//@HEADER // ************************************************************************ // // Kokkos v. 4.0 // Copyright (2022) National Technology & Engineering // Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Part of Kokkos, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://kokkos.org/LICENSE for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //@HEADER #include namespace Test { namespace stdalgos { namespace TeamMismatch { namespace KE = Kokkos::Experimental; template struct EqualFunctor { KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION bool operator()(const ValueType& lhs, const ValueType& rhs) const { return lhs == rhs; } }; template struct TestFunctorA { DataViewType m_dataView; CompViewType m_compView; ResultsViewType m_resultsView; IntraTeamSentinelView m_intraTeamSentinelView; int m_apiPick; BinaryOpType m_binaryOp; TestFunctorA(const DataViewType dataView, const CompViewType compView, const ResultsViewType resultsView, const IntraTeamSentinelView intraTeamSentinelView, int apiPick, BinaryOpType binaryOp) : m_dataView(dataView), m_compView(compView), m_resultsView(resultsView), m_intraTeamSentinelView(intraTeamSentinelView), m_apiPick(apiPick), m_binaryOp(binaryOp) {} template KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const MemberType& member) const { const auto rowIndex = member.league_rank(); auto rowData = Kokkos::subview(m_dataView, rowIndex, Kokkos::ALL()); auto dataBegin = KE::begin(rowData); auto dataEnd = KE::end(rowData); auto rowComp = Kokkos::subview(m_compView, rowIndex, Kokkos::ALL()); auto compBegin = KE::begin(rowComp); auto compEnd = KE::end(rowComp); ptrdiff_t dataDist = 0; ptrdiff_t compDist = 0; switch (m_apiPick) { case 0: { auto [dataIt, compIt] = KE::mismatch(member, dataBegin, dataEnd, compBegin, compEnd); dataDist = KE::distance(dataBegin, dataIt); compDist = KE::distance(compBegin, compIt); Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(member), [=, *this]() { m_resultsView(rowIndex) = Kokkos::make_pair(dataDist, compDist); }); break; } case 1: { const auto [dataIt, compIt] = KE::mismatch( member, dataBegin, dataEnd, compBegin, compEnd, m_binaryOp); dataDist = KE::distance(dataBegin, dataIt); compDist = KE::distance(compBegin, compIt); Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(member), [=, *this]() { m_resultsView(rowIndex) = Kokkos::make_pair(dataDist, compDist); }); break; } case 2: { const auto [dataIt, compIt] = KE::mismatch(member, rowData, rowComp); dataDist = KE::distance(dataBegin, dataIt); compDist = KE::distance(compBegin, compIt); Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(member), [=, *this]() { m_resultsView(rowIndex) = Kokkos::make_pair(dataDist, compDist); }); break; } case 3: { const auto [dataIt, compIt] = KE::mismatch(member, rowData, rowComp, m_binaryOp); dataDist = KE::distance(dataBegin, dataIt); compDist = KE::distance(compBegin, compIt); Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(member), [=, *this]() { m_resultsView(rowIndex) = Kokkos::make_pair(dataDist, compDist); }); break; } } // store result of checking if all members have their local // values matching the one stored in m_distancesView member.team_barrier(); const bool intraTeamCheck1 = team_members_have_matching_result( member, dataDist, m_resultsView(rowIndex).first); const bool intraTeamCheck2 = team_members_have_matching_result( member, compDist, m_resultsView(rowIndex).second); Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(member), [=, *this]() { m_intraTeamSentinelView(rowIndex) = intraTeamCheck1 && intraTeamCheck2; }); } }; template void test_A(const bool viewsAreEqual, std::size_t numTeams, std::size_t numCols, int apiId) { /* description: use a rank-2 view randomly filled with values, and run a team-level mismatch */ // ----------------------------------------------- // prepare data // ----------------------------------------------- // create a view in the memory space associated with default exespace // with as many rows as the number of teams and fill it with random // values from an arbitrary range. constexpr ValueType lowerBound = 5; constexpr ValueType upperBound = 523; const auto bounds = make_bounds(lowerBound, upperBound); auto [dataView, dataViewBeforeOp_h] = create_random_view_and_host_clone( LayoutTag{}, numTeams, numCols, bounds, "dataView"); // create a view to compare it with dataView. If viewsAreEqual == true, // compView is a copy of dataView. If viewsAreEqual == false, compView is // randomly filled auto compView = create_deep_copyable_compatible_clone(dataView); auto compView_h = create_mirror_view(Kokkos::HostSpace(), compView); if (viewsAreEqual) { Kokkos::deep_copy(compView_h, dataViewBeforeOp_h); } else { using rand_pool = Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool; rand_pool pool(lowerBound * upperBound); Kokkos::fill_random(compView_h, pool, lowerBound, upperBound); } Kokkos::deep_copy(compView, compView_h); // ----------------------------------------------- // launch kokkos kernel // ----------------------------------------------- using space_t = Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace; Kokkos::TeamPolicy policy(numTeams, Kokkos::AUTO()); // create the view to store results of mismatch() Kokkos::View*> resultsView( "resultsView", numTeams); // sentinel to check if all members of the team compute the same result Kokkos::View intraTeamSentinelView("intraTeamSameResult", numTeams); EqualFunctor binaryPred{}; // use CTAD for functor TestFunctorA fnc(dataView, compView, resultsView, intraTeamSentinelView, apiId, binaryPred); Kokkos::parallel_for(policy, fnc); // ----------------------------------------------- // run cpp-std kernel and check // ----------------------------------------------- auto resultsView_h = create_host_space_copy(resultsView); auto intraTeamSentinelView_h = create_host_space_copy(intraTeamSentinelView); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dataView.extent(0); ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE(intraTeamSentinelView_h(i)); auto rowData = Kokkos::subview(dataViewBeforeOp_h, i, Kokkos::ALL()); const auto dataBegin = KE::cbegin(rowData); const auto dataEnd = KE::cend(rowData); const std::size_t dataBeginEndDist = KE::distance(dataBegin, dataEnd); auto rowComp = Kokkos::subview(compView_h, i, Kokkos::ALL()); const auto compBegin = KE::cbegin(rowComp); const auto compEnd = KE::cend(rowComp); const std::size_t compBeginEndDist = KE::distance(compBegin, compEnd); switch (apiId) { case 0: case 2: { const auto [dataIt, compIt] = std::mismatch(dataBegin, dataEnd, compBegin, compEnd); const std::size_t dataDist = KE::distance(dataBegin, dataIt); const std::size_t compDist = KE::distance(compBegin, compIt); if (viewsAreEqual) { ASSERT_EQ(dataBeginEndDist, resultsView_h(i).first); ASSERT_EQ(compBeginEndDist, resultsView_h(i).second); } else { ASSERT_EQ(dataDist, resultsView_h(i).first); ASSERT_EQ(compDist, resultsView_h(i).second); } break; } case 1: case 3: { const auto [dataIt, compIt] = std::mismatch(dataBegin, dataEnd, compBegin, compEnd, binaryPred); const std::size_t dataDist = KE::distance(dataBegin, dataIt); const std::size_t compDist = KE::distance(compBegin, compIt); if (viewsAreEqual) { ASSERT_EQ(dataBeginEndDist, resultsView_h(i).first); ASSERT_EQ(compBeginEndDist, resultsView_h(i).second); } else { ASSERT_EQ(dataDist, resultsView_h(i).first); ASSERT_EQ(compDist, resultsView_h(i).second); } break; } } } } template void run_all_scenarios(const bool viewsAreEqual) { for (int numTeams : teamSizesToTest) { for (const auto& numCols : {0, 1, 2, 13, 101, 1444, 8153}) { for (int apiId : {0, 1, 2, 3}) { test_A(viewsAreEqual, numTeams, numCols, apiId); } } } } TEST(std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test, views_are_equal) { constexpr bool viewsAreEqual = true; run_all_scenarios(viewsAreEqual); run_all_scenarios(viewsAreEqual); run_all_scenarios(viewsAreEqual); } TEST(std_algorithms_mismatch_team_test, views_are_not_equal) { constexpr bool viewsAreEqual = false; run_all_scenarios(viewsAreEqual); run_all_scenarios(viewsAreEqual); run_all_scenarios(viewsAreEqual); } } // namespace TeamMismatch } // namespace stdalgos } // namespace Test