//@HEADER // ************************************************************************ // // Kokkos v. 4.0 // Copyright (2022) National Technology & Engineering // Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Part of Kokkos, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://kokkos.org/LICENSE for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //@HEADER #include #include #include #include #include namespace Test { namespace stdalgos { namespace AdjacentDifference { namespace KE = Kokkos::Experimental; template void fill_view(DestViewType dest_view, const std::string& name) { // we need to be careful because dest_view might not be deep copyable // for instance strided layout using value_type = typename DestViewType::value_type; const std::size_t ext = dest_view.extent(0); auto aux_view = create_deep_copyable_compatible_view_with_same_extent(dest_view); auto aux_v_h = create_mirror_view(Kokkos::HostSpace(), aux_view); if (name == "empty") { // no op } else if (name == "one-element") { aux_v_h(0) = static_cast(1); } else if (name == "two-elements-a") { aux_v_h(0) = static_cast(1); aux_v_h(1) = static_cast(2); } else if (name == "two-elements-b") { aux_v_h(0) = static_cast(2); aux_v_h(1) = static_cast(-1); } else if (name == "small-a") { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ext; ++i) { aux_v_h(i) = static_cast(i) * 2; } } else if (name == "small-b") { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ext; ++i) { aux_v_h(i) = static_cast(i) * 3; } aux_v_h(5) = static_cast(-15); } else if (name == "medium-a") { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ext; ++i) { aux_v_h(i) = static_cast(i) * 2; } } else if (name == "medium-b") { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ext; ++i) { aux_v_h(i) = static_cast(i) * 2; } aux_v_h(4) = static_cast(-1); } else if (name == "large-a") { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ext; ++i) { aux_v_h(i) = static_cast(-100) + static_cast(i); } } else if (name == "large-b") { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ext; ++i) { aux_v_h(i) = static_cast(-100) + static_cast(i); } aux_v_h(156) = static_cast(-250); } else { throw std::runtime_error("invalid choice"); } Kokkos::deep_copy(aux_view, aux_v_h); CopyFunctor F1(aux_view, dest_view); Kokkos::parallel_for("copy", dest_view.extent(0), F1); } template auto compute_gold(TestViewType test_view, const std::string& name, Args... args /* copy on purpose */) { // we need to be careful because test_view might not be deep copyable // for instance strided layout const std::size_t ext = test_view.extent(0); // create a deep copyable clone of test_view auto test_view_dc = create_deep_copyable_compatible_clone(test_view); auto test_view_dc_h = create_mirror_view_and_copy(Kokkos::HostSpace(), test_view_dc); // create gold deep copyable view auto gold_view = create_deep_copyable_compatible_view_with_same_extent(test_view); auto gold_view_h = create_mirror_view(Kokkos::HostSpace(), gold_view); // compute gold solution on host and deep copy to device if (name == "empty") { return gold_view; } else { using value_type = typename TestViewType::value_type; std::vector tmp(ext); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ext; ++i) { tmp[i] = test_view_dc_h(i); } // run adj-diff on tmp directly std::adjacent_difference(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), tmp.begin(), std::forward(args)...); // copy from tmp to gold_h for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ext; ++i) { gold_view_h(i) = tmp[i]; } // deep_copy to device Kokkos::deep_copy(gold_view, gold_view_h); return gold_view; } } template void verify_data(TestViewType test_view, GoldViewType gold) { // we need to be careful because test_view might not be deep copyable // for instance strided layout auto test_view_dc = create_deep_copyable_compatible_clone(test_view); auto test_view_dc_h = create_mirror_view_and_copy(Kokkos::HostSpace(), test_view_dc); // gold is deep_copyable for sure const auto gold_h = create_mirror_view_and_copy(Kokkos::HostSpace(), gold); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < test_view.extent(0); ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(gold_h(i), test_view_dc_h(i)); } } template struct CustomBinaryOpFunctor { KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION RetType operator()(const ValueType1& a, const ValueType2& b) const { return a * b; } }; template struct DefaultBinaryOpFunctor { KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION RetType operator()(const ValueType1& a, const ValueType2& b) const { return a - b; } }; template void run_single_scenario(const InfoType& scenario_info, Args... args /* copy on purpose */) { const auto name = std::get<0>(scenario_info); const std::size_t view_ext = std::get<1>(scenario_info); auto view_from = create_view(Tag{}, view_ext, "adj_diff_from_view"); fill_view(view_from, name); const auto gold = compute_gold(view_from, name, args...); { auto view_dest = create_view(Tag{}, view_ext, "adj_diff_dest_view"); auto res1 = KE::adjacent_difference(exespace(), KE::cbegin(view_from), KE::cend(view_from), KE::begin(view_dest), args...); ASSERT_EQ(res1, KE::end(view_dest)); verify_data(view_dest, gold); } { auto view_dest = create_view(Tag{}, view_ext, "adj_diff_dest_view"); auto res2 = KE::adjacent_difference( "label", exespace(), KE::cbegin(view_from), KE::cend(view_from), KE::begin(view_dest), args...); ASSERT_EQ(res2, KE::end(view_dest)); verify_data(view_dest, gold); } { auto view_dest = create_view(Tag{}, view_ext, "adj_diff_dest_view"); auto res3 = KE::adjacent_difference(exespace(), view_from, view_dest, args...); ASSERT_EQ(res3, KE::end(view_dest)); verify_data(view_dest, gold); } { auto view_dest = create_view(Tag{}, view_ext, "adj_diff_dest_view"); auto res4 = KE::adjacent_difference("label", exespace(), view_from, view_dest, args...); ASSERT_EQ(res4, KE::end(view_dest)); verify_data(view_dest, gold); } Kokkos::fence(); } template void run_all_scenarios(Args... args /* copy on purpose */) { // if (0 < sizeof...(args)) { // std::cout << "adjacent_difference: " << view_tag_to_string(Tag{}) // << ", custom binary op, all overloads \n"; // } else { // std::cout << "adjacent_difference: " << view_tag_to_string(Tag{}) // << ", default binary op, all overloads \n"; // } for (const auto& it : default_scenarios) { run_single_scenario(it, args...); } } TEST(std_algorithms_numerics_ops_test, adjecent_difference) { using value_type = double; run_all_scenarios(); run_all_scenarios(); run_all_scenarios(); using custom_binary_op = CustomBinaryOpFunctor; run_all_scenarios(custom_binary_op{}); run_all_scenarios(custom_binary_op{}); run_all_scenarios(custom_binary_op{}); } } // namespace AdjacentDifference } // namespace stdalgos } // namespace Test