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Build / CUDA-11.5.2-NVCC-CUDA-AWARE-MPI / projectroot.benchmarks.distributed_tree_driver.ArborX_Benchmark_DistributedTree (from CTest)

Took 3.6 sec.

Standard Output

ArborX version: 1.6 (dev)
ArborX hash   : 40ca8ba8
Kokkos version: 4.1.0

Running with arguments:
perform knn search      : true
perform radius search   : true
#points/MPI process     : 20000
#queries/MPI process    : 5000
size of shift           : 1
dimension               : 3
shift-queries           : false

construction done
knn done
radius done

TimeMonitor results over 4 processors
Timer Name   | MinOverProcs | MeanOverProcs | MaxOverProcs
construction | 3.920432e-01 |  3.921728e-01 | 3.924243e-01
knn          | 7.757257e-02 |  7.906491e-02 | 7.998811e-02
radius       | 2.689373e-02 |  2.707758e-02 | 2.720560e-02