/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2017-2022 by the ArborX authors * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of the ArborX library. ArborX is * * distributed under a BSD 3-clause license. For the licensing terms see * * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory. * * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * ****************************************************************************/ #include "ArborX_BoostGeometryAdapters.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE BoostGeometryAdapters namespace bg = boost::geometry; namespace details = ArborX::Details; // Conveniently importing Point and Box in ArborX::Details:: namespace // and declaring type aliases within boost::geometry:: so that we are able to // just use details:: and bg:: to specify what geometry or algorithm we mean. namespace ArborX { namespace Details { using Box = ArborX::Box<3>; using Point = ArborX::Point<3>; } // namespace Details } // namespace ArborX namespace boost { namespace geometry { using Point = model::point; using Box = model::box; } // namespace geometry } // namespace boost BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(equals) { details::Point point = {{1., 2., 3.}}; BOOST_TEST(details::equals(point, {{1., 2., 3.}})); BOOST_TEST(!details::equals(point, {{0., 0., 0.}})); BOOST_TEST(bg::equals(point, bg::make(1., 2., 3.))); BOOST_TEST(!bg::equals(point, bg::make(4., 5., 6.))); BOOST_TEST(bg::equals(point, bg::make(1., 2., 3.))); BOOST_TEST(!bg::equals(point, bg::make(0., 0., 0.))); details::Box box = {{{1., 2., 3.}}, {{4., 5., 6.}}}; BOOST_TEST(details::equals(box, {{{1., 2., 3.}}, {{4., 5., 6.}}})); BOOST_TEST(!details::equals(box, {{{0., 0., 0.}}, {{1., 1., 1.}}})); BOOST_TEST(bg::equals(box, details::Box{{{1., 2., 3.}}, {{4., 5., 6.}}})); BOOST_TEST(!bg::equals(box, details::Box{{{0., 0., 0.}}, {{1., 1., 1.}}})); BOOST_TEST(bg::equals(box, bg::Box(bg::make(1., 2., 3.), bg::make(4., 5., 6.)))); BOOST_TEST(!bg::equals(box, bg::Box(bg::make(0., 0., 0.), bg::make(1., 1., 1.)))); // Now just for fun compare the ArborX box to a Boost.Geometry box composed // of ArborX points. BOOST_TEST(bg::equals( box, bg::model::box({{1., 2., 3.}}, {{4., 5., 6.}}))); BOOST_TEST(!bg::equals( box, bg::model::box({{0., 0., 0.}}, {{0., 0., 0.}}))); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(distance) { // NOTE unsure if should test for floating point equality here details::Point a = {{0., 0., 0.}}; details::Point b = {{0., 1., 0.}}; BOOST_TEST(details::distance(a, b) == 1.); BOOST_TEST(bg::distance(a, b) == 1.); std::tie(a, b) = std::make_pair( {{0., 0., 0.}}, {{1., 1., 1.}}); BOOST_TEST(details::distance(a, b) == std::sqrt(3.f)); BOOST_TEST(bg::distance(a, b) == std::sqrt(3.0)); BOOST_TEST(details::distance(a, a) == 0.); BOOST_TEST(bg::distance(a, a) == 0.); details::Box unit_box = {{{0., 0., 0.}}, {{1., 1., 1.}}}; details::Point p = {{.5, .5, .5}}; // NOTE ArborX has no overload distance( Box, Point ) BOOST_TEST(details::distance(p, unit_box) == 0.); // BOOST_TEST( details::distance( unit_box, p ) == 0. ); BOOST_TEST(bg::distance(p, unit_box) == 0.); BOOST_TEST(bg::distance(unit_box, p) == 0.); p = {{-1., -1., -1.}}; BOOST_TEST(details::distance(p, unit_box) == std::sqrt(3.f)); BOOST_TEST(bg::distance(p, unit_box) == std::sqrt(3.0)); p = {{-1., .5, -1.}}; BOOST_TEST(details::distance(p, unit_box) == std::sqrt(2.f)); BOOST_TEST(bg::distance(p, unit_box) == std::sqrt(2.0)); p = {{-1., .5, .5}}; BOOST_TEST(details::distance(p, unit_box) == 1.); BOOST_TEST(bg::distance(p, unit_box) == 1.); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(expand) { using details::equals; details::Box box; // NOTE even though not considered valid, default constructed ArborX box can // be expanded using Boost.Geometry algorithm. BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(box)); bg::expand(box, details::Point{{0., 0., 0.}}); details::expand(box, details::Point{{1., 1., 1.}}); BOOST_TEST(equals(box, {{{0., 0., 0.}}, {{1., 1., 1.}}})); bg::expand(box, details::Box{{{1., 2., 3.}}, {{4., 5., 6.}}}); details::expand(box, details::Box{{{-1., -2., -3.}}, {{0., 0., 0.}}}); BOOST_TEST(equals(box, {{{-1., -2., -3.}}, {{4., 5., 6.}}})); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(centroid) { using details::equals; // Interestingly enough, even though for Boost.Geometry, the ArborX default // constructed "empty" box is not valid, it will still calculate its // centroid. Admittedly, the result (centroid at origin) is garbage :) details::Box empty_box = {}; BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(empty_box)); BOOST_TEST( equals(bg::return_centroid(empty_box), {{0., 0., 0.}})); BOOST_TEST(equals(details::returnCentroid(empty_box), {{0., 0., 0.}})); details::Box unit_box = {{{0., 0., 0.}}, {{1., 1., 1.}}}; BOOST_TEST( equals(bg::return_centroid(unit_box), {{.5, .5, .5}})); BOOST_TEST(equals(details::returnCentroid(unit_box), {{.5, .5, .5}})); details::Point a_point = {{1., 2., 3.}}; BOOST_TEST(equals(bg::return_centroid(a_point), a_point)); BOOST_TEST(equals(details::returnCentroid(a_point), a_point)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(is_valid) { details::Box empty_box = {}; BOOST_TEST(!details::isValid(empty_box)); std::string message; BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(empty_box, message)); BOOST_TEST(message == "Box has corners in wrong order"); details::Box a_box = {{{0., 0., 0.}}, {{0., 0., 0.}}}; BOOST_TEST(!details::isValid(a_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(a_box, message)); BOOST_TEST(message == "Geometry has wrong topological dimension"); details::Box unit_box = {{{0., 0., 0.}}, {{1., 1., 1.}}}; BOOST_TEST(details::isValid(unit_box)); BOOST_TEST(bg::is_valid(unit_box)); details::Box invalid_box = {{{1., 2., 3.}}, {{4., NAN, 6.}}}; BOOST_TEST(!details::isValid(invalid_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(invalid_box, message)); BOOST_TEST(message == "Geometry has point(s) with invalid coordinate(s)"); details::Box other_invalid_box = {{{1., 5., 3.}}, {{4., 3., 6.}}}; BOOST_TEST(!details::isValid(other_invalid_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(other_invalid_box, message)); BOOST_TEST(message == "Box has corners in wrong order"); constexpr auto infty = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); other_invalid_box = {{{1., 5., 3.}}, {{infty, 3., 6.}}}; BOOST_TEST(!details::isValid(other_invalid_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(other_invalid_box, message)); BOOST_TEST(message == "Geometry has point(s) with invalid coordinate(s)"); other_invalid_box = {{{1., 5., infty}}, {{4., 3., 6.}}}; BOOST_TEST(!details::isValid(other_invalid_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(other_invalid_box, message)); BOOST_TEST(message == "Geometry has point(s) with invalid coordinate(s)"); details::Point a_point = {{1., 2., 3.}}; BOOST_TEST(details::isValid(a_point)); BOOST_TEST(bg::is_valid(a_point)); details::Point invalid_point = {{infty, 1.41, 3.14}}; BOOST_TEST(!details::isValid(invalid_point)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_valid(invalid_point, message)); BOOST_TEST(message == "Geometry has point(s) with invalid coordinate(s)"); // Also Boost.Geometry has a is_empty() algorithm but it has a different // meaning, it checks whether a geometry is an empty set and always returns // false for a point or a box. BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_empty(empty_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_empty(a_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_empty(unit_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::is_empty(a_point)); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(intersects) { details::Box const unit_box = {{{0., 0., 0.}}, {{1., 1., 1.}}}; // self-intersection BOOST_TEST(details::intersects(unit_box, unit_box)); BOOST_TEST(bg::intersects(unit_box, unit_box)); // share a corner details::Box other_box = {{{1., 1., 1.}}, {{2., 2., 2.}}}; BOOST_TEST(details::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); BOOST_TEST(bg::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); // share an edge other_box = {{{1., 0., 1.}}, {{2., 1., 2.}}}; BOOST_TEST(details::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); BOOST_TEST(bg::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); // share a face other_box = {{{0., -1., 0.}}, {{1., 0., 1.}}}; BOOST_TEST(details::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); BOOST_TEST(bg::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); // contains the other box other_box = {{{.3, .3, .3}}, {{.6, .6, .6}}}; BOOST_TEST(details::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); BOOST_TEST(bg::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); // within the other box other_box = {{{-1., -1., -1.}}, {{2., 2., 2.}}}; BOOST_TEST(details::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); BOOST_TEST(bg::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); // intersecting other_box = {{{.5, .5, .5}}, {{2., 2., 2.}}}; BOOST_TEST(details::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); BOOST_TEST(bg::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); // disjoint other_box = {{{1., 2., 3.}}, {{4., 5., 6.}}}; BOOST_TEST(!details::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); BOOST_TEST(!bg::intersects(unit_box, other_box)); }