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Build / cuda-ndebug-orange / (from CTest)

Took 2.2 sec.

Standard Output

Running /var/jenkins/workspace/celeritas_develop/build/bin/celer-sim
status: Loading input and initializing problem data
status: Initializing Geant4 run manager
status: Initializing Geant4 geometry
info: Loading Geant4 geometry from GDML at /var/jenkins/workspace/celeritas_develop/app/data/simple-cms.gdml
status: Building Geant4 physics tables
/var/jenkins/workspace/celeritas_develop/app/celer-sim/ warning: Geometry contains surfaces that are incompatible with the current ORANGE simple safety algorithm: multiple scattering may result in arbitrarily small steps
status: Transferring data from Geant4
status: Loading external elemental data
info: Opening HepMC3 input file at /var/jenkins/workspace/celeritas_develop/app/data/gamma-3evt-15prim.hepmc3
info: Opening HepMC3 input file at /var/jenkins/workspace/celeritas_develop/app/data/gamma-3evt-15prim.hepmc3
status: Celeritas core setup complete
info: Creating 3 device streams
status: Creating states
status: Celeritas core state initialization complet...
[This part of the test output was removed since it exceeds the threshold of 1024 bytes.]