//@HEADER // ************************************************************************ // // Kokkos v. 4.0 // Copyright (2022) National Technology & Engineering // Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). // // Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, // the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. // // Part of Kokkos, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://kokkos.org/LICENSE for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //@HEADER #include #include // purpose of this test is to check that the reducers used // to implement some std algorithms work independently of the order namespace Test { enum class StdReducersTestEnumOrder { LeftToRight, RightToLeft, Random }; std::string order_to_string(StdReducersTestEnumOrder value) { switch (value) { case StdReducersTestEnumOrder::LeftToRight: return "LeftToRight"; case StdReducersTestEnumOrder::RightToLeft: return "RightToLeft"; case StdReducersTestEnumOrder::Random: return "Random"; } return {}; } auto create_host_view_with_reduction_order_indices( std::size_t extent, StdReducersTestEnumOrder enum_value) { using view_t = Kokkos::View; view_t result("v", extent); if (enum_value == StdReducersTestEnumOrder::LeftToRight) { result(0) = 0; result(1) = 1; result(2) = 2; result(3) = 3; result(4) = 4; result(5) = 5; result(6) = 6; result(7) = 7; result(8) = 8; result(9) = 9; } else if (enum_value == StdReducersTestEnumOrder::RightToLeft) { result(0) = 9; result(1) = 8; result(2) = 7; result(3) = 6; result(4) = 5; result(5) = 4; result(6) = 3; result(7) = 2; result(8) = 1; result(9) = 0; } else if (enum_value == StdReducersTestEnumOrder::Random) { result(0) = 0; result(1) = 8; result(2) = 3; result(3) = 2; result(4) = 9; result(5) = 4; result(6) = 6; result(7) = 1; result(8) = 7; result(9) = 5; } else { throw std::runtime_error("test: Invalid enum"); } return result; } template auto run_min_or_max_test(ViewType view, StdReducersTestEnumOrder enValue) { static_assert(std::is_same::value, "test is only enabled for HostSpace"); using view_value_type = typename ViewType::value_type; using reducer_type = std::conditional_t< (flag == 0), Kokkos::MaxFirstLoc, Kokkos::MinFirstLoc >; using reduction_value_type = typename reducer_type::value_type; reduction_value_type red_result; reducer_type reducer(red_result); EXPECT_TRUE(reducer.references_scalar()); reducer.init(red_result); auto red_order = create_host_view_with_reduction_order_indices(view.extent(0), enValue); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < view.extent(0); ++i) { const auto index = red_order(i); reducer.join(red_result, reduction_value_type{view(index), index}); } using return_type = Kokkos::pair; return return_type{red_result.val, red_result.loc}; } TEST(std_algorithms_reducers, max_first_loc) { using hostspace = Kokkos::HostSpace; using view_t = Kokkos::View; constexpr std::size_t extent = 10; view_t view_h("v", extent); view_h(0) = 0.; view_h(1) = 0.; view_h(2) = 0.; view_h(3) = 2.; view_h(4) = 2.; view_h(5) = 1.; view_h(6) = 1.; view_h(7) = 1.; view_h(8) = 1.; view_h(9) = 0.; using index_type = int; using view_value_type = typename view_t::value_type; const view_value_type gold_value = 2.; const index_type gold_location = 3; const auto pair1 = run_min_or_max_test<0, hostspace, index_type>( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::LeftToRight); ASSERT_EQ(pair1.first, gold_value) << order_to_string(StdReducersTestEnumOrder::LeftToRight); ASSERT_EQ(pair1.second, gold_location) << order_to_string(StdReducersTestEnumOrder::LeftToRight); const auto pair2 = run_min_or_max_test<0, hostspace, index_type>( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::RightToLeft); ASSERT_EQ(pair2.first, gold_value) << order_to_string(StdReducersTestEnumOrder::RightToLeft); ASSERT_EQ(pair2.second, gold_location) << order_to_string(StdReducersTestEnumOrder::RightToLeft); const auto pair3 = run_min_or_max_test<0, hostspace, index_type>( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::Random); ASSERT_EQ(pair3.first, gold_value) << order_to_string(StdReducersTestEnumOrder::Random); ASSERT_EQ(pair3.second, gold_location) << order_to_string(StdReducersTestEnumOrder::Random); } TEST(std_algorithms_reducers, min_first_loc) { using hostspace = Kokkos::HostSpace; using view_t = Kokkos::View; constexpr std::size_t extent = 10; view_t view_h("v", extent); view_h(0) = 0.; view_h(1) = 0.; view_h(2) = 0.; view_h(3) = 2.; view_h(4) = 2.; view_h(5) = -1.; view_h(6) = -1.; view_h(7) = 1.; view_h(8) = 1.; view_h(9) = 0.; using index_type = int; using view_value_type = typename view_t::value_type; const view_value_type gold_value = -1.; const index_type gold_location = 5; const auto pair1 = run_min_or_max_test<1, hostspace, index_type>( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::LeftToRight); ASSERT_EQ(pair1.first, gold_value); ASSERT_EQ(pair1.second, gold_location); const auto pair2 = run_min_or_max_test<1, hostspace, index_type>( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::RightToLeft); ASSERT_EQ(pair2.first, gold_value); ASSERT_EQ(pair2.second, gold_location); const auto pair3 = run_min_or_max_test<1, hostspace, index_type>( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::Random); ASSERT_EQ(pair3.first, gold_value); ASSERT_EQ(pair3.second, gold_location); } template void run_min_max_test(ViewType view, StdReducersTestEnumOrder enValue, const ValuesPair gold_values, const IndexPair gold_locs) { static_assert(std::is_same::value, "test is only enabled for HostSpace"); using view_value_type = typename ViewType::value_type; using reducer_type = Kokkos::MinMaxFirstLastLoc; using reduction_value_type = typename reducer_type::value_type; reduction_value_type red_result; reducer_type reducer(red_result); EXPECT_TRUE(reducer.references_scalar()); reducer.init(red_result); auto red_order = create_host_view_with_reduction_order_indices(view.extent(0), enValue); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < view.extent(0); ++i) { const auto index = red_order(i); reducer.join(red_result, reduction_value_type{view(index), view(index), index, index}); } ASSERT_EQ(red_result.min_val, gold_values.first) << order_to_string(enValue); ASSERT_EQ(red_result.max_val, gold_values.second) << order_to_string(enValue); ASSERT_EQ(red_result.min_loc, gold_locs.first) << order_to_string(enValue); ASSERT_EQ(red_result.max_loc, gold_locs.second) << order_to_string(enValue); } TEST(std_algorithms_reducers, min_max_first_last_loc) { using hostspace = Kokkos::HostSpace; using view_t = Kokkos::View; constexpr std::size_t extent = 10; view_t view_h("v", extent); view_h(0) = 0.; view_h(1) = 0.; view_h(2) = 0.; view_h(3) = 2.; view_h(4) = 2.; view_h(5) = -1.; view_h(6) = 1.; view_h(7) = -1.; view_h(8) = 2.; view_h(9) = 0.; using index_type = int; using view_value_type = typename view_t::value_type; Kokkos::pair gold_values = {-1., 2.}; Kokkos::pair gold_indices = {5, 8}; run_min_max_test( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::LeftToRight, gold_values, gold_indices); run_min_max_test( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::RightToLeft, gold_values, gold_indices); run_min_max_test( view_h, StdReducersTestEnumOrder::Random, gold_values, gold_indices); } } // namespace Test