//@HEADER // ************************************************************************ // // Kokkos v. 4.0 // Copyright (2022) National Technology & Engineering // Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Part of Kokkos, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://kokkos.org/LICENSE for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //@HEADER #ifndef KOKKOS_STATICCRSGRAPH_HPP #define KOKKOS_STATICCRSGRAPH_HPP #ifndef KOKKOS_IMPL_PUBLIC_INCLUDE #define KOKKOS_IMPL_PUBLIC_INCLUDE #define KOKKOS_IMPL_PUBLIC_INCLUDE_NOTDEFINED_STATICCRSGRAPH #endif #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kokkos { namespace Impl { template struct StaticCrsGraphBalancerFunctor { using int_type = typename RowOffsetsType::non_const_value_type; RowOffsetsType row_offsets; RowBlockOffsetsType row_block_offsets; int_type cost_per_row, num_blocks; StaticCrsGraphBalancerFunctor(RowOffsetsType row_offsets_, RowBlockOffsetsType row_block_offsets_, int_type cost_per_row_, int_type num_blocks_) : row_offsets(row_offsets_), row_block_offsets(row_block_offsets_), cost_per_row(cost_per_row_), num_blocks(num_blocks_) {} KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int_type& iRow) const { const int_type num_rows = row_offsets.extent(0) - 1; const int_type num_entries = row_offsets(num_rows); const int_type total_cost = num_entries + num_rows * cost_per_row; const double cost_per_workset = 1.0 * total_cost / num_blocks; const int_type row_cost = row_offsets(iRow + 1) - row_offsets(iRow) + cost_per_row; int_type count = row_offsets(iRow + 1) + cost_per_row * iRow; if (iRow == num_rows - 1) row_block_offsets(num_blocks) = num_rows; if (true) { int_type current_block = (count - row_cost - cost_per_row) / cost_per_workset; int_type end_block = count / cost_per_workset; // Handle some corner cases for the last two blocks. if (current_block >= num_blocks - 2) { if ((current_block == num_blocks - 2) && (count >= (current_block + 1) * cost_per_workset)) { int_type row = iRow; int_type cc = count - row_cost - cost_per_row; int_type block = cc / cost_per_workset; while ((block > 0) && (block == current_block)) { cc = row_offsets(row) + row * cost_per_row; block = cc / cost_per_workset; row--; } if ((count - cc - row_cost - cost_per_row) < num_entries - row_offsets(iRow + 1)) { row_block_offsets(current_block + 1) = iRow + 1; } else { row_block_offsets(current_block + 1) = iRow; } } } else { if ((count >= (current_block + 1) * cost_per_workset) || (iRow + 2 == int_type(row_offsets.extent(0)))) { if (end_block > current_block + 1) { int_type num_block = end_block - current_block; row_block_offsets(current_block + 1) = iRow; for (int_type block = current_block + 2; block <= end_block; block++) if ((block < current_block + 2 + (num_block - 1) / 2)) row_block_offsets(block) = iRow; else row_block_offsets(block) = iRow + 1; } else { row_block_offsets(current_block + 1) = iRow + 1; } } } } } }; } // namespace Impl /// \class GraphRowViewConst /// \brief View of a row of a sparse graph. /// \tparam GraphType Sparse graph type, such as (but not limited to) /// StaticCrsGraph. /// /// This class provides a generic view of a row of a sparse graph. /// We intended this class to view a row of a StaticCrsGraph, but /// GraphType need not necessarily be CrsMatrix. /// /// The row view is suited for computational kernels like sparse /// matrix-vector multiply, as well as for modifying entries in the /// sparse matrix. The view is always const as it does not allow graph /// modification. /// /// Here is an example loop over the entries in the row: /// \code /// using ordinal_type = typename GraphRowViewConst::ordinal_type; /// /// GraphRowView G_i = ...; /// const ordinal_type numEntries = G_i.length; /// for (ordinal_type k = 0; k < numEntries; ++k) { /// ordinal_type j = G_i.colidx (k); /// // ... do something with A_ij and j ... /// } /// \endcode /// /// GraphType must provide the \c data_type /// aliases. In addition, it must make sense to use GraphRowViewConst to /// view a row of GraphType. In particular, column /// indices of a row must be accessible using the entries /// resp. colidx arrays given to the constructor of this /// class, with a constant stride between successive entries. /// The stride is one for the compressed sparse row storage format (as /// is used by CrsMatrix), but may be greater than one for other /// sparse matrix storage formats (e.g., ELLPACK or jagged diagonal). template struct GraphRowViewConst { //! The type of the column indices in the row. using ordinal_type = const typename GraphType::data_type; private: //! Array of (local) column indices in the row. ordinal_type* colidx_; /// \brief Stride between successive entries in the row. /// /// For compressed sparse row (CSR) storage, this is always one. /// This might be greater than one for storage formats like ELLPACK /// or Jagged Diagonal. Nevertheless, the stride can never be /// greater than the number of rows or columns in the matrix. Thus, /// \c ordinal_type is the correct type. const ordinal_type stride_; public: /// \brief Constructor /// /// \param values [in] Array of the row's values. /// \param colidx [in] Array of the row's column indices. /// \param stride [in] (Constant) stride between matrix entries in /// each of the above arrays. /// \param count [in] Number of entries in the row. KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION GraphRowViewConst(ordinal_type* const colidx_in, const ordinal_type& stride, const ordinal_type& count) : colidx_(colidx_in), stride_(stride), length(count) {} /// \brief Constructor with offset into \c colidx array /// /// \param colidx [in] Array of the row's column indices. /// \param stride [in] (Constant) stride between matrix entries in /// each of the above arrays. /// \param count [in] Number of entries in the row. /// \param idx [in] Start offset into \c colidx array /// /// \tparam OffsetType The type of \c idx (see above). Must be a /// built-in integer type. This may differ from ordinal_type. /// For example, the matrix may have dimensions that fit in int, /// but a number of entries that does not fit in int. template KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION GraphRowViewConst( const typename GraphType::entries_type& colidx_in, const ordinal_type& stride, const ordinal_type& count, const OffsetType& idx, const std::enable_if_t::value, int>& = 0) : colidx_(&colidx_in(idx)), stride_(stride), length(count) {} /// \brief Number of entries in the row. /// /// This is a public const field rather than a public const method, /// in order to avoid possible overhead of a method call if the /// compiler is unable to inline that method call. /// /// We assume that rows contain no duplicate entries (i.e., entries /// with the same column index). Thus, a row may have up to /// A.numCols() entries. This means that the correct type of /// 'length' is ordinal_type. const ordinal_type length; /// \brief (Const) reference to the column index of entry i in this /// row of the sparse matrix. /// /// "Entry i" is not necessarily the entry with column index i, nor /// does i necessarily correspond to the (local) row index. KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION ordinal_type& colidx(const ordinal_type& i) const { return colidx_[i * stride_]; } /// \brief An alias for colidx KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION ordinal_type& operator()(const ordinal_type& i) const { return colidx(i); } }; /// \class StaticCrsGraph /// \brief Compressed row storage array. /// /// \tparam DataType The type of stored entries. If a StaticCrsGraph is /// used as the graph of a sparse matrix, then this is usually an /// integer type, the type of the column indices in the sparse /// matrix. /// /// \tparam Arg1Type The second template parameter, corresponding /// either to the Device type (if there are no more template /// parameters) or to the Layout type (if there is at least one more /// template parameter). /// /// \tparam Arg2Type The third template parameter, which if provided /// corresponds to the Device type. /// /// \tparam Arg3Type The third template parameter, which if provided /// corresponds to the MemoryTraits. /// /// \tparam SizeType The type of row offsets. Usually the default /// parameter suffices. However, setting a nondefault value is /// necessary in some cases, for example, if you want to have a /// sparse matrices with dimensions (and therefore column indices) /// that fit in \c int, but want to store more than INT_MAX /// entries in the sparse matrix. /// /// A row has a range of entries: ///
  • row_map[i0] <= entry < row_map[i0+1]
  • ///
  • 0 <= i1 < row_map[i0+1] - row_map[i0]
  • ///
  • entries( entry , i2 , i3 , ... );
  • ///
  • entries( row_map[i0] + i1 , i2 , i3 , ... );
  • ///
template ::size_type> class StaticCrsGraph { private: using traits = ViewTraits; public: using data_type = DataType; using array_layout = typename traits::array_layout; using execution_space = typename traits::execution_space; using device_type = typename traits::device_type; using memory_traits = typename traits::memory_traits; using size_type = SizeType; using staticcrsgraph_type = StaticCrsGraph; using HostMirror = StaticCrsGraph; using row_map_type = View; using entries_type = View; using row_block_type = View; entries_type entries; row_map_type row_map; row_block_type row_block_offsets; //! Construct an empty view. KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION StaticCrsGraph() : entries(), row_map(), row_block_offsets() {} //! Copy constructor (shallow copy). KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION StaticCrsGraph(const StaticCrsGraph& rhs) : entries(rhs.entries), row_map(rhs.row_map), row_block_offsets(rhs.row_block_offsets) {} template KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION StaticCrsGraph(const EntriesType& entries_, const RowMapType& row_map_) : entries(entries_), row_map(row_map_), row_block_offsets() {} /** \brief Assign to a view of the rhs array. * If the old view is the last view * then allocated memory is deallocated. */ KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION StaticCrsGraph& operator=(const StaticCrsGraph& rhs) { entries = rhs.entries; row_map = rhs.row_map; row_block_offsets = rhs.row_block_offsets; return *this; } /** \brief Destroy this view of the array. * If the last view then allocated memory is deallocated. */ KOKKOS_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION ~StaticCrsGraph() = default; /** \brief Return number of rows in the graph */ KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION size_type numRows() const { return (row_map.extent(0) != 0) ? row_map.extent(0) - static_cast(1) : static_cast(0); } KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION constexpr bool is_allocated() const { return (row_map.is_allocated() && entries.is_allocated()); } /// \brief Return a const view of row i of the graph. /// /// If row i does not belong to the graph, return an empty view. /// /// The returned object \c view implements the following interface: ///
  • \c view.length is the number of entries in the row
  • ///
  • \c view.colidx(k) returns a const reference to the /// column index of the k-th entry in the row
  • ///
/// k is not a column index; it just counts from 0 to /// view.length - 1. /// /// Users should not rely on the return type of this method. They /// should instead assign to 'auto'. That allows compile-time /// polymorphism for different kinds of sparse matrix formats (e.g., /// ELLPACK or Jagged Diagonal) that we may wish to support in the /// future. KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION GraphRowViewConst rowConst(const data_type i) const { const size_type start = row_map(i); // count is guaranteed to fit in ordinal_type, as long as no row // has duplicate entries. const data_type count = static_cast(row_map(i + 1) - start); if (count == 0) { return GraphRowViewConst(nullptr, 1, 0); } else { return GraphRowViewConst(entries, 1, count, start); } } /** \brief Create a row partitioning into a given number of blocks * balancing non-zeros + a fixed cost per row. */ void create_block_partitioning(size_type num_blocks, size_type fix_cost_per_row = 4) { View block_offsets( "StatisCrsGraph::load_balance_offsets", num_blocks + 1); Impl::StaticCrsGraphBalancerFunctor< row_map_type, View > partitioner(row_map, block_offsets, fix_cost_per_row, num_blocks); Kokkos::parallel_for("Kokkos::StaticCrsGraph::create_block_partitioning", Kokkos::RangePolicy(0, numRows()), partitioner); typename device_type::execution_space().fence( "Kokkos::StaticCrsGraph::create_block_partitioning:: fence after " "partition"); row_block_offsets = block_offsets; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename StaticCrsGraphType::staticcrsgraph_type create_staticcrsgraph( const std::string& label, const std::vector& input); template typename StaticCrsGraphType::staticcrsgraph_type create_staticcrsgraph( const std::string& label, const std::vector >& input); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename StaticCrsGraph::HostMirror create_mirror_view(const StaticCrsGraph& input); template typename StaticCrsGraph::HostMirror create_mirror(const StaticCrsGraph& input); } // namespace Kokkos //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace Kokkos { namespace Impl { template struct StaticCrsGraphMaximumEntry { using execution_space = typename GraphType::execution_space; using value_type = typename GraphType::data_type; const typename GraphType::entries_type entries; StaticCrsGraphMaximumEntry(const GraphType& graph) : entries(graph.entries) {} KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const unsigned i, value_type& update) const { if (update < entries(i)) update = entries(i); } KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void init(value_type& update) const { update = 0; } KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void join(value_type& update, const value_type& input) const { if (update < input) update = input; } }; } // namespace Impl template DataType maximum_entry(const StaticCrsGraph& graph) { using GraphType = StaticCrsGraph; using FunctorType = Impl::StaticCrsGraphMaximumEntry; DataType result = 0; Kokkos::parallel_reduce("Kokkos::maximum_entry", graph.entries.extent(0), FunctorType(graph), result); return result; } } // namespace Kokkos //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef KOKKOS_IMPL_PUBLIC_INCLUDE_NOTDEFINED_STATICCRSGRAPH #undef KOKKOS_IMPL_PUBLIC_INCLUDE #undef KOKKOS_IMPL_PUBLIC_INCLUDE_NOTDEFINED_STATICCRSGRAPH #endif #endif /* #ifndef KOKKOS_CRSARRAY_HPP */