinsics are always enabled.") ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LDG_INTRINSIC has been removed. LDG intrinsics are always enabled.") ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA AND NOT Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA) IF(KOKKOS_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_CODE_4) MESSAGE(DEPRECATION "Setting Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA is deprecated. Lambda expressions in device code are always enabled. Forcing -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA=ON") set(Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA ON CACHE BOOL "Kokkos turned Cuda lambda support ON!" FORCE) set(KOKKOS_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA ON) ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_LAMBDA has been removed. Lambda expressions in device code always enabled.") ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(DEFINED Kokkos_ENABLE_IMPL_DESUL_ATOMICS) MESSAGE(WARNING "Kokkos_ENABLE_IMPL_DESUL_ATOMICS option has been removed. Desul atomics cannot be disabled.") ENDIF()